How TOXIC is our community? (Poll)

NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
Recently, I been hearing a lot of people say our community is very TOXIC. While I agree there are some fog travelers who can be quite immature, I can't say I agree with the exaggeration that are community is the most TOXIC community.

Please tell me what you think in this poll:

Additionally, tell me your reasoning on why you picked a certain number! Perhaps the majority of fog travelers don't know what the true meaning of TOXIC is or maybe some things seem TOXIC but aren't actually TOXIC.

Discuss. :)


    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    Vietfox said:

    I gave it a 3 because it's not that bad tbh. People call toxic to everything, almost for just playing the game.

    Gave it a 8 because the community doesn't seem to grasp what exactly is toxic. Doing generators? "Toxic gen rushers" Trying to secure your kill? "Toxic trash camper" You're really good at killer? "You have wall hacks! Enjoy your ban toxic killer."

    There are more things I'd like to say but I think you get the point. Most actions in this game are mistaken as being TOXIC which leads to more toxicity. Consequently, is why I gave this community an 8.
  • ModernFable
    ModernFable Member Posts: 836
    Worst so far.

    I never thought that’d be the case after playing a MOBA.
  • Exerlin
    Exerlin Member Posts: 1,352

    It's honestly not too bad. I gave it a 7 since it can be extreme at times, but the times where I've had slurs and insults thrown my way are few and far between.

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688

    Hands down the most toxic community I've ever seen. The only game where I have to make my steam profile private and change my username constantly.

  • towhead
    towhead Member Posts: 61
    swf+how killers react to it=toxic mess.
    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    Hands down the most toxic community I've ever seen. The only game where I have to make my steam profile private and change my username constantly.

  • FoggyDownpour
    FoggyDownpour Member Posts: 288
    I chose a 6. It's not that the entire community is toxic, it's more that there's a group of people that are considerably louder and more acidic than a lot of communities. They start and fan fires, which pull others into the salty mess.prong those people aside, I'd say the community is maybe a 3 ^^
  • Dragonredking
    Dragonredking Member Posts: 874
    ### christ, finally someone that say that he is doing a poll is actually using a tool like strawpool instead of asking people to answer 1 or 2 in the comment

    It's a ######### christmas miracle

  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823

    @Dragonredking said:
    [BAD WORD] christ, finally someone that say that he is doing a poll is actually using a tool like strawpool instead of asking people to answer 1 or 2 in the comment

    It's a [BAD WORD] christmas miracle

    Tbh i don't understand why there's no poll option when creating a discussion. I've suggested it twice, one in Wishlist and the other one in Forum Feedback.

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    @KingB said:
    Ever try to have a conversation here on the forums? Some people are nice and willing to have a constructive discussion. Most just repeat the same thing they heard elsewhere while having a condescending attitude, like how dare you disagree with them. 

    Take that back you (Insert character main here)! You're just a salty try hard, Git Gud mate! (Insert Photoshop DBD meme here)!

  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,248

    @Vietfox said:

    @Dragonredking said:
    [BAD WORD] christ, finally someone that say that he is doing a poll is actually using a tool like strawpool instead of asking people to answer 1 or 2 in the comment

    It's a [BAD WORD] christmas miracle

    Tbh i don't understand why there's no poll option when creating a discussion. I've suggested it twice, one in Wishlist and the other one in Forum Feedback.

    There's a lot of suggestions on how to improve their forum but I'm convinced they're leaving it as is for now since it seemed like they stopped working on the forum abruptly during the time they were asking for feedback.

    Like this thread is still getting updated yet I see a lot of unfinished stuff listed.

    I'd honestly like to know the progress on some of that stuff.

  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823

    @Dustin said:

    @Vietfox said:

    @Dragonredking said:
    [BAD WORD] christ, finally someone that say that he is doing a poll is actually using a tool like strawpool instead of asking people to answer 1 or 2 in the comment

    It's a [BAD WORD] christmas miracle

    Tbh i don't understand why there's no poll option when creating a discussion. I've suggested it twice, one in Wishlist and the other one in Forum Feedback.

    There's a lot of suggestions on how to improve their forum but I'm convinced they're leaving it as is for now since it seemed like they stopped working on the forum abruptly during the time they were asking for feedback.

    Like this thread is still getting updated yet I see a lot of unfinished stuff listed.

    I'd honestly like to know the progress on some of that stuff.

    This one would be awesome: "Ability to send a private message to another member."

  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919

    @Dwight_Fairfield said:
    Its so toxic that it should be declared a public health hazard!

    Hazmat suits and Geiger counters required before venturing outside.

  • Dragonredking
    Dragonredking Member Posts: 874

    @Vietfox said:

    @Dustin said:

    @Vietfox said:

    @Dragonredking said:
    [BAD WORD] christ, finally someone that say that he is doing a poll is actually using a tool like strawpool instead of asking people to answer 1 or 2 in the comment

    It's a [BAD WORD] christmas miracle

    Tbh i don't understand why there's no poll option when creating a discussion. I've suggested it twice, one in Wishlist and the other one in Forum Feedback.

    There's a lot of suggestions on how to improve their forum but I'm convinced they're leaving it as is for now since it seemed like they stopped working on the forum abruptly during the time they were asking for feedback.

    Like this thread is still getting updated yet I see a lot of unfinished stuff listed.

    I'd honestly like to know the progress on some of that stuff.

    This one would be awesome: "Ability to send a private message to another member."

    Worse is that it is actually already implemented, but only moderator can use it, I got an mp from Peanit when I did a suggestion about the chinesse spam bot on one of the spam thread.

  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823

    @Dragonredking said:

    @Vietfox said:

    @Dustin said:

    @Vietfox said:

    @Dragonredking said:
    [BAD WORD] christ, finally someone that say that he is doing a poll is actually using a tool like strawpool instead of asking people to answer 1 or 2 in the comment

    It's a [BAD WORD] christmas miracle

    Tbh i don't understand why there's no poll option when creating a discussion. I've suggested it twice, one in Wishlist and the other one in Forum Feedback.

    There's a lot of suggestions on how to improve their forum but I'm convinced they're leaving it as is for now since it seemed like they stopped working on the forum abruptly during the time they were asking for feedback.

    Like this thread is still getting updated yet I see a lot of unfinished stuff listed.

    I'd honestly like to know the progress on some of that stuff.

    This one would be awesome: "Ability to send a private message to another member."

    Worse is that it is actually already implemented, but only moderator can use it, I got an mp from Peanit when I did a suggestion about the chinesse spam bot on one of the spam thread.

    Yeah i know, i meant allowed for peasants like us.

  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,248
    edited December 2018

    @Dragonredking said:

    Worse is that it is actually already implemented, but only moderator can use it, I got an mp from Peanit when I did a suggestion about the chinesse spam bot on one of the spam thread.

    I thought that was available at the start but they disabled it for users because spam. I said this about ratings but ratings / DM's should be disabled until you get 50 post for example and that would detour spam. Although one of the mods said that wasn't currently possible iirc.

    Like yeah it would suck not having EVERYTHING at the start but it would prevent someone from just registering and flooding the forums with nonsense without a little effort.

    I'll quit posting about this though sorry for derail @Nickenzie

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    On a scale from 1 to 10? Definitely 11......

  • ReneAensland
    ReneAensland Member Posts: 838

    Half and half.
    From the player base to the gamers.
    Half. We might only recognise the toxicity, never the genuine.

    WINTERS Member Posts: 127
    I chose 8. I play on console and you would think that just because we don't have an end-game chat that people wouldn't take the time to send messages but yeah... They do. I've been called the C word, the b word all because I play killer. I was spammed messages just because I killed someone. Someone added me as a friend then proceeded to use the personal message option to curse me out. I had to block my messages and friend requests because of the constant angry messages. Not the in-game BM they do, but after the game or after they die is when the problem starts. I even got cursed out when I was playing survivor. I almost gave up the game. Which is why my forum username is not the same as my ps name. 
  • BeanieEnthusiast
    BeanieEnthusiast Member Posts: 213
    It’s pretty bad maaaaaaaaaan
  • GodDamn_Angela
    GodDamn_Angela Member Posts: 2,213
    edited December 2018

    I gave it a 6.

    It is an online multiplayer game so it automatically is inherently infected with toxicity. I've played many other online multiplayer games and, to be honest, DBD has its massively toxic players but all-in-all it's by far one of the better in that regard.

    Just as quick examples of other games:

    I'd give League of Legends a 9, maybe a 10, as it is easily one of the most toxic communities ever. SMITE is also pretty bad.

    WOW is a 5. The community is tight and many are friendly but when it comes to joining groups you better be built exactly how they want you to be or GTFO.

    I'd give FFXIV a 2, maybe even a 1, as it is by and large the best online community I've ever been a part of. Most everyone is nice and willing to help each other out.

  • ReneAensland
    ReneAensland Member Posts: 838

    I was about to compare the toxicity here to Call of Duty but in Call of Duty you can just turn the Mic on instead of messaging.
    Still, 5/10.

  • PhantomMask20763
    PhantomMask20763 Member Posts: 5,176
    7 just because sometimes people are so dramatic about losing crazy!!! Sending death threats and racial slurs, yeah that's the main reason. However there are some pretty cool people in our community and they're always awesome to talk to 
  • Yoinked
    Yoinked Member Posts: 8
    edited December 2018
    Nickenzie said:
    Recently, I been hearing a lot of people say our community is very TOXIC. While I agree there are some fog travelers who can be quite immature, I can't say I agree with the exaggeration that are community is the most TOXIC community.

    Please tell me what you think in this poll:

    Additionally, tell me your reasoning on why you picked a certain number! Perhaps the majority of fog travelers don't know what the true meaning of TOXIC is or maybe some things seem TOXIC but aren't actually TOXIC.

    Discuss. :)
    Meh. Depends what toxic is because I myself have mistaken a supposed play as toxic before but I retract my opinion from that. However is t-bagging toxic or DCing? camping and tunneling? It’s hard to really even talk about these because survivor mains will say their side and killers will say their side and they tend to butt heads instead so I guess it is toxic In that sense. And even if you t-bag you should accept the consequences of the killer being toxic and vice verse of the killer is just camping then gen rush and t-bag him on the way out it’s simple. Personally I love it. It brightens my day seeing t-baggers because I love having the opportunity to crush their egos it’s hilarious. I’ve had a poor lad in the same match t bag me in the beginning to walking to a hook waiting for me to hook him for my 4K. I don’t even “tunnel” or “camp” when they t-bag me I just smile, get excited and focus and I just teach them a lesson lol. Does that make me toxic? Idek 
    Edit: I’d say 5? It’s half-half because I mean I play console, no end game chat and I’ve had my messages set to friends only for a long time so I don’t usually get anyone messaging me after unless they really are angry and go out of there way to add me which I just block them lol. So idk 
  • Dragon_of_Fantasy
    Dragon_of_Fantasy Member Posts: 50
    edited December 2018

    @GodDamn_Angela said:
    I gave it a 6.
    It is an online multiplayer game so it automatically is inherently infected with toxicity. I've played many other online multiplayer games and, to be honest, DBD has its massively toxic players but all-in-all it's by far one of the better in that regard.
    Just as quick examples of other games:
    I'd give League of Legends a 9, maybe a 10, as it is easily one of the most toxic communities ever. SMITE is also pretty bad.
    WOW is a 5. The community is tight and many are friendly but when it comes to joining groups you better be built exactly how they want you to be or GTFO.
    I'd give FFXIV a 2, maybe even a 1, as it is by and large the best online community I've ever been a part of. Most everyone is nice and willing to help each other out.

    I agree as these were similar reasons of how I rated DbD. Especially LoL where you can be stuck in a 30-60 min. match and 2-3 people are arguing in chat. Feels like a waste of time especially when players don't want to leave b/c they don't want to get timed out or lose rank. Not sure if it's different with today's LoL, but that's what I remembered in the past playing mostly for rank.

  • GodDamn_Angela
    GodDamn_Angela Member Posts: 2,213

    @Dragon_of_Fantasy said:

    @GodDamn_Angela said:
    I gave it a 6.
    It is an online multiplayer game so it automatically is inherently infected with toxicity. I've played many other online multiplayer games and, to be honest, DBD has its massively toxic players but all-in-all it's by far one of the better in that regard.
    Just as quick examples of other games:
    I'd give League of Legends a 9, maybe a 10, as it is easily one of the most toxic communities ever. SMITE is also pretty bad.
    WOW is a 5. The community is tight and many are friendly but when it comes to joining groups you better be built exactly how they want you to be or GTFO.
    I'd give FFXIV a 2, maybe even a 1, as it is by and large the best online community I've ever been a part of. Most everyone is nice and willing to help each other out.

    I agree as these were similar reasons of how I rated DbD. Especially LoL where you can be stuck in a 30-60 min. match and 2-3 people are arguing in chat. Feels like a waste of time especially when players don't want to leave b/c they don't want to get timed out or lose rank. Not sure if it's different with today's LoL, but that's what I remembered in the past playing mostly for rank.

    I haven't played in nearly 2 years (since Camille came out) but I assume it is the same if the LoL Forums are any indication.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    edited December 2018
    7 just because sometimes people are so dramatic about losing crazy!!! Sending death threats and racial slurs, yeah that's the main reason. However there are some pretty cool people in our community and they're always awesome to talk to 
    Hahaha, I was playing Spirit and I downed this Claudette practically instantly since I'm so good with her power. Then she DC'd and sent me a message, "Reported" and "I'm getting people to report you so enjoy your ban". It's so bad that being good is toxic now.
  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,667

    The results are pretty clear. The vast majority voted that the community is more toxic than not. I voted 6. I feel that the community is more toxic than average, but not as bad as some people think.

  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    @Nickenzie i just gave it a 5 and feel that was too strong. It is just the bad ones you remember most of all.

  • Milord
    Milord Member Posts: 273
    Baby, can't you see
    I'm chatting
    A guy like you should [BAD WORD] [BAD WORD] [BAD WORD]
    It's [BAD WORD]
    I'm reporting
  • Might_Oakk
    Might_Oakk Member Posts: 1,243

    7 - I find it really fluctuates. I work shift work IRL so I play all hours. Off peak hours I find everyone is pretty chill. Primetime hours (evenings + weekends) I find it really ramps up. I think it has more todo with the games genre attracting kids and early teenagers. Any time kids are out it gets toxic.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,213

    @The_Crusader said:
    Hands down the most toxic community I've ever seen. The only game where I have to make my steam profile private and change my username constantly.

    That is totaly my post. Never have i ever encountered a community this toxic, and i play games (pc, console, board, and cards) in different communitys for over 35 years now, and started online games about 21 years ago. I never had my steam profile private before i played this game. now it is. Change my name from time to time.

    The main problem from my perspective is the fact that a lot of players are killer or survivors only (or at least it seemed to be that way). In other games, your enemy today can be your ally tommorow, and since most games are symetrical, most people tend to see the same problems. Here, the "solo-playmode-players" have absolut oppsite goals and views, with some player like myself playing both sides almost equaly.

    To me, toxic is mainly disrespecting your fellow gamers, no matter which role they take in this game.
    Thats why i belive tbagging is toxic, because in the majority of cases it is meant to be.

    But most of the time, its not the killer that is toxic (although that might happen too): Most of the time its the survivors, basicly encoraged by bad game design. Endless looping is as boring and frustrating as camping and tunnelning, but all three are not only fair strategy, but sometimes needed to achive your objective. But being on the receiving end can feel very toxic (especially when one side uses additional advantages, that makes the strategy more effective, and sometimes unnessesary (like having a rank 1 runner with his swf rank 13 vs the rank 13 killer, or being an experienced killer in lower ranks due to rank reset or deranking.

    Also the excessive points one single player gets from unhooking (while the one luring the killer away or just being a second too late or just being more cautious (or the one not wanting to do the unhook while in terror radius)) promotes a "me vs other survivors" mentality.

    A redesign for assigning bloodpoints might help here (no extra points for hatch, only 2k for survivel yourself, + additional blookpoints for each other surviving teammate).

  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061
    The dbd community is drifting to an entitled community rather than toxic. There are still cocky players who think they are gods but honestly they probably just prolong the match far longer than it needs to be. Gen on a gen instead of ganging up on killer.
  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    sulaiman said:

    @The_Crusader said:
    Hands down the most toxic community I've ever seen. The only game where I have to make my steam profile private and change my username constantly.

    That is totaly my post. Never have i ever encountered a community this toxic, and i play games (pc, console, board, and cards) in different communitys for over 35 years now, and started online games about 21 years ago. I never had my steam profile private before i played this game. now it is. Change my name from time to time.

    The main problem from my perspective is the fact that a lot of players are killer or survivors only (or at least it seemed to be that way). In other games, your enemy today can be your ally tommorow, and since most games are symetrical, most people tend to see the same problems. Here, the "solo-playmode-players" have absolut oppsite goals and views, with some player like myself playing both sides almost equaly.

    To me, toxic is mainly disrespecting your fellow gamers, no matter which role they take in this game.
    Thats why i belive tbagging is toxic, because in the majority of cases it is meant to be.

    But most of the time, its not the killer that is toxic (although that might happen too): Most of the time its the survivors, basicly encoraged by bad game design. Endless looping is as boring and frustrating as camping and tunnelning, but all three are not only fair strategy, but sometimes needed to achive your objective. But being on the receiving end can feel very toxic (especially when one side uses additional advantages, that makes the strategy more effective, and sometimes unnessesary (like having a rank 1 runner with his swf rank 13 vs the rank 13 killer, or being an experienced killer in lower ranks due to rank reset or deranking.

    Also the excessive points one single player gets from unhooking (while the one luring the killer away or just being a second too late or just being more cautious (or the one not wanting to do the unhook while in terror radius)) promotes a "me vs other survivors" mentality.

    A redesign for assigning bloodpoints might help here (no extra points for hatch, only 2k for survivel yourself, + additional blookpoints for each other surviving teammate).

    Yes the unhook points need to change. This is why camping works, and it causes survivors to rush unhooks as they compete for the points.

    Remember survivors actually lose points when someone gets hooked, so if they dont unhook then it hurts them. Hence camping works as survivors will rush the hook for the points.

    Excellent design right there.
    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    fcc2014 said:

    @Nickenzie i just gave it a 5 and feel that was too strong. It is just the bad ones you remember most of all.

    Yes, but man when you come across these people, it's nasty.
  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,323

    10 has the most votes. What a surprise. I main killer and barely get any toxic survivors so I still don't get it though.
    I'm guessing some of those people believe simply looping, gen rushing or mildly camping is toxic.

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,759
    I did 5. It's average.
  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,759
    edited December 2018
    Honestly I would love to see the age statistics for this game and specifically the users here. I can't imagine many people who grew up playing Halo 2 or the early COD could say this game is any more toxic than them. People literally screaming ######### into your ear the whole match.
  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823

    @brokedownpalace said:
    People literally screaming ######### into your ear the whole match.

    Isn't that lovely? :chuffed:

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,759
    Vietfox said:

    @brokedownpalace said:
    People literally screaming ######### into your ear the whole match.

    Isn't that lovely? :chuffed:

    It's a real treat. I always played a pink Master Chief so you can imagine the names I got called. The thing is I don't put stock in the opinions of strangers over the internet.
  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,613

    Voted 9.
    Turning my profile partially private JUST to stop getting an inbox message is annoying enough.
    But i've still had worse in LoL than this, there's NO fun allowed in there.

  • chemical_reject
    chemical_reject Member Posts: 940

    I gave it a 6.

    It is an online multiplayer game so it automatically is inherently infected with toxicity. I've played many other online multiplayer games and, to be honest, DBD has its massively toxic players but all-in-all it's by far one of the better in that regard.

    Just as quick examples of other games:

    I'd give League of Legends a 9, maybe a 10, as it is easily one of the most toxic communities ever. SMITE is also pretty bad.

    WOW is a 5. The community is tight and many are friendly but when it comes to joining groups you better be built exactly how they want you to be or GTFO.

    I'd give FFXIV a 2, maybe even a 1, as it is by and large the best online community I've ever been a part of. Most everyone is nice and willing to help each other out.

    Lol I loved ff14. It just depends on which server u get. Goblin was cool and leviathan for the most part was cool but leviathan had the super try hards who would BM u if u didn't know every single dungeon mechanic like the back of ur hand. Goblin had people who would kindly explain the mechanic if u struggled with it 
  • Cardgrey
    Cardgrey Member Posts: 1,454
    edited December 2018

    Ha ff14 a joke u want a good community look up final fantasy 11s were teamwork is 100% needed for everything just about