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General Discussions

Every change on the PTB to everything [Very long post!!]

Member Posts: 22,853
edited October 2021 in General Discussions

part 1

Hey, it's ya boi GoodBoyKaru, and in case patch notes aren't your best friend I'm here to make an educational post about every change made on the PTB for Update 5.3.0. Also useful if you need images or gifs for demonstration purposes! Furthermore, I'll be including the new survivor as well as her perks and backstory.

Yes, I've copied a lot of these words directly from the patch notes. No, I'm not sorry because I needed this for the sake of my sanity. Also the forums deleting half of my screenshots when trying to copy them over was really useful!

The main point of this post is to compile information, as well as images and videos to help demonstrate, into one specific place. No new information will be revealed here, though for people who cannot access the PTB and haven't seen the full list of changes yet this post is here.

Some more important things to note:

  • I am using a custom icon pack currently and do not wish to uninstall and reinstall it all. This pack is only relevant for any screenshots from the live version. If this offends you, I am sorry.
  • I am using my main Desktop PC for any recordings, and anything PTB related will also have my laptop joining in. This should explain wierd behavious in these recordings- this is a one man project.
  • I will be using my own images and as many of my own videos as I can. However, due to the limitations placed by Steam preventing me from playing on my PC and laptop simultaniously (family share), I will be using videos (and fancy graphics) made by other people. They will all be credited.
  • My main Desktop PC uses NVIDIA filters whenever possible to compensate for monitor damage and my awful eyesight- these include deuteranope colourblind filters. Again, if this offends you, I am sorry.
  • This is part 1 of 3- the others will be in the comments below! This is because I have exceeded the maximum character limit allowed for a forum post.

This post will not be competed or posted until I remove this clause, and so if you see this in there I have hit public by complete accident. Happened before with 5th Anniversary Stream, right Mandy? :p

The hatch and keys update

The hatch will now only spawn with one final survivor in the trial- it is no longer tied to completed generators, at all.

Keys will continue to open the hatch, although this will take a 2.5s long interaction. Being interrupted will not reset this progress.

Thank you to GameHolders on YouTube for this clip.

It is possible to be grabbed from the animation of opening the hatch.

Thank you to boom on YouTube for this clip.

The achievement "Where Did They Go?", which previously required all 4 survivors to escape through the hatch, has been changed to only needing to escape through the hatch using a key, and as such has been aptly renamed "The Key to Escaping".

New mechanics: boon totems

Boon totems are a new mechanic which involves survivors interacting with totems- both dull and hex totems. They allow survivors to "bless" these totems for bonus benefits within an area, whilst killers are able to "extinguish" these totems with a short channel.

Credit to Dibra - DBD on YouTube for these videos!

Only one Boon totem may be linked to any one survivor- any Boon perks are automatically applied to the same totem. One they have been extinguished, they can be reignited elsewhere, or even in the same area.

Boon totems create audio effects, which can be heard by the killer, and provide both a new status to the survivor ("Blessed") as well as a visual effect around the boarder of the screen.

Destroying a Boon totem provides 1500 bloodpoints to the killer in the Deviousness category.

Survivors cannot bless another totem while one remains standing.

New survivor: Mikaela Reid

The new survivor introduced in this update is Mikaela Reid, the young mistic. Difficulty: Intermediate.

The graphics supplied during this portion of the post have been created by Entity's Archives on Twitter- please give them full credit and find their Twitter account here (hyperlinked).


Mikaela's three perks are Clairvoyance, Boon: Circle of Healing, and Boon: Shadow Step.

Clairvoyance activates after having cleansed a Totem. While empty handed, hold the Ability button to use some o the charge, up to a maximum of 8/9/10 seconds. While holding the Ability button, the auras of all exit gate switches, generators, hooks, and chests within 64m are revealed to you.

Boon: Circle of Healing is activated through blessing a totem. Any survivor within 28m of this totem can heal themself without a Med-Kit, and recieve a 90%/95%/100% bonus to healing speed.

Boon: Shadow Step is activated through blessing a totem. Any survivor within 28m of this totem will not show their scratch marks or have their auras revealed. This effect lingers for 2/3/4 seconds after leaving the totem's range.


I have added alt text to these images, so if you use a screen reader I gotchu! At least- I tried to! If you use a screen reader and have difficulties with it let me know, and I'll try to get it fixed!

Cosmetics (Default and Prestige)

For these images I have not added alt text, because I can't really describe her outfits or the pieces.

(Once again massive massive massive props to Entity's Archives for these beautiful graphics and for allowing me to use them! I canot stress enough how awesome they are.)

updated killer base kits

The Trapper

Trapper got a few changes to his basekit. They are as follows:

  • The Trapper now starts with 2 Bear Traps at base (instead of just 1).
  • The Trapper can now carry up to 2 Bear Traps at any one time (instead of just 1).
  • 6 Bear Traps will always spawn on the map (instead of a random number of 4-6).

The Wraith

  • Wraith's post-cloak speed boost has been reduced to 1 second, from 1.25 seconds.

The Spirit

Spirit also got some changes:

  • While phase walking Survivors within 24 meters of The Spirit (not the husk) hear a directional audio cue that gains volume with proximity

Credit to Dowsey on YouTube for this- the video should be timestamped to show her phasing inside of Shack during the Survivor POV.

The Plague

Plauge also got some well-needed buffs!

  • If the power button is released early, Vile Purge will continue charging to the minimum threshold instead of cancelling and entering cooldown
  • Vile Purge cooldown move speed increased from 2.3m/s to 3.6m/s
  • Base object infection time increased to 40 seconds (was 35 seconds)
  • Interacting with infected objects generates 2x more sickness over time than interacting with non-infected objects
  • Time to cleanse at a fountain increased to 8 seconds (was 6 seconds)

The Deathslinger

  • The Deathslinger must now wait for the Exit Aim animation to complete before being able to attack (0.6 seconds)
  • Increased movement speed when aiming down sights to 85% (was 75%)
  • The cooldown when a survivor breaks free is now the same duration as a successful hit cooldown
  • Increased terror radius to 32 meters (was 24 meters)
  • The Deathslinger must now wait for the Enter Aim animation to complete before being able to fire (0.4 seconds)

Thank you to boom on YouTube for this video- saving my life here.

The Ghost Face

  • Night Shroud recovery time decreased to 24 seconds (down from 30 seconds)

Updated killer add-ons

Okay so basically, here's how I'll be doing this. Any changes to rarity, or add-on buffs and nerfs, will just be listed out with the PTB version to accompany them. This is for my own sanity and mental health- I've taken this on in possibly my biggest week for a massive update, lucky me!

Any reworked add-ons will be shown alongside their live versions- with the live versions on the top.

Finally, any new add-ons will just be pasted, as well as any removed ones. I have not used alt text for all of these; my wrists began to kill me and unlike the backstory there was no easy to way to copy/paste it out.

The Trapper

Our good lad ol' Trapper man got some add-on changes this update too. They are as follows:

Rarity changes

Wax Brick: Decreased to Uncommon (was Rare)

Trapper Bag: Increased to Rare (was Uncommon)

Trapper Sack: Increased to Very Rare (was Common)

Fastening Tools: Decreased to Rare (was Very Rare)

Add-on buffs

Trapper Gloves: Setting speed bonus increased to 30% (up from 20%)

Secondary Coil: Increased trap disarm time to 50% (up from 43%)

Reworked add-ons

Wax Brick

Trapper Bag

Fastening Tools

Oily Coil

Trapper Sack

Removed add-ons

New add-ons

Bear Oil

Makeshit Wrap

Coffee Grinds

Lengthened Jaws

Tension Sping

The Wraith

Add-on nerfs

"All Seeing- Blood": Aura reveal range decreased to 8 meters (was 12 meters)

The Hillbilly

Add-on buffs

Mother’s Helpers: Charge speed bonus after being stunned increased to 18% (was 12%)

Tuned Carburetor: Charge speed bonus increased to 25% (was 20%)

Reworked add-ons

Black Grease

Pighouse Gloves

Doom Engravings

Death Engravings

The Nurse

Reworked add-ons

Torn Bookmark

The Shape

Rarity changes

Memorial Flower: Decreased to Common (was Uncommon)

Add-on buffs

Vanity Mirror: Removed speed penalty

Judith’s Tombstone: Speed penalty now only applies to Evil Within III

The Hag

Add-on buffs

Waterlogged Shoe: Increased speed bonus to 4.5% (up from 2%); this now makes Hag a 4.6m/s killer.

The Pig

Rarity changes

Rules Set No.2: Decreased to Rare (was Ultra Rare)

Workshop Grease: Increased to Uncommon (was Common)

Video Tape: Increased to Ultra Rare (was Uncommon)

Add-on buffs

Bag of Gears: Increased Reverse Bear Trap setting speed bonus to 50% (was 20%)

Amanda’s Letter: Jigsaw Box reduction removed. Aura reveal range increased to 16 meters (was 12 meters)

Add-on nerfs

Crate of Gears: Decreased Jigsaw Box search penalty to 33% (was 43%)

Tampered Timer: Decreased Reverse Bear Trap death timer modification to 20 seconds (was 30 seconds)

Reworked add-ons

John's Medical File

Razor Wires

Workshop Grease

Last Will

Interlocking Razor

Jigsaw's Annotated Plan

Jigsaw's Sketch

Video Tape

Post edited by GoodBoyKaru on

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