Freddy rework | EN

The goal of this processing is to make Freddy stronger, not weaker, the current good sides will remain, this rework will only transfer him from the middle B-tier to the A-tier.
I will answer the questions that will bother many
It's will be op against low-skilled survivors, it wouldn't be fair because of that
I'm aware of that, so most of the power-ups to the abillity in chase will occur when the survivor is in chase for a long time. So most of low-skilled survivors will get down before power-ups will help Freddy considerably. Balanced, it will only affect the high-skilled survivors who run from Freddy more than 40-60 sec
Why survivor can't run from the Killer more than 40-60 sec?
It's an assymetrical game, you forgot it? Killer must be stronger than the Survivor, and if he chases Survivors about 40 sec, that means other survivors could repair about 50% gen while chase was going, Freddy definitely needs help, and you can't deny it. Remember that there are only 5 generators in the match, and if the chases go for 40 seconds, it's easy to guess that the survivors will often win the killer.
Abillity rework
Dream Projection
> No longer gives global sound to all sleeping survivors
> If someone repairs the generator to which Freddy teleports, then he gets the effects Incapacicated and Hindered for 3 seconds. You can't spam this abillity, the ability charges will be taken away more
Dream Snares
> Increased the amount of available Dream Snares that you can set up to 8
> After 16 sec of chase Dream Snares can be used on range of 3 meters [Hold M2 for 1.5 seconds after charging to increase range between Freddy and Dream Snare]. After 26 sec - 6 meters, after 28 - 8 meters, after 30 - 10 meters, after 34 - 12 meters. (It's looks like Cenobit or Nurse abillity mechanic) (16-3\26-6\28-8\30-10\32-12)
> After 16 sec of chase Dream Snares can be used through walls and other objects
> After 22 sec of chase, all Dream Snares apply increased +10% slowness from Hindered effect until the chase is over (by default it's 15%, so survivor's slowdown will be 25%)
> After 24 sec of chase, when Dream Snares activates - it blocks any actions within 1.5 seconds
> After 18 sec of chase, you set up Dream Snares 0.35 sec faster
Other changes
> Freddy sees Survivors in the Dream World (5 seconds) every 35 seconds if they are further than 32 meters. (Lockers save from this)
> Failed Skillchecks do not wake you up
> Immunity from micro-sleep by Alarm Clocks is decreased by 15 seconds
> Survivors in Dream World repair 10% slower
Common Addons
- Dream Projection is charged 5/10/15% faster, you gain 4/6/9% Haste for 5 sec
- Reduce the amount of time you need to increase Dream Snare range by 2/4/6% on each level
- Hindered duration by Dream Snares increased by 0.5 /1.5/2 sec
- Increase Dream Snare size by 3\6\10%
Special addons with own uniqueness (Outdoor Rope, Jump Rope, Swing Chains, Class Photo)
- For Survivors in Dream World, they get Blindness effect until they wake up
- For Survivors in Dream World, they do not hear Lullaby
- For Survivors in Dream World, Freddy is invisible beyond 16 meters
- After successfull Dream Projection, all Survivors repair 15% slower for 10 seconds. You see all Survivors auras for 5 sec
Ultra-rare addons
- Generators do not spew blood if you're using Dream Projection. Freddy's model will not appear while using Dream Projection. When you successfully use Dream Projection, all Survivors that are farther 90 meters from you automatically scream revealing their position and get Hindered and Incapacicated effects for 6 seconds
- Survivor, that get pulled into Dream World with successfull basic attack can't escape through gates for 7 seconds. If Survivor in Dream World opens the gate, Freddy will gain notification
Deleted stuff (you can skip this)
Ultra-rare addon
- After successfuly used Dream Projection, the survivor who is near the generator in 16 metre radius will get Exposed for 20 seconds. Dream Projections is charged 30% faster if someone repairing the generator.
Common new addon
- Set up Dream Snare 0.5/0.10/0.15 sec faster
Interesting facts (you can skip this too)
- Outdoor Rope, Jump Rope and Swing Chains are slightly related to each other, so I tried to make them similar and nice for the Killer to use it (Stealth Freddy is cool tho). Also originally third addon from that section (Freddy is invisible) had 12 metres, not 16, but i nerfed it
- I originally posted this on Dead by Daylight Steam Guides, but decided to post it here as well, you can rate it and help me to move it to the top of the guides, name is "Freddy Rework | EN"
- In section "Other Changes" first change can be maybe nerfed, idk
If something seems to you to be overpowered, do not think that this whole idea is bad, some changes can be removed, everything can be changed
It is kind of weird because you are making snares a chase ability, so he doesn't really need more of them or status effects upon a teleport that starts a chase, imo.
I do like the block actions thing, though. Wouldn't mind less snares for that ability. Even if they made setting them take longer and gave you less of them.
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I don't think Freddy should be given more charges, the game needs to divert from the spamfest most killers are. If you down someone, it has to be because of SOME skill, at least. I like the idea of him being able to set traps further away, but snares should not be able to block actions, as that includes pallets and vaults. What you are doing with this is giving survivors NO chance to retaliate, denying the only two things they have to effectively save themselves from being hit. Might as well have them standing still, then. Freddy having innate aura reading was the most bs part of his older kit, no need to have that back again. You have to find survivors on your own, not have the game do the work for you. Other than that, it's fine. Even if I think that there are no real issues with the current iteration of Freddy.
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he needs help in chase
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I do like the block actions thing
"doctor flashbacks" :D
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mostly agree
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Very few things have got anything to do with skill, in this game. Still, the point about skill is all the more relevant about killers, as they have the most tools at their disposal, they are the ones who can do more. Survivors can run and hide, that's it. Of course there is less skill involved there. Doesn't make it any less true, though.