Surge/Jolt Buff ideas, let's be real this perk needs BUFFS

Since we are making Surge into "Jolt" now as a basic perk, we will finally get a non-DLC gen regression perk. That being said, this perk is below average and has been needs buffs since release.
So what exactly makes this perk bad?
1. It's ONLY activiated by M1 downs.
2. It's ONLY 8% gen regression.
3. Even though it's only 8%, it still has a long cooldown of 40 seconds.
4. It's range is only 32 meters so a lot of times it won't even activate.
So what should we do to make this a better perk? Even if this was activiated by non-M1's I feel this perk would still be bad. I feel it's that underpowered where it's going to need several buffs...
First I suggest the 8% gen regression be increased to 10%, I feel this is a fair number maybe even too fair but it's a start. Maybe I should be asking for 15%, but I know it's hard to get pretty much any non-meta perk buffed to acceptable/reasonable levels for whatever reason.
Second make the range of the perk larger. If we are going to make this perk have such a long cooldown, make it worth using by buffing it's ability to hit multiple gens. So increase the range from 32 to possibly 48. The number can be adjusted, but it should be higher than 32.
If this isn't the direction you want to take this perk with a larger range, then the cooldown must be lowered. So either buff the range or buff the cooldown, your choice.
I always liked the idea of surge but for whatever reason it's been left to rot with the rest of the non-meta perks. I know some people will try to defend this perk throwing out they use it, but I think more people will agree this perk is pretty bad... I mean, it speaks for itself for all it's downsides....range, cooldown, small regression, etc.
Be a hipster all you want but I want to shake up the meta and get some weak perks strong so please buff this forgotten perk.
Does Surge really need buffs, I always thought that it was a perk that was above average and has amazing synergy with Pop and Ruin. Do we really need to buff something that already pairs well with the meta perks.
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I think the reason it deals 8% and not more is because it has the potential to affect multiple generators. Just flat scaling its damage up could be very powerful.. But the fact still remains that due to its limited range it will usually be hitting 1-2 gens in most scenarios.
I think it should have its cooldown reduced to 30 seconds and activate on special attacks as well. Infectious Fright works on downs from special attacks, so should Jolt.
There's so many killer perks that could use shorter cooldowns (I'm looking at you Trail of Torment and Oppression).
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Just get rid of the cooldown, if you get that many downs fast to make the perk worth using, you were going to win effortlessly anyways.
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In what world have you even seen people use surge? Do you use surge? I sure as Hell don't
What about what I wrote sounds "amazing"? I gave you all the information you need to see surge is just not cutting it.
8% regression is amazing?
a 40 second cooldown on a 8% regression is amazing?
Only having a range of 32 meters is amazing? Sometimes it won't even hit a gen.
Stop defending a perks viability and let bad perks get buffed so they actually get used
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Yes it "really needs buffs"
I don't know how else to spell this out to you, the perk sucks and there is a reason only hipsters use it.
8% regression, that's pretty much nothing and for that I could of gotten a pop.
40 second cooldown, are you joking?
Sometimes doesn't even hit a generator because the range is not that big, 32 meters.
This perk needs love, stop defending a bad perk and let perks get buffed like Oppression, Trail of Torment, etc.... They are perks that could easily be fixed with number changes.
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- 10-15 second cooldown.
- Gain a notification of how many Generators are in range and how many will be effected by a number on the perk icon.
- all damage attacks trigger it, special and M1.
- Do not increase the amount regressed but allow it to proc on injury.
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Remove basic attacks requirement or lessen cooldown to 30s and its great
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Surge isn't that weak. It has a much easier activation than Pop, and that fact that it can hit multiple gens means that 8% isn't too bad. You could potentially hit 3 gens at once and get 24% regression and not go out of your way at all (downing a survivor is afterall your main objective).
24% regression, 40s cooldown, easy activation. Sounds better than Pop in that sense.
Of course the downside is the RNG, you might hit 3 gens, you might only hit 1, you might not hit any. (Then again you might not get a chance to use Pop after every hook either.)
Increasing the range to 48m: On certain maps you might now be able to hit 4 or even 5 gens. Thats OP.
Increasing regression to 10/15%: Now it can inflict 30/45% regression on a 3 gen! Combined with the range increase thats 50/75%!
Lowering the cooldown: Great, now you can slug, down 2 or 3 survivors in a short space of time, and inflict 48% or 72% regression, for doing nothing more than your main objective. Combined with the other buffs that could be as much as 225%!
The only buffs I would give to Surge are:.
1. Procs on Basic and Special attacks.
2. Guaranteed to hit the closest gen even if it's out of range.
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The only buff for Surge I want is removing basic attack requirement. There is no reason for this thing to exist, it does nothing but reducing the number of killers that can use it. Why is it a thing, especially considering that it is a Demogorgon's perk, and he has m2 attacks.
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Surge is already decent. I wish for the Basic Attack-Requirement to be removed, this would make the Perk more attractive.
Other than that, it is alright.
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The only buff it needs is trigger on downs, not M1 downs. It's severely limited as to which killers can bring it because attempting to use it on anyone with a decent chase power just means losing value in a chase to try to trigger a gen kick.
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Nah it def needs more than that, 8% on a 40 second cooldown is laughably bad.
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Even if it somehow hits 2 gens which almost never happens because the range isn't very big, that's only 16% regression which is still lower than pop. If it was constantly hitting 2 gens, maybe it would be worth but it almost never does and even when it does it's not that big of a deal since it's just 8%. A 40 second cooldown is so laughably bad for how weak this perk is.
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8% on each gen. That stacks up when it isn't just hitting a single gen.
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Again, it barely happens and for something that barely happens it's not even a big deal. So either keep it at 8% and increase the range or make higher regression.
It should be hitting more than 1 gen more often, currently you are more likely to hit 0 gens than 2.
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remove cooldown (if youre getting multiple downs in that space of time you've earnt the regression imo...) and remove the m1 attack restriction to make viable on more killers
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Yes that is only 16%, but it doesn't even require you to kick a gen to get its effects. You're literally just downing survivors which you have to do anyway so you're not going out of your way to "earn" it.
Pop has greater limitations imo. You need to find and kick a gen after every hook.
Thats time to find the gen, time to kick the gen, time to then find and chase a survivor again. You might not have a gen to kick, and what gen you do find might have less than 25% progress anyway.
Surge works through regression, so it applies it's 8% to gens that are already regressing. Plus it still gets its full effect when the gen only has say 10% repair on it. And you don't need to break chase to go find and kick a gen.
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But tell me, if it always hit 2 gens would that be overpowered? Or at least hit 2 gens more often?
Currently it almost never happens, so why shouldn't the range on surge not be buffed? It needs number changes to make it actually worth using because again half the time it doesn't even hit a gen. 32 m isn't that big of an area especially for something with so little impact and such a long cooldown.
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That "so little" effect and "such a long cooldown" is entirely free, you don't have to do anything for it other than your main objective.
So I fundamentally disagree that the perk is weak already. 8% is a lot for what you [don't] have to do for it.
The range could be extended a little, but not massively.
Consider a 3 gen endgame. Alll 3 gens are in range and survivors don't stand a chance. You keep chasing them off the gens, they're slowly repairing all three bit by bit. You down one survivors and they all instantly lose 8%. They might have only been at 25% because you keep chasing them off.
Without a cooldown survivors wouldn't stand a chance in that scenario, and if you increase the range too much you increase the likelihood of that scenario.
Sure 3 gen is mostly the fault of the survivors, but a 3 gen shouldn't be impossible to overcome, just very difficult, and there are maps like Midwich and Gideon where gens can be hard to find and well within 32m of each other.
Which is why the only buffs it should have are:
1. Working on both Basic and Special attacks.
2. Guaranteed to hit the closest gen regardless of range, so there's a definite 8% regression.
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Lose the cooldown and the M1 only requirement definitely.
Maybe up to 10% and increase range a little.
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Remove the cooldown and have it always activate regardless of how you down them. I really like surge but it had too many drawbacks.
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The buffs it needs are remove the basic hit requirements and remove the cooldown
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