This is a me problem but I'm so close to quitting DBD altogether

After the implementation of SBMM and the devs constantly ignoring player input, I am so f-ing close to uninstalling this game. As killer, I am constantly getting frustrated over only and I mean ONLY playing against sweaty SWF squads that give me no chance of winning whatsoever. When I first started playing DBD (when Ghost Face was released) it was so much fun as I thought I was winning/losing an even amount of times and making ACTUAL PROGRESS towards getting better at the game.

But now with the introduction of SBMM, I haven't won a single game and I can't make any progress on getting better because I have no control over how the match plays out, and for the life of me I can't figure out what to improve on as killer because each game goes the same exact way: Survivors gen-rush and the gates are opened within 5 minutes, regardless of how many slowdown perks I use. Additionally, it makes my blood BOIL when survivors taunt you and rub it in your face that you cant win by t-bagging, flashlight clicking, etc.

To the devs, fix your goddamn game. It's not fun anymore for me, and for loads of other people in this community. This game has so much potential if you guys were to actually take our input seriously. The fact that you guys ignore us 9/10 times is infuriating and makes a lot of us want to just quit playing your game completely. So for the love of God, please please please PLEASE balance the game for Killers.

I'm also welcome to hearing other people's input as I know I probably sound biased lmao. All I ask is that you are respectful of my opinions, thanks :)


  • Sakurra
    Sakurra Member Posts: 1,046

    Sorry to say, but it's very hard (or impossible) to balance a game that is based on perks. That's my opinion.

  • dbarranco
    dbarranco Member Posts: 97

    Hmm, I never thought about it like that, and you do have a point. Maybe If I put some sort of mental block around these bad games maybe I'll have more fun. Thank you for your input :)

  • dbarranco
    dbarranco Member Posts: 97

    I don't think you're disrespecting my opinion but I'm curious about why you think that :)

  • scenekiller
    scenekiller Member Posts: 890

    It's definitely hard to do, the really rough matches stick out so badly, so I totally get it.

    What I found to help me was forcing myself to laugh at the absurdity of things not going well. It feels weird at first, but then you actually start to find it funny lol.

  • slendermansmoom
    slendermansmoom Member Posts: 544

    just run meme builds it can remind anybody how fun dbd is and winning doesn't matter.

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    I mean you'll get use to it in time, I still get agitated and iv played it since release but I'm not where near that stage it's more like "yep, typical DBD rubbish".

    Swf is unbalanced with SBMM but we balance around bad players and that wont change, but like someone mentioned @Sakurra, the game is more balanced around perks not base. I had a game today versing a pretty bad team (got first down in 20seconds from match start, mindgamed a jungle gym, no long chase) but I just lost due to a big map, no gen defense... just what it is

  • Artemisha
    Artemisha Member Posts: 401

    We deserve more than a tunnel camp vs gen rush simulator. Hate this meta.

    We want close matches, action, chases and games that are not done in 5 minutes.

    Give us another game mode meanwhile u adress these boring unfun mechanics.

  • dbarranco
    dbarranco Member Posts: 97

    I think that's a good idea, I'll try that out! I really appreciate your response :)

  • Astrian
    Astrian Member Posts: 320

    I don't get why people continue playing a game that they don't have fun with.

    Just play a different game lmao. It's not hard

  • Sakurra
    Sakurra Member Posts: 1,046

    I feel your frustrations tho. And I would like a mode with no perks, items or add-ons. I'm really curious how it will be.

  • Clowning
    Clowning Member Posts: 886

    Because not only is it statistically unlikely, but it is also the oldest cope in the book. Anytime Survivors display any level of game sense, Killers seem to assume they're facing one of these SWF DEATH SQUADS.

    I think it'd be great if we could see who's in party with who, not only would that allow Killers to prepare, yes for some that would mean lobby dodge, but it will also dispel this myth of all good solo players being in a squad at all times.

  • dbarranco
    dbarranco Member Posts: 97

    You do have a good point, and as someone mentioned earlier, I might just be focusing on bad matches. As for your idea on seeing who's in a party, I think that would be a really good addition to the game :)

  • DbD_Enjoyer
    DbD_Enjoyer Member Posts: 459

    If you have hope, you can still playing, but if you dont (specially because this game always mannage to frustrate us with every update), you should just uninstall and move on.

    Maybe you should go play Civ. 5 or something else, did you see Diablo 2 remastered just launched? I'm having a blast with it, if you like the ARPG genre, i strongly reccomend it!

  • Sakurra
    Sakurra Member Posts: 1,046

    Ah lol. I got so confused. I replied to the wrong person the first time lol. Yah, my opinion is that perks, items, add-ons, discord makes this game unbalanced. Maybe I'm wrong, but that's what I think.

  • ignaeon
    ignaeon Member Posts: 106

    You feel like you have no control because killers have no control over the match. Everything we can do relies on punishing survivor mistakes outside of face camping or playing nurse.

  • Foxy_Teltac
    Foxy_Teltac Member Posts: 277

    If you need to, take a break. I've taken breaks before and I promise, you'll come back better

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,165

    SBMM has basically created the same issues we had around the anniversary event. Survivors focus on gens to escape more because as far as we know only escaping matters for Survivor mmr - just like how survivors had to escape for crown. Because survivors are trying harder to get gens done killers start playing harder to stop them. This then becomes vicious circle of both sides playing more sweaty matches, which then makes bad matches feel much worse. So you're not playing against swf each time - just stuck in the crappy loop of sweaty matches from all players with (unfortunately) no way out except to stop caring about winning.

    Best thing to do is take a break, most times that helps. If you don't want to take a break then maybe start giving yourself different goals to "win" in a match or meme around. Survivors getting gens done quickly? Open one door and prevent them from opening the other. Can run NOED because they probably aren't doing totems and first door will make them think you're running Blood Warden. Survivors will legit kill themselves during end game trying to open a door you won't let them open. On a map like Haddonfield? Protect the Myers house. Don't let anyone work on the Myers gen or get the item from the basement. Again, they will kill themselves trying to do both of those. Play as GF and play hide and seek - works best on maps where you can be on second floor of building. Go into stealth mode, randomly mark players and watch them scatter worried about being downed, if they find you go to a new spot and repeat. Be basement Bubba and protect your chest. Any other main building just protect the gen there, no one can finish it - survivors will die trying to do the one gen you decided they can't work on. 😂 Overall just find other ways to make the game fun for you if you want to keep playing.

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171

    If you only care about winning this game is not for you. You must figure out a way to enjoy the game win or lose. Hate T-bagging survivors? use ghostface and do it back. Hate clicky clicks? use Lightborn and destroy them (Very easy to do). I use to get so tilted in this game so I understand where you are coming from but as killer it's up to you to determine your fun. Play for hooks/BBQ is what I recommend. They want to rush and leave in 3 minutes let them....Don't feed them chase points in end game unless you think you can for sure down them just move to next trial.

    Once you can control your feelings the game is fun and you play better when having fun...compared to angry play which tends to make it worse. Now I can play my way, win most of my games, even let a sole survivor get hatch. Playing survivor your fun can be destroyed by tunneling, camping, slugging, bad teammates, etc. So in my book killer controls the fun in the match because these tactics are a choice.

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    Oh no worries, well to me killers need gen defense as at base game its terrible. But I guess it depends what you class as a win, for me when I play either side I care about chases and a longer match. Short ones bore me. But those things make a huge impact, if played since the games release so iv been in all situations and swf makes a huge difference just due to coms and items and perks can help alot, especially as you progress higher in mmr

  • Sumnox
    Sumnox Member Posts: 605

    I play solo survivor in higher MMR. Mostly getting destroyed with tremendous amount of camping and tunnelling. Sometimes 1 person escapes through gates or gets hatch. Usually not though.

  • SloppyVoldemort
    SloppyVoldemort Member Posts: 452

    I can understand your frustration.

    What I do in situations like that, where the genrush is just stupid and I don't stand any chance, I just let them rush their gens and let them escape. No need to bother with those teams. Take a small bathroom break, get some snacks or drinks, make yourself comfortable. Hell, maybe exercise in the mean time.

    I just did the laundry when I got 0 hooks with 1 gen left because the genrush was abysmal. (before MMR). I just go afk, let them get their easy win and move on. In the meantime my household stuff was done and I was way more relaxed. I also just focus on other challenges or dailies when playing killer. I don't expect anything anymore with this game in terms of kills with all the second chance perks.

    Hopefully you can find a way for yourself to enjoy killer more. This game can be really fun, if you can manage to make it fun for yourself or takes small breaks when the survivors are just there for an easy win (and want to cry because they don't get any pips because you didn't participate in the game anymore since they didn't care for your fun).

  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,445

    If I may make a suggestion. Stop using the Killer meta and take a look at some of the less used and less well known perks.

    Half of the reason I almost never run the Killer meta is because it'll let you down and let you down hard if you start having a bad game. Seriously. BBQ and Pop both require hooks to do anything. Ruin will only do things if you can get Survivors to leave their gens... which the main way you do that outside of physically being there is by forcing them to rescue downed and hooked teammates. Because of that... I don't use them. If I'm consistently getting hooks, I don't need to snowball like crazy. I'd rather have Perks that I can use to hopefully salvage a bad game. Recently I had a Pig game that started going very sideways but I pulled it back with 1 generator left in no small part because I had Oppression and Overcharge and those perks don't care how badly your game is going... you just need to go kick a Gen.

    The other half is that I personally really enjoy coming up with my own ways to succeed that aren't meta.

    Another suggestion is to get good with a Killer who has a fantastic Anti Loop power that the Survivors can't actually stop cold. Then switch to that Killer if/when you start getting frustrated. Ghostface is a good killer, but Anti Loop is not his specialty. My current choice for this is Deathslinger. They might outpace me, but I'm going to put them on the floor and on hooks unless my aim is off. The idiotic changes on the PTB might ruin him for me... but we'll see.

  • Apexgnifrums
    Apexgnifrums Member Posts: 335

    Times of pubstomping is over it seems. Good. Because all it took in solo Q was one trash teammate to throw the entire match.

  • Marik13
    Marik13 Member Posts: 683

    Honestly, I've been keeping an eye on VHS at this point. That game looks like they put in a solution to some of the issues plaguing DBD and the devs looks like they're actually listening to the players and learning from other games. I suggest giving it a look at the very least. I want to try the beta

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,702

    What is VHS?? Been seeing a lot of ppl on here talk about it but i’m just curious.

  • Hex_Llama
    Hex_Llama Member Posts: 1,822

    I agree that it's frustrating when people are rude. I don't understand the matchmaking discrepancy, though. If you're getting a bunch of 0Ks, you should drop down in MMR and get matched with survivors who don't know what they're doing, regardless of whether they're in a group. The system shouldn't keep giving you really strong teams.

  • justbecause
    justbecause Member Posts: 1,521

    Cry fest never stops here

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    I totally sympathize, but it's miles better than it was a year ago. Back then, killers had absolutely no MMR/rank based matchmaking (they had it for a while, but apparently it led to long queue times and was disabled). So many ridiculous games where I'd be playing a level 13 killer I was trying to level and run into full SWF stacks with meta perks.

    As things stand, the easiest solution would be following others' fixes for this exact issue.

    Put a soft MMR multiplier in place for SWF groups, to offset the power they have. This would increase as more players join the SWF (so, let's say a 2 stack has a 1.2x multiplier, a 4 stack has a 1.6x).

    This would mean that:

    • small SWF groups would face slightly higher MMR killers than if they queued solo.
    • Full SWF groups would face a significantly higher MMR killer.
    • Solo players would be unaffected.
  • Snowbawlzzz
    Snowbawlzzz Member Posts: 1,419

    We've seen the datamines and know that there are vastly more high-mmr killers than survivors

    the small survivor pool is largely SWF

  • Ghouled_Mojo
    Ghouled_Mojo Member Posts: 2,287

    I’ve been getting wrecked since SBMM was brought in. Killer games are just trash for me right now.

  • KerJuice
    KerJuice Member Posts: 1,876

    @dbarranco you don’t sound biased at all, brother. I’m a survivor main and I’m not having much fun dealing with SBMM either. I keep getting potato teammates who do the dumbest ######### like pulling you & other teammates off hook while in chase, intentional sandbagging, puppy syndrome (follows you around then sandbags for window or pallet when killer comes), doesn’t body block, doesn’t do gens, doesn’t go for pinhead’s lament box, ragequits, AFK’s, and a bunch of other really scrubby #########. I don’t play like that so why am I getting teamed up with them?? I know they say Grades don’t matter, but I’m usually the only IRI grade out the team while the rest are looking like an Olympic Podium (Gold, Silver, Ashe). Then to top it all off half the time we get pretty decent killers on my level or better, in IRI grade as me. It feels like the system throws me in to “balance” the team, but i can’t carry players like that. Most games if I die first because players didn’t get me at first hook, I have more points than all of them, with a 2-3K difference. It’s frustrating. Game after game I keep getting that. I’m about to call it quits as well.

  • Marik13
    Marik13 Member Posts: 683

    It's the new asymmetrical game coming out. You can see some videos of gameplay showing off both sides and how they work with the monsters and teens. It looks pretty fun and seems like the devs actually listen and have learned from other games and their problems. Look up Hellbent Games, that's the game studios' YouTube where you can see a bit of the game. Again looks like fun and it looks pretty promising.