3 out of 7 games today seeing hackers. High MMR killer queue - NA server

As titled, met 3 hackers today, one in the morning and two in the row during evening when playing my high mmr killer. (same hacks: speed hack, insta-heal teammates and auto-repairing generators)
So far my personal best counter to hackers is to not giving them any interactions at all (treat them as void). I will just afk and do something else (get a cup of coffee...). This will demotivate any fun from hackers and do not let them jump in another match quickly in my opinion. They aimlessly stay in the game and eventually leave.
I just want to provide another data point to everyone indicating that there is a noticeable increase of hackers recently.
Hope this rings a bell to devs.
One interesting fact: one hacker has ~ 10 hrs in the game and still match against me (>4k hrs). So this tells they can also hacks MMR.
Also a hacker I encountered was able to make me have no scratch marks at all, didn’t even know until l watched the replay from the streamer
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10 cheaters in the last 11 games, but some games had two cheaters.
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I had one a few days ago in my group that bullied a poor console nurse. We just genrushed and got out.
Though it was kind of funny to see a huge flashlight beam from across the map, it's up to this company to win the arms race.
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I mean...BHVR is an unethical company that harasses streamers they suspect of leaks and genuinely treats hackers as paying customers in internal discussions. Don't expect much of anything to happen on the hacking front.
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The funniest one I've seen thus far was (what appeared to be) a completely invisible, silent, intangible survivor running around doing gens. Kept triggering my Hag traps, but when I teleported in - nothing.
Finally 'saw' him after BBQ popped - he was somehow running around 200ft in the air. Still setting off traps though.
This is getting silly. Usually I just AFK against the obvious ones - it's the sneaky ones that worry me.
Like - how many of my recent games where I've just bizarrely been unable to catch people, or found myself 5-0'd within minutes while barely even getting a chase (and inevitably 'GGEZ trash killer uninstall'ed at the post-game screen) have been me legitimately getting chimped by people, and how many have been hacking?
This sort of thing is death to a community.