Survivors - What Would You Prefer The Killer To Do In *This* Situation? Genuine Question.

StarLost Member Posts: 8,077
edited October 2021 in General Discussions

This is one of those things that becomes pretty awkward for me, as I do try to consider that there is a living, breathing human on the other end of those avatars.

So - the situation. We've all been there.

Game starts, I manage to catch someone and they rage DC. Possibly other players follow. Or more annoying, just goes and stands AFK next to a hook somewhere.

Now, there are 2 or 3 survivors left, and maybe 3 or 4 gens.

I can either close the game out, or I can give them a break, chase them around, wound them, let them earn some BP and maybe let them escape.

I tend to do the latter. I don't like punishing other players because of one rager or troll and I feel legit bad.

However, wow - for every team that thanks me for doing this, another rages at me for 'holding the game hostage'. And of course, I get raged at if I just annihilate everyone.

It sort of feels like there is no right move here.

TL/DR: Survivors, in a situation where someone rage DCs or AFKs, would you prefer it if the killer just closes the game out ASAP, or would you prefer it if they went easy and let you earn some BP/escape?


  • tippy2k2
    tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,177

    Your second to last paragraph is the answer. Every survivor is going to be different so there is no "right" thing to do. Some will want you to farm. Some will want to just play like normal. Some will want you to just mercy kill them and end the game.

    Even for myself, it depends on how I'm feeling and what I brought with me. I'm gonna be a salty boi if I just pissed away a purple medkit with an anniversary cake :D

  • Clowning
    Clowning Member Posts: 886

    That's good to hear, though there's a lot of Survivors that'll be genuinely upset you didn't play normally, which is something that's actually reportable. On the other hand, pretending everything's "normal" and maybe letting them finish the last gen and get out if things get that far is more likely to please everyone.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,160

    Do what you feel you'd enjoy more at the time. It's impossible to know what they want.

    When I play survivor I certainly would not be upset at a killer being nice! Yet if the killer decides to kill everyone (or attempt to) I absolutely won't get upset and childlike over it.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    I actually looked into this, and I cannot find a single case, even anecdotally, of someone being banned for 'not playing normally'. Hell, I can't even find an example of someone being banned for AFKing.

    I sometimes get warm words, sometimes I get raged at. I usually try to be nice (unless they've been teabagging me or flashing me during the game, in which case all bets are off). But it really is a bit of a damned if you do, damned if you don't think.

    Yeah this is something I should probably keep in mind. I don't want someone to waste a cake or a fancy addon on a failgame. Unless it's a toolbox.

    You know what you did.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,059

    Just play normally, but dont tunnel or camp at this point. You basically won the game when someone DCs early, so you can play a little bit chill so that everyone (including yourself) gets some BPs. Not really farming, but go for 3 Hooks on each Survivor so that there is more interaction.

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    You can usually tell what the survivors want. If they stand still in front of a hook or point at it or spam some fast vaults near a hook, they want you to kill them so they can move on. If they try to Kobe they want to die so they can move on. If they try to keep playing, they want you to try to keep playing. If they happily farm with you they want to farm.

    Personally I usually kill the one/two remaining (by rotating hooks, letting them save and then hooking the unhooker, so they all get altruism points) and let the last guy escape through hatch because that’s the fastest and most efficient way to show mercy. Most survivors get it and I’ve never received salt for it.

    I don’t think most survivors expect you to farm, they’re just grateful if you don’t start playing hyper aggressive and tunnel off hook, slug everyone, etc. Let them get some points and maybe go for their “loot chests” challenge or whatever, and most are happy.

  • th3
    th3 Member Posts: 1,838

    If someone afk’s or dc’s at 4 or 5 gens I’m suiciding on hook so idc what you do. I’m also not gonna go for saves as well.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    Play chill. That's what I do and prefer. At least enough so nobody depips.

  • bobateo
    bobateo Member Posts: 368

    I would rather your second option. Heck, I had a game 2 DCs and the other surv went AFK so the Killer and I played around with chases for a bit and then let them hook me.

    But, I don't care too much one way or another. DCs are frustrating for both sides. So, I can understand Killers and/or Survivors just wanting to get it over with as fast as possible too.

    People chewing you out though is utterly ridiculous.

  • Artemisha
    Artemisha Member Posts: 401

    First of all, thx for your concerning on the other players experience <3.

    And relative to the game, I think it depends.....if survs are currently trying, I would start play suboptimal. Imagine you hook one guy, well, time to go the other part of the map looking for someone healthy or check some gen. Letting them rescue. Avoid tunnel, of course.

    If someone doesn´t try or refuses to play, just kill him so he can move on. Farming points is not that bad. 5 or 4 gens for 2 survs is very zzzz, maybe u can hook one and give hatch to the other. But if there are not many gens remaining and you are feeling yourself nice, why not farming and letting them scape?

  • Hex_Llama
    Hex_Llama Member Posts: 1,818

    I tend to lean toward the solution where you continue trying to kill people but you go for three hooks each so everyone has a chance to get some points. If survivors want to leave the game sooner, they have ways they can communicate that.

    When I'm playing survivor, I'm fine with that solution, and I'm usually also fine with farming if everyone else wants to farm. I just think it's important to let people die if they don't want to farm.

  • Gcarrara
    Gcarrara Member Posts: 2,263

    When that happen i usually switch to casual mode. 2 Hooking everyone at all costs before starting killing. Not dropping chases, ignoring totally the gens and going for what i like honestly. This way depending on the situation Survivors can still have a chance to escape. Lot of time I spare them if i catch them while opening a gate or going for the hatch.

    Thinking now about this i'm actually quite friendly on these kind of scenarios. Probably because i know what it feels like when it happens when i play as Survivor 😅.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    "I actually looked into this, and I cannot find a single case, even anecdotally, of someone being banned for 'not playing normally'. Hell, I can't even find an example of someone being banned for AFKing."

    That's the thing, we know people are getting banned for things, we just never recieve confirmation that our reports do help get people banned. I know of plenty people that have been banned for a multitude of reasons, but we never get confirmation that our input helped. Reporting people in game does have an effect, we just never know if it has. We never know if the players that have been hacking or purposely been ruining games actually recieve a punishment.

    As for toolboxes, they are actually quite fine. Medkits and their addons though shivers.

  • LegacySmikey
    LegacySmikey Applicant, Member Posts: 556

    I had this situation a couple of days ago as a survivor against a hunteress, a teammate got taken down & hooked in about 30 seconds someone went for a save & got grabbed the hooked survivor rage quit quickly followed by the grabbed one.

    Me & a David carried on got 2 gens done hunteress finally got me down with one of those seemingly corner bending hatchets after a much longer chase than I expected, David who was already injured by this point came to get me up but was wiped out as soon as he got within 8 feet.

    The hunteress just stood there & waited for us to bleed out the david quit after a minute or so & I crawled around trying to find the hatch that would have almost certainly been shut in my face anyway while the hunteress followed me.

    Killers can play how they want i'm not going to quit & I get its frustrating for them too but some things are just petty.

    The two that quit at the beginning both used Anniversary cakes too.

    As a killer if 1 quits early i'll play normal (I always try play for 12 hooks & not hook same survivor consecutively regardless so that still feels pretty fair to me)

    If 2 or more quit i'll play for 2 hooks & let them go, i'm not really interested in farming & getting pallet stunned 100 times but as long as their doing gens I don't mind giving them a few stuns or whatever.

    If they indicate they want to die then of course i'll kill them.

    If its down to just 1 survivor i'll let them get the hatch or if they want to do gens for the gate & get that damn achivement i'm happy to let them do that too.

    But as a killer I generally give the hatch to the last survivor anyway unless they were just hiding waiting for it, trying to annoy me the whole game or start wriggling at that point its hook & move on.

  • Labrac
    Labrac Applicant Posts: 1,285

    I don't blame you for farming but I find it boring. My gaming time is limited and I don't really need BP anymore at this point. If the killer decides to farm I'll just point to a hook and suicide on it, so no worries.

  • MrCalac123
    MrCalac123 Member Posts: 1,147

    Either I farm with you or if I don't feel like it, I point at the hook and probably expect a teammate to unhook me for BP until I die and move on to the next game.

  • Barbarossa2020
    Barbarossa2020 Member Posts: 1,369

    Kill them all and move on. I'd rather move on to a better game than a Carebear cuddle fest.

  • Grandpa_Crack_Pipe
    Grandpa_Crack_Pipe Member Posts: 3,306

    I don't expect anything of the killer-- but i'd hope they either close it out fast or farm.

    I tend to do the latter when I play killer, because I know how much it sucks to get an early DC and how little slack the survivors tend to get.

    The only phenomenally sad things I don't get are killers who start slugging for the 4k at this point and the ones who take advantage of the survivors' relative helplessness to bully.

  • Jasix
    Jasix Member Posts: 1,245

    I generally just go for two hooking the remaining survivors.

  • R2k
    R2k Member Posts: 1,069

    I would prefer to punish Dc guy for ruining other 4 players game. If someone Dc early on, it's surrender time. I never had a game i could pull off 4 gen play by my own and it's really really hard to do it when u are 3man.

  • lordfart
    lordfart Member Posts: 538

    I like to go easier on the remaining survivors, but don't go full farm. One time though I got into a game and as soon as I switched to Victor 3 of them DC'd. I felt really bad for the last guy and ended up messaging him to come to the hatch and leave because there was no point the game was ruined

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,291

    Last time it happened to me, there was a toxic, clicky-clicky teabag Feng thinking they were pro until I snapped them with a tentacle lash and they immediately ragequit. Out of spite, I 2-hooked the rest and the opened the exits and sent them home.

    If a survivor screws over a teammate, I tend to give that poor soul some lenience.

  • ShinobuSK
    ShinobuSK Member Posts: 5,279

    Step 1) close the game chat and never open it again

    Step 2) in that scenario, do only whatever YOU want

    Step 3) profit

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,138
    edited October 2021

    Not play like a jerk. I don't get the killers who slug for the 4k (3k?) after a DC, they could play in a nice manner and still kill everyone and get way more points for it. Sometimes it's like they're punishing the survivors who didn't DC, which is so backwards.

    I'm cool with farming, but I don't expect it. I appreciate any killer who gives me a chance to make points.

    I remember I had a match with an early DC or suicide against a Blight. My friend got hooked, and after I got them off the hook (and tried to take aggro) the Blight started to tunnel them. I made noise notifications like mad, and I swear I could actually see the Blight choose to change tactics. He ditched my friend and chased me, hooked me, and then next he went after the third survivor, and he took turns chasing and hooking us like that until he 3-hooked us all. I'm on console and don't have messages turned on, but I would've sent him a huge thank you with a fruit basket or something if I could have. We all got to make points, and it was a fun match. He didn't farm at all; he just didn't tunnel us out or slug us. I really appreciated that he held back for our benefit, especially since that didn't seem to be his original plan.

  • MeltingPenguins
    MeltingPenguins Member Posts: 3,742
    edited October 2021

    Ignore the brats that cry bloody murder over 'holding a game hostage'. they are pathetic losers who really need to do some soulsearching. 'Cause lbr: had you 'played to win' they would have thrown a tantrum over how bad you are that you need a DC to win blahblahblah

  • Tricksters_Wife
    Tricksters_Wife Member Posts: 545

    When I play killer, it depends on the situation.

    If there's 1 early DC, I'll continue playing like normal but not try as hard. Unless the survivors give up and want to be nice to me. I'm always up for a game of farming.

    If there's 2+ early DCs, I immediately stop playing seriously and farm/meme around with them. Survivors seem really appreciative of this, and I haven't gotten a single lobby that accused me of taking the game hostage when this happens.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    Spend an entire day running into SWF sweatcomps who clearly AFKed their MMRs down and still absolutely stomp you, stall the game out as long as they can, teabagging all the while and then 'GG EZ lol scrub get out game's full' in post-game chat, and you'll probably be a bit closer to understanding.

    The reason that there are a lot of toxic killers is that this game seems designed to produce toxic killers.

  • SirGando
    SirGando Member Posts: 374

    yeah, if i kill them fast to move on to the next match im a tryhard, if i farm they complain about not playing the game normally.

    There is no winning in playing killer, you are a scumbag regardless of what you do....

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    I mean, yeah, I generally prefer BP and a free escape. I would never expect it though. As a killer, I usually just let them go if someone DC's first minute or 2 leave randomly while 3 or more gens are left. And if they got mad about it, I would tell them, "I don't care." I am the killer, I decide who to kill. Get used to it, sugar!

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,138

    I'm so glad there's no chat on console. I had to turn messages off because I just got tired of survivors being salty about everything.

    I usually go AFK when I don't like the survivors I'm playing against. It saves my sanity to not let them drag me down into whatever nonsense it is they want. Rather than getting toxic, I've grown apathetic towards playing killer. Now that I'm actually playing survivor a bit more the apathy is growing there, too. Both roles have the ability to be absolutely no fun whatsoever.

    But yes, the game is designed to make both sides hate each other, and it sucks.

  • LinkToReality
    LinkToReality Member Posts: 115

    As a sort of follow up to this thread. A similar but not entirely the same situation.

    As killer you get a couple of quick downs early in the game, perhaps even before the first gen pops. Suddenly one or two of the survivors start chasing you trying to get you to kill them because they give up, long before the game is even over.

    Should we adhere to their wishes and down them and hook them so they can suicide or should we ignore them and focus on playing a casual game with the remaining survivors.

    Personally I usually go with ignoring them and after they notice I won't do as they want they'll scamper off and go back to playing the game but others just start pallet vaulting near a hook to have me come to them instead of following me around.

    The issue is that if I do kill them it might make the other survivors just give up too and it ruins the entire match. Which is even more annoying when people brought cakes or BPS.

  • vacaman
    vacaman Member Posts: 1,140

    When playing as survivor i just want to let the game continue and if we get stomped we get stomped, but the last thing i want is to waste time farming with the killer, it's so pointless and boring. When I'm in this situation as killer i just go end the game as fast as i can so i can go next.

  • SoylentPixie
    SoylentPixie Member Posts: 1,192

    Honestly, I'd prefer killers to play how you want to play. It isn't your fault that someone DC'd because they can't cope with a certain killer/ power/ map or simply getting downed first. The only thing I would ever ask of a killer is to just not take the actions of one or two DC babies out on the ones who have stayed and at least tried to keep the game going.

    We know it's going to be harder, we know our chances of getting out alive have been slashed some, so there is honestly no need to be a d**k about it. And by being a d**k I don't mean actually doing your job, I don't expect you to throw the game in sympathy. But something like slugging everyone and watching them bleed out is....unnecessary. Yeah, I get it, you're still doing your job but in the most obnoxious and drawn-out way.

    Also when it comes to being a survivor in a game where someone DC's and the killer decides to be nice and just farm for points, I always ask them to 3rd hook me. It's my way of attempting to at least compensate the killer for their robbed points since they just basically hand fed us a decent amount and allowed us access to escape. I actually tend to find that most killers won't 3rd hook me, but it doesn't hurt to let them know that yes, you sympathize that they got somewhat screwed too.

    I very occasionally swf with one of my buddies, and we actually have a rule where if two survivors DC, we pretty much head to the killer with our hands up, basically giving them a chance to end the game early and move on. Some give us points then kill, some just kill and some insist on our escape, and most interactions end up being hilarious because the killer says "Screw it" and meme's about for a while.

    I guess this is my long winded way of saying, killer or survivor, play how you want to play after one or multiple DC's, just have some compassion for the other side because at the end of the day, you both got screwed in one way or another, and while you don't have to throw games or farm, you don't need to attempt to punish the people who stayed because of the ones that couldn't hack it and tapped out.

  • indieeden7
    indieeden7 Member Posts: 3,366

    Personally, I believe you should farm for at least a few minutes, no need to let everyone escape, just try and make it so that the match doesn't end up awarding the survivors less than 10k points each.

  • NekoTorvic
    NekoTorvic Member Posts: 774

    I used to do the same as you. Whenever this has happened more recently, I just try to end the game as quickly as possible, just kill everyone, afk when the last one has to look for the hatch, more on to the next game, they'll move on too. Turn off chat or just ignore anything they say because there is no way of pleasing the people you go against no matter how saintly you are.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    Ones that rage about taking the game hostage would of screamed tryhard if you killed them.

    Most times I would let them farm. If a survivor runs to a hook wanting out, I will hook them.

  • Voriis
    Voriis Member Posts: 131

    I personally just play the game as normal. If people wanna turn into rage babies over a video gamez they need to so some self evaluation.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    It's hard for me to disconnect sometimes.

    I've been gaming since the late '80s and have a fairly thick hide, but people in this game seem to have turned getting under my skin into an art form.

  • Kurri
    Kurri Member Posts: 1,599

    There is no right way to do it and Survivors are always going to be toxic because it's easy and they have herd mentality.

    If someone DC's at the start of the match, or even during the match that causes their team to lose. Finish the match as fast as possible and move on to the next one, as Killer you probably black pip from it anyways.

    Don't open chat, they will be upset because the DC cost them a pip, or their fun and to them that's somehow your fault.

  • Bwsted
    Bwsted Member Posts: 3,452

    I genuinely don't care either way whether I'm the killer or the survivor in these situations.

    If killer queues are good (which means survivors' are long and they had to wait for a hot minute), I generally try to play normally without farming, but also trying to not go too hard so they don't give up. Maybe let them escape the first chase, so they can get a headstart on the gens and build some hope. When I get my stacks I don't hook or down anymore, just do other stuff for points. Then I let'em go in the end.

    Otherwise, I just try to end the trial quickly. It's an early 3v1, so it's a meaningless match.

    Same as survivor. At that point I don't care too much. I just try to rack up some points, then I suicide when I'm on hook, unless I see there's a reasonable chance to make something happen.

  • Akito
    Akito Member Posts: 673
    edited October 2021

    Just play the game. But I would be happy if you at least don't sweat. No strategic tunneling/camping.

    because obv you won, obv there is nothing you can do about that as survivor. Just don't be a big D. And please don't farm.. This is boring, there is no gameplay involved and it takes forever.

    Just be chill

  • JexxTron
    JexxTron Member Posts: 228

    I would prefer that you try to kill us that are left. If you kill two more, I get the hatch maybe. Funny because yesterday the Ghost face rage DCd on me after I peeked at him out of the back of the bus in car town. But in all fairness, we did kick his butt with gens. Also Killers, I run out of money and cant buy a tool box.

  • Voriis
    Voriis Member Posts: 131

    I get that. Tbh I used to be like that. Sea of thieves used to bring out the worst in me. But this game is the one that helped me get over that and see, it's just games and win,lose or being slugged....its still better than being at work or whatever lol