Survivor Mains: Is anyone grinding these last two weeks to level up Mikaela?

Is anyone going to buy the new survivor, to level her up and use her perks? Im thinking about grinding up my BP these last 2 weeks before she comes out.
I most definitely will.
Her design is really unique, same with her voice and Circle Of Healing looks somewhat meta changing so I'm pretty excited for her.
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same, i feel like when the chapter releases we are going to see a bunch of Mikaela Mains.
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I'm not sure if i will buy her because i rarely play survivor.
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Im definitely a fan of her, love her look and her perks. I do have all of this tomes challenges saved up but I think Im gonna wait for the next killer to spend those
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there will be a lot of witches running around on Halloween.
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I want her perks but I'm scared that when released her perks will be nerfed into the ground like MoM was
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Yeah, I am a completionist. So I will save 1 Million BPs, 3 Dailies and use my leftover Tome Challenges to get her to P3 as fast as possible.
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Nope. I have many many cakes and lots and lots of iridescent add-one for my Trapping Boi, so I’ll be earning lots of blood points with him when they updates go live in order to lever her! Y’all better watch out for the basement! Muahahahahaha.
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Your diabolical
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Yes I will definitely level her up. I have at least 1,900,000 bloodpoints saved up to spend on her. That way i get her perks unlocked and I can play her for a but with teir 3 perks
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I will definitely get her when she goes live. I've saving up blood points and saving tome challenges to level her up.
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I will just level her to 40 to get the perks. Its just one million bloodpoints, so there is no need to grind for me.
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Same !
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Nah. It will be easy to level her as I only have Bill and Nancy leveled. So she should have perks by level 50.
Still not sure if I want to buy her. I bought the Leatherface mask and outfit, but saved 400 auric cells by skipping the weapon. So I COULD. Or I could wait until I get 9k shards. But I am still missing some killers like Twins and Spirit that I want.
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its so nice to know that im not the only one having that problem, its looks so bad when one of survivors dont have p3/50 when the rest have
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I'll be levelling her through the event, ideally, and reminder: 500,000 BP comes on the 13th, she comes on the 19th.
Not a survivor main, though, so just take the above as a reminder about the new grade rewards.
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I might buy her but probably not day one.
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If the boon perks are nerfed I won't be getting her to p3 50 immediately, I'll still get her with iri shards but I'm in the process of getting all of my survivors to p3 50 all perks.
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I'd rather die than spend the next several days straight just grinding in dbd. Grinding for bloodpoints, iri shards, etc just makes me miserable so no. I learned that the hard way when I grinded for an entire 12 hours to get elodie with shards.
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Not really. Maybe I buy her in the future for perks but now I have multiple characters I need to level up first. And these are those I will be actually playing as, unlike her
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Sort of? I just got my Feng to Prestige 3 and I still need to get her perks back. And by perks back I mean every damn survivor perk there is... 😫
But once I get that done I will grind her out assuming the perks are not horribly nerfed into the ground. If that happens I am just gonna level up Pig instead.
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For sure! she is hella cute and I lover her overall design. She'll be one of my new mains so I'm gonna grind as much as I can to get the 1mil bps and dailies done and saved.
I only play dbd maybe once a week now so I don't know how I'm supposed to grind hahaha but guess I'll have to go through pain for her lol
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I'll only buy her for the boons
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I’m going to, let’s abuse her perks while we can before they’re nerfed into oblivion since no new survivor since Bill is allowed to have meta perks.
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I've got this tome's level 1-4 challenges all stacked up and ready to be claimed. I intentionally didn't claim them for the new killer out of anticipation that the new survivor would be released soon after. Glad I did so because her perks are really unique and a nice change (Albeit slightly OP?). So yeah I'll also have 3 daily rituals ready to be claimed and 1 mil BP saved up before her release too.
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I will grind up to save points for Mikaela, but I'm generally so fast at gaining points that I only need like a weekend to do it. So I will be grinding, but not now.
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David and Dead Hard would like to speak with you
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Nah, there's no point. It's just another survivor skin with nothing special.
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I'm going to wait at least until the next chapter. Her perks will be (hopefully) nerfed anyway and her looks don't interest me, did we really need another pretty girl in her 20~30s? The fact she's a witch was the perfect opportunity to add the first old female survivor, but being young like that just makes her look like a tumblr edgy teen.
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Have enough saved on the tome challenges and i will probably not spent everything I earn until she releases.
but I did not think about the event items. I like to have everything on all chars but I also don’t want to Prestige when a char has valuable offerings/items still on them. What to do? (Well firstly other new chars need the Halloween stuff obviously… and I had Jill and Leon ready for the anniversary event after all..)
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I’m sure her boon perks will still probably be good even if they’re nerfed.
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Yeah definitely
Ive got every survivor and killer p3 level 50 so when a new character comes out its someone new to level up and add to the collection lol
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Yep. :)
1million + rank reset bps + 50 unclaimed challenges ready for P3 Mikaela.
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I'm more of a killer main, but I'm going to answer anyway.
If her boon perks get nerfed, yes.
The boon perks she has are exactly the sort of effects I enjoy a lot, but I'm weird and refuse to use broken and unfair stuff against my opponents. Was the same way with Spirit for the longest time. Was interested in trying her but wasn't willing to inflict Spirit games on anyone.
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I get all the Survivors and Killers as soon as they come out. Will I get her perks unlocked ASAP, probably not as I play Killer/Survivor 75/25%. Eventually I will and get them on my mains, but not as soon as me grinding out Killers.
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So if her boons don't get nerfed, you're not leveling up Mikaela?
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Cant you only save 1million BP?
I mean I have roughly 800k (always do for new content drops, get the last 200k a day before)
And I have challenges saved from level 4 in this tome. Am I missing other ways? Like a BP code or something I can save?
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I'm absolutely useless at saving BP - I spend it as soon as I get it. I do tend to have my challenge BP's stored but that's purely because I forget to claim them, so I'll have those.
I tend to play as the character and just level up normally, saving BP is just too tempting to spend.
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I play both sides including survivor so yeh. I'm racking up my shards to get her on release.
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You can only save up to 1M BP. But of there are BP gifts from codes or even challenges I think and rank reset that can exceed the 1M.
you could also save up 3 dailys. BP codes are always time limited so it’s best to immediately use. And there are currently none that I know of
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Reminded me of that scene.
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I actively avoid running things I view as broken or overpowered, so unless I am very wrong about her boon totems, if those don't get nerfed, she'll remain unpurchased for me.
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With that said, you leveled up the old broken Undying tho, did you.
I said that because what you said doesn't make sense. You can level up a character without using their perks.
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2 things.
Firstly, I did not run Old Undying + Ruin. Heck I don't run current Undying + Ruin. Partially because it was broken. Partially because I hate how inconsistent Hex Perks are.
Secondly, sure you can rank up a character without running their perks. However... Survivors have zero different gameplay from any other Survivor. Someone like me can make a solid case for ranking up Blight anyways even if Undying is broken. No other killer provides the experience of being a human pinball. Survivors though are just skins. Some people might level up a Survivor just because of how they look, but that isn't me. The only way I'm buying a Survivor is if I want their perks.