Why people are whining about Dead hard?



  • botrax
    botrax Member Posts: 633

    That the thing dead hard is use for distance most of the time getting a window, a pallet or just when you got outplay by the killer just press e to reach one of your rescourse for an extended chase.

    What make SB worst compare to that is the second you use SB the killer drop the chase. You talk about keeping SB 99 but if you do that you can never stop running because the second you stop running the next time you run SB will active so its kinda out of your control.

    At the end its a matter of preference you like the chase take DH you prefer the killer to never chase you take SB

  • Brimp
    Brimp Member Posts: 2,914

    What... of course sprint burst is used for distance what are you on about. Literally sprint burst serves no better value if you just complete the dead zone gen which you SHOULD do while someone else is getting chased.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    Sprint burst in general gives you 4.2m of distance from the killer over 3 seconds and has to be used instantly or you have to hold it and not do gens.

    Dead hard in general gives you 3.8m of distance from the killer instantly whenever you want.

    Dead hard is way harder to deal with

  • stvnhthr
    stvnhthr Member Posts: 777
    edited October 2021

    Deadhard seldom works right, Killers love that survivors use it.

    Maybe once out of ten times you get invincibility, you run off in odd directions and can not control it, you don't get prompts for window vaults or pallet drops, the distance you travel is sometimes 1m sometimes up to 2 meters. Lag really screws it up. Most often you will hit it during a chase, get no results, then get hit and go down, and then the timer activates so you have to wait for it to recharge even though you got no benefit from it.

  • Friendly_Blendette
    Friendly_Blendette Member Posts: 2,923

    Play Twins and eat a 3 second stun then have be booted back to the other side of the map cause the survivor pressed E. Imo the issue is almost every killer is punished badly for missing their power (Billy cooldown, Twins kicking, Blight and Nurse Fatigues, Oni, PH, Huntress, Pinhead, Slinger, Demo, Pig, GF losing his stealth with a 30 second cooldown. Also Shoutout to Trapper for DHing through traps.) and in a lot of situations Dead Hard guarantees a miss. Idc about DH on like myers like sure you got to that pallet but I prefer it to say SB or Lithe but on someone like Demo its just really annoying.

  • Slaughterhouse3
    Slaughterhouse3 Member Posts: 901

    Dead hard is interesting...in the hands of amazing survivors, it feels so unfair. In the hands of okayish survivors it is iffy. I personally think it needs a distance reduction is all. Or at least buff unrelenting to match it's power. Sprint burst can be pretty nasty but we have mindbreaker to at least attempt to counter it if we hate it that much.

  • SudoK7
    SudoK7 Member Posts: 68

    I perfer sprint burst over Dead hard tbh. Just feels more useful and fun to use

  • James4125
    James4125 Member Posts: 266

    All I'm gonna say is if dead hard isn't a top tier/overpowered perk why do you see it in literally every single game? Usually two three or even four of them.

    Do you see that with sprint burst? Not often.

    Lithe? Never.

    Balanced landing? Only on the teams that permanently run Haddonfield offerings.

    Head on is basically a meme and is the only other one you'll often see on full teams.

  • SunderMun
    SunderMun Member Posts: 2,789

    No, it also gives them a free health state if used properly, with no counter on the killer's end. What you described is a very bad way to use it.

    H1GHLVND3R Member Posts: 138

    DH is bugged and after use u getting hit anyways, so thats why. That bullshit doesnt work properly for month

  • xnicolay
    xnicolay Member Posts: 70

    The problem is when everyone runs DH... then have DS, BT, unbreakeable and a lot of 2nd opportunity perks, that's unfair.

    But is easier to keep nerfing killers lul

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,295

    Keys are being removed. Dead Hard is just next on the list. Once that's down, expect Iron Will or DS to be on the target list.

  • adam1233467
    adam1233467 Member Posts: 1,055

    Basically press a button to win

  • TurtleSmoothie
    TurtleSmoothie Member Posts: 1
    edited October 2021

    as a killer main i can say the perk is pretty much fine and when someone does a good dead hard im more "oh damn good timing" rather than "wow trash survivor needs perk to win"

    but in saying that i can definitely see the frustration as a lot of the time when playing killer it can be super annoying when you genuinely outplay the survivor by every definition of the word and as your about to down them you get hit in the face with a dead hard that extends the chase by another 30 or so seconds

    however, ive played enough survivor and been exhausted on the ground enough to know the perk isnt necessarily overpowered more just frustrating.

    hope this was helpful lmao

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    It does not give them a free health state... That is like saying faking a window to make a killer swing is earning a free health state. You just didn't lose your health state.

  • Kira4Evr
    Kira4Evr Member Posts: 2,025

    I agree. Sprint Bust is way better.

    Dead Hard is just frustrating when it's used by a good player, but I'm probably just whining because I play Huntress. I just feel so empty on the inside when I have a guaranteed hatchet hit, but then they suddenly disappear behind a wall or they just yet themself to China. It's heartbreaking lmao

  • MrCalac123
    MrCalac123 Member Posts: 1,147

    It's an on demand chase extender that by mere existence can double the length of a chase easily, if not outright ending a chase. Dead Hard is as good as how and when it is used, and when used well it's basically another health state. A free burst to any pallet, window, etc.

    This can be spread across 4 Survivors and used as many times as Survivors like in a match.

    If you can't see the issue with this perk, you haven't played against enough Survivors who know how to use it.

  • Markness
    Markness Member Posts: 242

    Needs to be removed from this game, holy smokes its annoying, play as hag and every time your traps go off someone will dead hard out of the way when I clearly caught them off guard, complete horse crap, and every single game it is used to extend a chase, not even once, numerous times, that plus DS and gens being super spread out = killer loses every time versus survivors that aren't drooling all over themselves while playing the game.

  • RenRen
    RenRen Member Posts: 1,443

    I've seen dead hard do waaaaaaaaaaaay more then sprint burst. Not only myself but streamers, and competitive players.

  • SunderMun
    SunderMun Member Posts: 2,789

    No, faking a window to make the killer miss is a skill. Using a perk and pressing E for free distance to get the pallet drop, isn't.