Please add a concede option for slugs

I'd honestly rather just give the killer points for the kill if they want me out of the game so bad that they'll make me lay on the floor, unable to do anything or even remove myself from the game without getting a ban and just camp me for 4 whole minutes.
Can we please just add the option to concede after being on the ground for long enough?
If your spending to long on the ground, blame your teammates for bad altruism. Slugging is a good slowdown and it's up to your team how long they leave you there.
Good teammates means you will spend less time down then if you were hooked and you'll have more chances.
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If the killer wants you down you stay down.
I've noticed Pyramid Heads like to target my friend for playing Cheryl/Alessa. One slugged my friend and downed him again each time someone got him up, standing over him all match until he bled out, ignoring the other survivors. There was nothing he or his teammates could do.
Some killers slug at the end of the match when there's only one survivor left just to drag it out. Survivors should be able to concede and leave behind a husk or something. The killer can stand over it or hook it or mori it or whatever, but the player doesn't have to wait around while they're not getting to play and not earning BP.
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The problem with this is, how long is long enough?
Ok…badly phrased for this community, but let’s say you’ve the option to give up after 2 minutes. What if you’re being slugged for a legitimate reason, the killer is half way across the map and your team is failing to pick you up? Should you be able to essentially DC but without a DC penalty? Sure, your team have failed to help you, but you’re still screwing them over, so you should still eat the penalty.
I know it’s lame being slugged for 4 mins, but being able to give up too far from that 4 min mark is pretty much the same as DCing. I suppose there’s an argument to be made for the 3 min mark, but then you’d only be waiting an extra minute to bleed out anyways.
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Its called bleeding out, only takes a a few minutes.
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It takes 4 minutes, that's a long time of doing literally nothing in a videogame, you know, the things that are meant to be interactive and fun?
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I agree with this only in the circumstance where the killer downs everyone and proceeds to search for hatch so everyone can bleed out. Let people individually concede.
Why allow the killer be a salty dick for that long? You're held hostage in a game you can't win or do anything in. At least when you're on the hook you can make your life run out faster, but you're a freakin prisoner on the ground.
Post edited by ThatsAmori on0 -
There can't just be an immediate give up option, but I would be totally ok with something like an accelerated bleed out by the survivor's choice. For example, holding M2 causes the bleed out rate to double, but also makes it apparent on the UI so the killer can plan accordingly.
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You are Right, lets reduce it to 1minute.
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Completely counterable with or without perks. If your solo, well sometimes you've just got to accept your mistakes and call the match, but we don't need a free dc button.
If players really want to dc then add the button and have it cost 300,000 BP for every use. Top it off with having BP go negative from over use. That way if you want to level or get more add-ons you have to PLAY THE GAME like the rest of us.
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do what i do everygame when solo Q and run no mither it works great :D don't judge me
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When you're slugged, you're not actually getting to play the game. You're just waiting to die: the loss has just been dragged out to be four minutes instead of instant. Especially if the other three survivors are already dead. The game could at least give the survivor some kind of BP to compensate for the wasted time.
Being solo sucks, because I have no way to tell my team "stop picking me up, go finish the gens and escape." So, no matter what I do, the team tanks itself trying to pick me up. Even when I hold down the sprint button so they can't pick me up they won't go away, even if they're just hovering nearby behind obstacles. But when I do that, I'm beyond caring at that point and just want out, so if they're going to tank themselves so be it, I've already had enough of my time wasted. If they're not going to take advantage of the killer's mistake of focusing on me and ignoring them, it's not my problem. At least holding down sprint means, barring the killer's intervention, I get out guaranteed in four minutes. That's better than being picked up and slugged picked up and slugged picked up and slugged... no thanks.
Being able to concede might actually screw over my team less, because at least then they'd know to leave my husk alone.
If it's the end of the match I can at least go AFK. It's a bit less effective to go AFK mid-match since there are teammates around who can then pick me up and keep the match going indefinitely; that's not a problem after they're dead.
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I know not everyone enjoys slug mechanic but if u add Concede button, it will benefit survivors even more. Currently survivors die on hook to open hatch. If they do same while slugging, well it will be almost impossible to get 4k.
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A concede option should leave behind a husk. It's not dead, it continues to bleed out like normal, and the killer can either leave it there or hook it or mori it. It would be exactly like if the slugged person just went AFK, which is what a lot of them do right now anyway. If there's a notification that the survivor conceded, then the benefit it would give is the other survivors would know not to throw away their lives trying to pick the husk up off the ground.
When I play survivor, I try to pay attention to if someone seems to have gone AFK. I feel bad when my teammates die trying to heal someone who's not even there.
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I'm afraid players will just abuse it to avoid Dc penalty. While i think there should be way to surrender, i have no ideas how to make it fair for everyone.
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Firstly, solo is the best survivor experience for me. Rather rely on my own abilities and preparation than perks in the form of communication.
From my pov, being slugged is similar to being hooked. In both situations, outside of perks, there is nothing to do but rely on teammates. The only difference is that in the slugged state you are at least able to relocate yourself and there is a far greater chance for multiple chases.
Won't deny that between the killer and teammates, the experience can incur various level of frustration. Still there are perks which can help if it's a primary concern that warrants a loadout change.
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Yeah, but it's really frustrating when you get a killer on Ash IV (literally, the lower the rank, the more people tryhard, lol) who slugs for 4k and you literally cannot play the game. When you're slugged for this long, it's like you've lost and you cannot leave and you're forced to spectate the game.
I get it, everyone wants to get as much as possible from the match, but still that's like the worst (or one of) mechanic in the game. I remember Tru3 once said there should be something like if you kill 3rd survivor, 4th is revealed to you, he sees you as well, pallets are reset and you're stuck in a chase for X amount of time. You see survivor's aura from time to time and your goal is to catch him before the time runs out, if he outlasts you, he escapes. I think that would've been more 'fair'.