Favorite Killer to play against?

What's your favorite killer to play against, I'm curious what's the most fun killer in people's opinion.
Favorite Killer to play against? 53 votes
The Hillbilly
Billy is the easiest killer to juke
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The Nurse
Poor Billy, I tried playing as him because I used to be decent with him and I cant seem to get the chainsaws as consistently anymore lol.
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The Other Ones
It will probably be Spirit when the nerf hits live.
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The Nurse
nurse is the easiest in my opinion to counter which may make me sound like a crazy person but the way to counter her is to charge at her when she charges a blink so she blinks past you and if she tries again just keep running. however be aware that she can aim at the ground so be carful.
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The Other Ones
head empty no thoughts only hubby 😌
But yeah, he's the most fun to go up against. 95% of the time I'm nice to Tricksters and they're nice to me back which is a different type of fun. But in the rare cases they aren't I know the ins and outs of how Trickster works so it's fun being on the receiving end of what I play.
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The Trapper
I chose trapper because before i got dlc killers i played him and when i play against one it is fun having to look down unlike the others
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The Other Ones
Nemisis, his power adds a lot of second thought to the looping process and allows you to attempt those juicy jukes vs the tentacle
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The Other Ones
The Oni is the main killer I love facing. Genuinely exciting to face, although I also enjoy facing The Shape, The Executioner, The Hillbilly, The Demogorgon, The Blight, The Twins and The Nemesis T-Type.
Anyone apart from The Ghost Face.
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The Other Ones
Pinhead can be fun.
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The Nurse
chainsaw man always gets me somehow. How do you juke him? I can juke the yellow coat guy machine gun now but not the chainsaw swing.
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The Hillbilly
step aside
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The Other Ones
twins for me, no more satisfaction than to kick the behbeh
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The Other Ones
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The Nurse
a haha haha I love it. I didnt know you can kick him.
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The Other Ones
Spirit. I do love playing against others such as pinhead and hag
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The Other Ones
Spirit, Huntress, and then Blight probably.
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The Other Ones
Demogorgon is my favorite killer to go against. He's strong, cute and he's an all around good boy.
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The Other Ones
Blight because you get him so rarely and he’s already a fun killer so when you get him again so when you play him you’re like “cool a blight, haven’t played against him in a while” which is always a good attitude to have against a killer rather than “ugh a *killer name here*” kinda thing