Did Silent Hill or Resident evil fit more in DBD?

This comes from a resident evil fan and someone who has never played a silent hill game ever.
While im glad that resident evil is a chapter included in DBD i think we can all agree that Silent hill had a much better launch than RE.
And i aslo think Cheryl fit in a lot more than the RE survivors (atleast on the outside) because we have never seen her do any insane ######### like Jill who has shot like 5 zombies with 1 bullet and other stuff. For a lot of people Jill or Leon or any other RE survivor without a gun or some kind of weapon is just strange. A lot of people forget that without their guns the only thing they can do is run in the faces of Pyramid Head or Nemesis. Resident evil and Silent hill both have a totally different vibe. While Resident evil is considered survival horror it has more action and shooting than Silent Hill.
I dont know if its the old graphics of Silent Hill but Cheryl looks more of a survivor than Jill, design wise.
Nonetheless im still happy we have them both in DBD.
I think the RE chapter was done super poorly. Nemesis doesn't even feel like Nemesis without some sort of running ability or weaponry, the zombies are super bland and annoying for both sides and his actual power is so lackluster that even Trickster is arguably better than him.
SH chapter was much better indeed. Pyramid Head is actually a scary chaser and the cages, although technically not in the games, fit super well his power.
I don't think the problem was the lack of horror because Stranger Things isn't even a horror franchise and I think everybody agrees the chapter was a success.
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I love both !
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its more of a sci fi with horror aspects. first season specially.
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Oh silent hill for sure. Not only did it have a much better launch, it was a much better chapter from the start. Simply because resident evil is extremely overrated, and silent hill is extremely underrated. So theres alot of bias towards debates between chapters but silent hill is by far the better one. And cheryl is a legit god killer so she isnt some normal girl lol
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Silent Hill added new details to the lore, with Cheryl using the entity and PH torturing it. RE didn’t really add anything new
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I love resident evil, played 1 silent hill and got lost and bored in a fog town for an hour lol.
Imo I feel like silent hill suited DBD better, you get a great concept, the killer looks great, power works good and is great while with resident evil I dont feel the same. I live resident evil (cant wait for the remake of 4) but it didnt fit in as well, not sure why, probably just dont think nemesis fits as well or is betrayed as well
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Probably because Cheryl is an actual survivor. The resident evil chapter introduced ways to fight back the killer.
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Technically, the Cages are from the game. They're called Deathbeds in the files and the final boss is inside of one of them when they fight you, which has story significance considering who it is. I don't think Pyramid Head ever interacts with them, though.
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Both franchises suit the game, but I'd say that even though RE is the bigger, more successful franchise, the way both chapters were dealt with including lore and perks and story gave the impression that the devs were far more interested in Silent Hill and the lore behind that. Using Cheryl's powers to partially bend the Entity to her will, or Pyramid Head being way more free than any other killer (and potentially helping the Sun Goddess put an influence within) seems to show much more interest that people get taken by a fog in Raccoon City.
If the devs had absolute control over Silent Hill, I would not be surprised if Cheryl and Pyramid Head became far more important people to the story, but as there may be limits, they'll focus more on the original creations.
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Silent Hill, by a very long shot.
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As someone who has played both series and enjoyed them both, I think Silent Hill is a better fit. The zombie outbreaks and freakish fiends in Resident Evil come from science gone wrong, which can still be understood.
Silent Hill deals with cults, witchcraft/demon worship, reincarnation- basically the baddies and world is based in the paranormal, or that which isn’t really understood. Silent Hill’s world also exists in its own purgatory Fog, which parallels nicely with the Fog of the Entity.
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Silent Hill is a (survival) horror franchise, through and through… therefore it is objectively a better fit for DBD. In the same vein, I would say Evil Within fits this category as well and I hope it makes it into DBD somehow.
Resident Evil was still an appropriate franchise to assimilate into DBD, though. It’s more of an Action/Horror with survival elements.
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I personally found his power one of the funnest, I am thinking of maining him after deathslinger get's his nerf. I feel that people are not using it correctly most of the time, but I will admit that he get's screwed by RNG and piss poor AI a lot of the time.
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The resident evil chapter was awful both performance wise and content wise. Silent hill 100%
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Both is fine
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It's the creator of survival horror and the king of it. It depends on the game you're playing.
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While I prefer Resident Evil over Silent Hill as a franchise...
THIS perfectly answers the question of which one fits DBD more.
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Pyramid head fits in better canonically. Nemesis really has no reason to be killing the survivors unless they're all S.T.A.R.S agents
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Silent Hill nor Resident Evil fit. BUT the characters sure as hell do and I gotta say with the specific characters they chose 100% RE wins BUT with they way they went about Nemesis by making him act nothing like Nemesis was a huge problem. So the current iteration of Nemesis in DBD does not fit much but the real Nemesis from RE3R would've for perfectly with some obvious toning down.
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Thank god. I didn't think I'd find many people outside of my own posts about this. But yeah I personally believe Nemesis fits way more than PH IF Nemesis actually acted like him. They were so obsessed with making Nemesis just feel like RE overall instead of the point of the chapter which is to bring in those characters. Not the entire franchise. No one thinks they're playing a Halloween game when playing as Michael. No I'm playing as the legendary Michael Myers in DBD.
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I think both were done very well, I think people complaining about Nemesis don't really understand that giving him a weapon doesn't really make sense in DBD. They could have taken out zombies and made him sprint or something sure, but the zombies are a cool addition and do make me think of Resident Evil when I play against them, which is the point I'm sure. I'm just happy Nemesis is in the game at all.
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Honestly this was perfectly said, I couldn't have said it better.
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The point of these chapters isn't to make you feel like playing other franchises. The only ones that really do that are RE and Saw but Saw gets kind of a free pass because what else are you gonna do with Pig? The point is to add the characters. Not the franchise. If people like it then I highly encourage people to just play Nemesis in REsistance. In that game you get zombies and other RE monsters AND can play as the true Nemesis at the same time. The zombies are a cool edition sure but do not work. They are no fun since you can't do anything with them. Like Nemesis was basically split into 2 killers. Oni and Nemesis. Nemesis only has the looks and sounds and animations. Oni has Nemesis' power in a way.