Has The Entity stopped having Blights?

TapeKnot Member Posts: 248

According to recent leaks, there will not be a Blight-focused event for Halloween this year. Instead, there will be a pumpkin-focused event. In the Hallowed Blight lore, the Blights are a yearly purge The Entity undergoes. With the introduction of a different event this year, does this mean The Entity no longer needs to purge itself each year? I'm not sure why The Entity had to undergo a purge, but perhaps it has gained enough power to no longer need to?


  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 4,813

    I vaguely remember someone saying the Entity was entering a new era last Hallowe'en, and the blight was the last one to happen, so I reckon they're embarking on another phase.

  • Gruo
    Gruo Member Posts: 129

    The Entity need to undergo a purge because the blight make it weak and the yearly purge has been mentioned in Vigo's journal. The Entity is still dealing with the yearly blight it's not gone. The main reason we are not getting a blighted event because Talbot mutated into a feral beast and is no longer around to experiment with the blight, if we somehow got Talbot back we will get another blighted event for sure.

  • Malkhrim
    Malkhrim Member Posts: 917

    So... we won't get to see a Blighted Oni skin? Or Blighted Trickster? That's sad.

    I hope the next tome brings some really scary skin for Trickster... but usually the Tome cosmetics are related to lore, so I don't know what to expect...

    Come on, Blighted Skins improve the visuals of every killer so much. They made The LEGION (who has one of the most uninspired visuals) into a scary monstrosity, imagine what could become of Trickster, who is lacking an actually scary skin.

  • Dito175
    Dito175 Member Posts: 1,391

    I think in lore they still happen, but since the event was a big teaser for the blight there's no motr reason to do them ( pretty lame if it's the true, I live the thematic of this event)

  • ThanosPAWG
    ThanosPAWG Member Posts: 412

    According to leaks were only getting two blighted killers this time being Nemesis and Prymaid head and one survivor being Nea