Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

People are overreacting to the new changes

WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,082
edited October 2021 in General Discussions

The devs will likely tone down the boon perks. Plague and Trapper are receiving good buffs and keys finally got changes. And with some more perks getting good buffs like Blood Favor and Retribution. (Bonus Ghostface not add-on dependent).Yes Spirit and Deathslinger were nerfed. But overall this wasn’t a balance patch tilted to one side. Too many people are saying killer is dead now and everyone should go play survivor



  • Shaped
    Shaped Member Posts: 5,869
    edited October 2021

    They will tone them down for sure but, is adding a second objective for the killer really a good idea in the current state of the game?

    I dunno, first I was like you but now the more I think about it the more I think it is not really a good idea unless they are really unappealing to use so you see them rarely.

  • R2k
    R2k Member Posts: 1,069

    While I agree Dbd community is more like babies and mods don't punish similar crying topics spam, people expected more love for killers. Legion, Clown, Pig and others currently are kinda weak and require killer player to be much better than survivors to get some kills (And i mean MUCH better not similar skill. Because similar skill is a tie, and tie=win for survivor). Not even talking about 4K.

    Boon totems is interesting idea but it's impact on current meta isn't significant and people won't stop running meta builds or playing dirty.

    If u did poll before patch notes and ask people who they think needs some buffs or nerfs none would suggest Plague or Deathslinger so it was big surprise they changed something about them.

  • CrowVortex
    CrowVortex Member Posts: 961

    I think it's a good patch but my only concern is boons being relightable without an internal cooldown. For instance i snuff one totem, chase that survivor, another begins to relight the same totem, i down the survivor being chased with Victor, go through a 7 second stun and then walk over with Charlotte, by then they've already been healed up to full if in the totem radius. Totem's can currently overlap, so essentially it now becomes a stalemate with the totems. Maybe perhaps snuffing a totem blocks it by the entity for 60-90 seconds.

  • slendermansmoom
    slendermansmoom Member Posts: 544

    people aren't neccesary overreacting the changes are kinda broken. 2 words BOON TOTEMS

  • Astrian
    Astrian Member Posts: 320

    If it's a huge map then the boon totems won't be strong lmao. You're acting like map isn't huge for survivors as well lmao.

  • R2k
    R2k Member Posts: 1,069

    As far as i see it, u don't need meds now. Boon allows u to heal yourself. Set boon totem and pick toolbox or map. I guess until steamers teach everyone on how to use it, none will think it's strong.

  • Astrian
    Astrian Member Posts: 320

    SWF don't need Boon Totems, they were already gonna win. If anything Boon Totems are going to slow them down.

  • Mistikus
    Mistikus Member Posts: 1,347

    going with this logic devs shoudlt give any perks to survivors couse swf " will abuse them", and probably after ptb the healing boon totem wont be stacking with anything boosting healing even more

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,140

    Do survivors not get to see the boon totems' auras? I can't play the PTB on console, so I've only seen a bit of other people playing. The person who sets down the boon totem sees the totem's aura. All survivors should see that, otherwise the boon totem mechanic completely favors SWF.

  • Kurri
    Kurri Member Posts: 1,599

    If we consider past updates the boon totems will likely come out exactly how they are in the PTB, so no we are not over reacting. All of the survivor buffs and the addition of boon totems ruined the game. Over the next few weeks we are going to see a massive decrease in killer players and if they don't do something to stop it fast we will end up with just another Deathgarden.

  • Mistikus
    Mistikus Member Posts: 1,347

    all survivors see the a boon aura on ptb, it might get changed tho

  • ignaeon
    ignaeon Member Posts: 106

    The difference between boon and hex totems, along with the slinger nerf, show that bhvr's design policy is to remove as much control from the killer as possible.

    I fully suspect that if there is a killer exodus, they will add bot killers instead of changing this stance.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,140

    Oh, that's good. I hope that part doesn't get changed.

    Personally, I think before going live the boon totems just need a few changes (no stacking, no moving a boon totem, and a cooldown on placing a new one after the killer snuffs it) and otherwise I'd like to see how they play out for a while. If they get nerfed heavily no one will ever use them and we'll never even be able to tell if they would've been useful.

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    You do not need to use them to tell that they are useful as they are right now, they are really strong.

    Boons should work the same way as Hexes, if they get broken they get 1 less perk, right now I found them to be even worse than breaking walls and very time consuming if you are not using a high mobility killer.

    But yeah your ideas are great and it is probably what will happen.

    This PTB was my last chance to continue playing killer, if it goes live as is I will just change to survivor only.

  • Mistikus
    Mistikus Member Posts: 1,347

    in my opinion they wont break a meta, for me stacking should go that for sure, reliting boon totem is more beneficial to killer since it takes out survivor of gens for a while, i played ptb for couple day and people strated to not use them often

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,140

    I'm iffy on whether or not they should be able to be moved, honestly. On the one hand, yeah, they might be spending more time blessing totems, but on the other it's a moveable med station/aura-blocker that they can just set up each time they come across a new totem instead of having to first scout totems and try to determine the best spot. It could go either way, but not being able to move totems would give the killer a second way to counter the things without requiring them to spend time snuffing it out: leave the totem standing in a dead zone and the survivor who set it can't put it in a better area.

  • The_C12H15NO2
    The_C12H15NO2 Member Posts: 335

    I agree, this is a mixed bag of changes. If boon totems become meta as they are then i see killers dropping hex perks entirely. Prob change gameplay to slug fest as a way to slow down gen progress against above average teams. BHVR most likely will make minimal changes if any after PTB and instead opt to wait 6+ months to see how the changes perform live.

    IMO the only changes boons need is they shouldn't be able to wipe a killer hex totem & if the killer stomps them out, it breaks the totem. Besides that i don't mind their addition to the game.

  • Mistikus
    Mistikus Member Posts: 1,347

    i see your point, i think we should wait till it hit live servers and see how it will playes out at normal matches

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,697

    I can see survivors running boon perks but later eventually I feel like most of them are gonna go back to running the same old meta builds.

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,697

    The boon totems MOST likely will be getting toned down. That healing perk is too OP, even sloppy and dying light can’t help it.

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,291

    I would assume that boon totems will get a change to where their effects don't stack with themselves. IE: If you're in two healing circle radii, you don't get double the heal speed boost.

    Anything more than that will probably just forward the perks to the bin along with every other perk that people thought would break the game. I suspect that they'll be too situational to be worth the time investment.

  • WishIcouldmain
    WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,082

    And Trapper buffs, Plague buffs(quite deadly), perks like Blood Favor having deadly synergy with Trickster and Nemesis. Retribution buff which with instant downs can be super effective. And changes to hatch and keys definitely show a quite clear bias. And the devs couldn’t just change it a week after.

  • Kyxlect
    Kyxlect Member Posts: 230
    edited October 2021

    You know, I thought the same thing about We're Gonna Live Forever when it popped up in the PTB with +100% heal rate on Survivors in the dying state. Like no way Behavior's gonna let that go through, healing is such a big deal in this game. But guess what? It did go through. I wonder how many of you dismissing it as a PTB thing will admit you were wrong or take the Killer's side and say it's overpowered after it goes through.

    When I read the patch notes the boon totems and buffing Built to Last to broken just overshadowed anything positive they did for Killer. You people need to stop dismissing it and start saying it's overpowered so behavior gets the hint.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,140

    Does anyone ever run WGLF except me and my friend? I never see it. People only ever talk about the stacks and seem to dismiss its strength against slugging.

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,291
    edited October 2021

    I don't think WGLF is the right thing to try and build your point around, considering it's an F-tier perk if not for the bonus BP. No one that runs WGLF uses it for the heal speed on downed survivors. Basically, if anything, WGLF suggests you're a bad judge of perk value.

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,697

    I used to run it a lot but I never really use it anymore.

  • Mistikus
    Mistikus Member Posts: 1,347

    yeah they will couse of the hype of new things to doo but it will die out pretty quick and old meta will be in the same shap at it was

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,697

    I’ve been running a lot of non meta builds and it feels nice. In fact, it makes me feel better when I win because I feel like I earned my escape.

  • Mistikus
    Mistikus Member Posts: 1,347

    i can agree a run many different build when i play, but sadly after 5+ matches where i get camped or tunnled i just go back to meta to not lose my mind

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,697

    That’s me but I try to deal with it. Yeah it’s really frustrating but we can’t control how killers play.

  • Munqaxus
    Munqaxus Member Posts: 2,752

    Exactly this. Look at the stupid buff for "Lucky Break". Killers were bawling because of the buff to "Lucky Break". The Devs weaken the buff and NOBODY plays "Lucky Break".

    No one would have played "Lucky Break" even if the Devs didn't weaken the buff. These boon totems take a second to destroy and I guarantee no one will use them AT ALL after the 2nd week. Then everyone can go back to complaining how the survivors only use Meta perks again.

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,866

    I agree. It was a good update other than Slinger. Boon totems need to be toned down a bit but it’s been good other than that.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    "The devs will likely tone down the boon perks"

    Of course, but would they if community did not "overreact"? No!

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,291

    Sadly, the only way to control it, somewhat, is via UB/BT/DS.

    Which is probably why these perks get so much flak.

  • JohnWeak
    JohnWeak Member Posts: 854

    Nah, we will pretty much all leave before they do that. Honestly i have enough of DbD and BHVR. I have played this game for 4 years and i´m pretty much done, i will uninstall soon as did all my friends.

    We all have been around for year and we are all bored of the choices the devs have made. We have seen this game going downhill in an unstoppable bad design decisions loop and we can´t bear it anymore.

    With all the changes made in the last patch and the one to come, i don4t think many players will stay as it´s not fun at all to play this game, as a killer and as a survivor, especially in soloQ and duoQ.

    I have just checked steamcharts and DbD has lost half its PC playerbase in 3 months...

  • Lochnload_exe
    Lochnload_exe Member Posts: 1,360

    thank you for being brave and posting about this, this patch is so positive and as always everyone stays completely negative, really sad to see. Im excited for this new patch.

  • ChiSoxFan11
    ChiSoxFan11 Member Posts: 1,093

    What charts are you looking at? This one?

    That's ... not an accurate depiction of the numbers. If you're comparing the current average player base to the peak numbers during the most-hyped DLC release in the game's history, then you're comparing apples and oranges. The average players number has actually increased from the average the month of the DLC (though it's down from July's total), and while the peak player numbers have declined from June's all-time record for the game, the current peak numbers for the month just finished, September -- as well as the average players number for that month -- are the 4th-highest and 2nd-highest respectively the game has ever had since release. If people are leaving the game in droves, then they're being replaced by equal numbers of people playing the game.

    This isn't meant to be a BHVR shill post either -- that's simply the numbers. I've played the game for a year and a half, and while I've been massively disappointed by a lot that's happened (poor optimization, buggy releases, balance issues, etc.), I've also seen a lot of positive things happen in the game as well. The game is not perfect, but there's still more good than bad to be found in it -- or at least that's my opinion (which yours can be different -- no harm in that).

    I'm sorry if you don't enjoy the game -- if you and your friends don't, then not playing is the right answer. But a lot of people are clearly still enjoying it -- misrepresenting the numbers for a narrative isn't useful.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    If they are going to change Boon Totems, I would say the reactions were objectively warranted by your own definition.

    And the Slinger nerfs were unjustified. I do not care what you have to say. That isn't a killer vs survivor issue. They just nerfed him excessively. As they nerfed keys and hatch excessively. Dem be facts, bra.

  • JohnWeak
    JohnWeak Member Posts: 854

    Well with the growing numbers of DC and suicides i have seen the last weeks, i don´t think that many players are still enjoying the game...

    And yes i´m looking at peak numbers per day and we went from 100k to 60k in 3 months. The average players doesn´t mean the playerbase is growing.

    You can have an average player of 20k with a peak around 70k or you can have an average player of 30k with a peak at 35k. The more active game is the one with the higher peak, meaning that during the day, more unique players have played.

  • ChiSoxFan11
    ChiSoxFan11 Member Posts: 1,093

    Except that's not the current peak numbers -- those peak numbers in September were just short of 83,000, not 60,000. Those numbers are also increased from August's totals, and are the 3rd-highest in the game's history.

    Again, if you want to use numbers to illustrate something, that's fine -- but they need to be accurate.

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,697

    Where can you find reliable sources for this?? Cause i’m curious.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    The second someone bases and assertion off 'likely', I become dubious.

    The word I like here is 'precedent'.

    Remember the old flashlight blind - and how reluctant BHVR were to change it/how long it took?

    People like to win. If even a single survivor dies, that's a loss for that survivor. And there are more survivor players than killers.

  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,445
    edited October 2021

    Alrighty, here's my issue with the changes. I personally don't usually play the killer meta. While I do have them unlocked, BBQ, Pop, Ruin, and Undying all usually stay unequipped on my perk list. The only exception is I give Blight BBQ every time because it's way too good on him. The sorts of builds I prefer are ones that slow down the game via inflicting injuries and then making it very very hazardous to not deal with those injuries ASAP.

    That's why I'm very very worried about Boon Totems. I have no way to eject Circle of Healing from my game without ejecting the Survivor who brought it. If they're even remotely close to the power level they seem, my preferred builds for Killer flat out won't work. They just won't. I won't get the slowdown and delay I need from the injuries I inflict because 1 boon perk means everybody has infinite medkits.

    The other thing is that I do enjoy a good bit of Deathslinger gameplay. Specifically the fact that he's not hurt as much by close up indoor maps and his ranged stealthy gameplay. The nerfs he's getting are targeted directly at both of those two things. I'm not entirely certain if it will completely destroy him for me or not, but the possibility is definitely there.

    Because of all of that, the fact that several other killers are getting great changes is being completely overshadowed for me. If they don't tone down Circle of Healing or the nerfs to Deathslinger... there's a very real chance that I'll either become a bitter Spirit/Blight main or give up on Killer entirely.

    Edit: Also why they ruined Thrill of the Hunt is beyond me. I have a soft spot for that perk and the mechanics it hints could exist. The fact that they're deleting the entire purpose of the perk is just... why?

  • Kurri
    Kurri Member Posts: 1,599
    edited October 2021

    But none of that helps the issue with gen speed, which the boon totems and the new built to last made a lot worse.

    I don't know if you have been playing the PTB but players are finishing games even fast now because of the new built to last.

    Your whole argument is "Killers got buffed to where they should of been on release, so the buffs to Survivors are fine". It's not a good argument when the Killers were all far behind, and the survivors have been ridiculously strong for a long time. The only reason so many survivor players don't see that is because there is nothing in the game that actually teaches them how to play properly, but you put good survivors against good killers the good survivors win 10/10 against all killers but 1, and then it becomes a 8.#/10.

    (They still didn't fix that hatch just takes the Killers hard work away. If the Killer played so well they should get a 4k, then they should get a 4k. Survivors shouldn't be able to hide, ignore the objective, and then get out for free)

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    You don't understand how devastating being able to heal yourself is to the killer do you?