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reusing boon totems

Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

should be a perk on it's on. like hex undying.

and the fact that it isn't, is ridiculous.

Longer version.

-Boons are the survivor counterpart for hexes, such is obvious.

-Hexes are high risk-high reward. The buff you get is great, but they can easily be disabled by survivors for the entire game.

-Boons are no risk-high reward. The buff you get is great, and it also can get easily disabled by the killer, but you can just make a new one at a better spot, no risk involved.

-The downside of boons is supposed to be the "limited" range. but it really doesn't matter when you can just have another one at a different part of the map.

-There are 4 survivors and only 1 killer. If a survivor takes, say, 30 seconds to find a hex and destroy it, the other 3 survivors are still able to advance their objective and get the gens done.

-if the killer takes those same 30 seconds to find a boon and disable it, that's 30 seconds of no advance towards their goal. and the survivor can just put it back up again. meaning those 30 seconds accomplished nothing and are purely a negative for the killer.

-Killers have perks to help protect their hexes, which are other hexes that can also be destroyed, such as thrill of the hunt and undying. but they take a perk slot and severely impacts any build you might wanna use.

-Survivors don't have any perks to protect boons, they can just inately respawn them with no downside besides taking 14 seconds to make another, which isn't an actual downside when there's potentially 3 other survivors advancing the objectives. and even without that, the downside is insanely small.

-When hex:undying used to potentially respawn another hex 3 times (meaning, using all 5 totems avaiable) survivors complained it was too much, to which I agree, and the devs listened and changed it to just 1.

-Yet, the same consideration didn't go into boon totems. because they have infinite uses. This is just straight up unfair design.

-Killer work in 1st person while survivors work in 3rd person. Meaning looking around for totems is a lot easier for survivors.

-Boons should be 1 use only, making them high risk-high reward like hexes, and should require another perk slot to be used up to get ONE extra use of them.

-Killers should have something inately built into their kit to compensate to the different pov of the camera when looking for totems. potentially seeing their aura at X range.

that's it, that's the thread.


  • Duvie
    Duvie Member Posts: 80
    edited October 2021

    Why would a killer take 30 seconds to find a boon and destroy it.

    Again theres a large difference between Boons and hexes you completely ignored. Boons take 15 seconds to activate, and 1 second to destroy.

    The downside of the boons aren't just the "limited range", its that plus the set up time, and the fact that it gets removed in literally one second.

    You can't balance Boons in the same way you do hexes because they are NOT the same.

    if you wan't to balance them the same way, you'd have to make them the same otherwise its a no.

    If there is a change, it needs to be something else unique to boons that make them more fair for the killer, but trying to balance them around hexes is just silly. Like perhaps relighting a boon after its been cleansed can take a cooldown of a minute and a half or something.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556
    edited October 2021

    Why would a killer take 30 seconds to find a boon and destroy it.

    you really choosing to focus on the time there? really?

    Again theres a large difference between Boons and hexes you completely ignored. Boons take 15 seconds to activate, and 1 second to destroy.

    and? how does that change anything?

    The downside of the boons aren't just the "limited range", its that plus the set up time, and the fact that it gets removed in literally one second.

    I literally explained in my post why the set up time does not matter at all.

    You can't balance Boons in the same way you do hexes because they are NOT the same.

    you mean the perks that activate around totems and can be disabled by the other party in the match are not the same? Do you really wanna die on that hill?

    if you wan't to balance them the same way, you'd have to make them the same otherwise its a no.

    ... you are just in denial aren't you?

    If there is a change, it needs to be something else unique to boons that make them more fair for the killer,

    literally the only line here that makes me think you actually aren't a sluzzy alternate account... even if it doesn't really make sense. you don't need anything else besides remove the infinite uses it has.

    but trying to balance them around hexes is just silly

    because you don't like it?

    Like perhaps relighting a boon after its been cleansed can take a cooldown of a minute and a half or something.

    or... maybe the survivor has to crouch before relighting it. The effect in about the same as your suggestion.