Comic Book Villain As A Killer

Who would you like to see as a killer from a comic book I would say either The Joker, Scarecrow, or Carnage
Super Freddy
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Johnny the Homicidal Maniac
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The Brood from Marvel would be interesting.
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I’m a simple man, Scarecrow
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Wasn't that comic from the creator of invader sim?
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Carnage. He's such a cool character. This clip and the movie don't even get close to covering everything he can do.
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Scarecrow would be the number onne killer for me. His fear toxins could make the options available for powers and perks plentiful and creative.
However, for a lesser known villain, I'd take Doctor Death from The New 52 comics. In short, a former Bruce Wayne employee who tests a serum on himself which results in horrific bone growth and strength. This guy would make for an interesting killer.
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Yup. He started with Johnny and then made Invader Zim.
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I would but realistically we won't. At least not these types in like the DC or Marvel universe. So many people associate comic books with mainly the superheroes. We could possibly see stuff from actual comics about serial killers that have nothing to do with these superhero universes.
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I’d love an old school Adam west style comic villain, every time you get hit “POW” and “SMACK” pop up