How many slowdown perks do you run as killer and why or why not?😯

latinfla4 Member Posts: 2,119
edited October 2021 in General Discussions

I find I have to run at least corrupt and ruin with bbq (for the grind) leaving 1 perk (depending on which killer I use).

How about the rest of you? Do you feel you need to run gen regression perks?

Post edited by latinfla4 on


  • R2k
    R2k Member Posts: 1,069

    I run corrupt, pop and thana. All 3 allow me to buy as much time as i can to try 12 hook play each game. Sad it's not enough <3

  • SlothGirly
    SlothGirly Member Posts: 1,146

    Ruin because it's the only one I own :(

  • botrax
    botrax Member Posts: 633

    Depend the killer i play but most of the time i will go ruin/pop/corrupt/thrilling tremor only because you need something to slow the game and whitout any slowdown the game is over to fast unless you 1hook everyone in the first 2 minute of the match.

    I would use bbq but i already have all the perk i want on my main killer and she dont have many good addon so i dont really care about them

  • Kalinikta
    Kalinikta Member Posts: 709

    Corrupt Intervention and Pop is a staple for most of my killers, I prefer it over Ruin for stability reasons.

    Sometimes I try other slowdowns like anti healing on some killers or the occasional devour hope builds, but they are very much a hit or miss.

    Some type of slowdown is just a must.

  • FengisKawaii
    FengisKawaii Member Posts: 309

    Depends on the killer, really. Like, you can get away with no slowdown on spirit or blight in many cases but there are like 10-15 killers who are extremely underwhelming even with 4 slowdowns.

    My go-tos are usually corrupt+pop, but I like to switch it up with surge, ruin and even deadlock sometimes now.

  • Trickstaaaaa
    Trickstaaaaa Member Posts: 1,267
    edited October 2021

    Depends on what killer I'm playing. If it's a mobile killer I go all out which mean pop, plus eruption. And top it out... I add surge :) depending on if the killer is purely and M1 killer, so 3 on mobile killers. On slower killers I like to with ruin and with deadlock or pop. But I don't always run slowdowns, it depends on how I feel.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    Depends on my mood.

    I generally change build every couple of matches so it happens i have zero or sometimes 2-3

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,900

    Corrupt and Pop.

    I run Corrupt because its a good perk for the early game, and being a Mikey main it helps me build up my stalk. Pop is just great and feels earned, too, because I can only use it if I've managed to catch and hook someone.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    I actually think gen regression is a bit overrated for higher mmr. The blocking is better, in my opinion. Corrupt and Deadlock cannot be removed from the game and the extra whatever seconds regression perks give you back are less than the 30 seconds Deadlock gives you. And there are no conditions.

    The only killer I play at high MMR is Freddy, so I would run Pop anyways, but that seems killer specific. I wouldn't run it on almost anyone else.

  • Tricksters_Wife
    Tricksters_Wife Member Posts: 545

    Ruin is the only gen regression perk I use. But I use Corrupt Intervention and Discordance as gen control perks. I just replaced Starstruck with Corrupt as I was getting frustrated at gen speeds, so now they've been a lot better since I adjusted my build a bit that allows me to get ahead of the game.

  • LegacySmikey
    LegacySmikey Applicant, Member Posts: 570

    I don't run any at all unless it was for an adept achivement

    Mostly because I get sick of seeing them as a survivor so I try to give other survivors something different when i'm playing killer. (It's one of the reasons I won't play a new killer for at least a couple of months too I get sick of seeing them haven't used a new killer on release since Oni)

    I also don't care about how many kills I get 4 is nice but it's not a priority for me personally.

    I always try go for 12 hook games (or 11 & give the hatch under most circumstances)

    I still get told I can only win because of crutch perks, or certain killers (I don't play the general consensus strong killers) & all that camping & tunneling (with 12 hooks) ect but first & foremost I play for me & then I play for fun, I'll try to be fair & I like the extra challenge if everybody gets out & wants to tbag me at the gate have at it just don't complain about all the gen regression & or sweaty play in your next game.

  • MarcoPoloYolo
    MarcoPoloYolo Member Posts: 508

    Typically 2. What they are depends on the type of killer I'm playing. I use Ruin Pop for mobile killers, Ruin Undying for killers with powers specializing in forcing survivors off of gens and totems, and corrupt and No Way Out (technically endgame, but it's like a special endgame slowdown) for killers that have neither so I have completely passive slowdown that allows me to focus on chasing. I'll try out deadlock pop eventually as I unlock Deadlock.

  • Marik13
    Marik13 Member Posts: 683
    edited October 2021

    Depends on the killer. Usually I'll run either Pop or Ruin cus I need something. If I don't have either I'll just run Surge cus again it's better than nothing.

    When I play Nemesis though it depends on what I'm feeling, but usually I like to run Pop and Scourge Hook: Gift of Pain. I think Gift of Pain synergizes real well with Nemesis and his power because then the survivors have to decide whether they want to heal up and deal with the regression penalties from the Scourge Hook, or stay injured to avoid the regression penalties and make it easier for me to just down them with my tentacle. Win/win for me 😈

  • Duskk
    Duskk Member Posts: 92
    edited October 2021

    I run 2 at the minimum. I run Ruin and switch between Corrupt and Pop usually. Might throw Surge on as well for 3 gen perks, just depending on the killer

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    Generally no I don't.... It depends on the Killer I play and what perks I have on those Killers

    The First perk for me is my situational perk, the second perk is my Gen perk, the third is BBQ, and the forth is Whispers

  • Kill_Yr_Idol83
    Kill_Yr_Idol83 Member Posts: 213

    I usually run Pop, Oppression and Discordance just to keep up with gens and it's boring af. I hate having to do it but with SBMM making every match a sweatfest, I feel like I have to run at the very least 2 gen slow down perks and a gen tracking perk just to stretch the match to have any sort of fun cause gens just fly these days.

  • Bumbus
    Bumbus Member Posts: 600

    I go with two perks usually. Two perks for gen regression, one info perk, one chase perk is kinda standard for me.

  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,445

    It strongly depends on which killer and which build I'm running. Legion is my main and I've got some builds for them that technically don't have any regression. It has slowdown from Thana but not regression. Then there was a few games where I was like "I'm going to equip all the perks that can make Gens explode and see what happens", so I loaded in with Surge, Eruption, Oppression, and Overcharge. It actually worked better than you might think.

  • Blue_Archer33
    Blue_Archer33 Member Posts: 318

    I normally don't run any. Even when I do, it's usually a gen-information perk such Surveillance, Discordance, or Tinkerer.

    Why? I normally like to base my build around making injuries more threatening. Or stealth builds. Or a mix of the two, but more often than not I like to do the injury-builds. On both sides of gameplay, I find it more thrilling and engrossing when being injured by the killer is a greater threat because of perks being used by the killer.

  • Usually 0

    I run surge or opression sometimes though. Just not ruin because i hate when it gets ruined

  • Psycho_
    Psycho_ Member Posts: 360

    0 or corrupt for m1 killers.

    The more important question is how many matches do you have with strong items, maps, and second chance perks on survivors? It's alot at high mmr.

    That's usually why you need a lot of regression and gen defense both sides playing kinda resident sleepr. depending on the killer, I just tend to slug when things get out of control.

  • BlackRabies
    BlackRabies Member Posts: 924

    Only 1 gen regressing perk for me. Mostly pop, but depending on the killer I'll use either surge, ruin or oppression. Trapper and Demo are the only 2 I'll use corrupt with pop or surge since they need some set up time.

  • DeadSlinger
    DeadSlinger Member Posts: 6

    I prefer either corrupt or noed in my builds.

    Corrupt, when it blocks normal 3 gen:

    1. Show where 3 gens are
    2. Since survivors normally spawn in 3 gen area, it also serves as an information perk
    3. Gives you more time at the beginning of the match

    I usually have no time to pop the gens, so I am not running this perk

    Corrupt gives you a chance to save the gens and maybe get one down at early game, but NoED gives you downs at the end game, so this is why I either run corrupt or noed.

    Other perks: I prefer running Brutal. This is not a slow-down perk, but I can kick the gen in mid-chase, this is quite nice. And it also helps on maps with billion pallets.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,159

    None. I don't like them. I put on Distressing and Beast of Prey so I don't have to worry about the match going fast: I earn points no matter what.

  • Labrac
    Labrac Applicant Posts: 1,285

    0 or just Corrupt Intervention. I find them boring.

  • latinfla4
    latinfla4 Member Posts: 2,119

    Yeah I equip bbq because I want enough BP for addons no matter which killer I play otherwise I would bring a more useful perk🤣

  • latinfla4
    latinfla4 Member Posts: 2,119

    I mean devour hope is technically a slowdown perk if you get enough hooks😇

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,241

    Depends on the killer. You can stack slowdowns on meta killers and lose nothing in chase. It's why they're strong. I run fewer slowdowns on M1 killers because they lack pressure and slowdowns do nothing if you don't have pressure.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,111

    It's got to be 3-4. There's just no chance of success otherwise.

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,971

    I don't use any

  • Mdawgu
    Mdawgu Member Posts: 408

    None if I can help it. Corrupt on trapper though.

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,971

    Like on my mains legion and trickster I just run bbq bamboozel brutal strength and fire up

    Fun builds

  • Irisora
    Irisora Member Posts: 1,442

    None, all slowndown perks sucks and don't prevent survivors from rushing gens. For example Ruin just penalize survivors who leave gens, and its dead in the first minute if not seconds of the match. And making a combo with undying is a huge waste of 2 perk slots.

    Corrupt intervention just gives around 15 additional secs the aproximated time that will take survivors to find new gens. And its a lost perk slot after that.

    So the only perk that do something is Pop but its requires to hook someone first and you waste time in kicking generators. So you won't use it often.

    And the other slowdown perks.. are not even worth mentioned lol

  • TMNoThumbs
    TMNoThumbs Member Posts: 120

    I run the regular boring spread. Ruin and pop for regression. Corrupt to get survivors moving toward me (ideally). Then either discordance or tinkerer, depending on the killer.

  • steponmeadiris
    steponmeadiris Member Posts: 225

    I usually use PGTW. I feel like it gives more control than Ruin (not to mention the fact that I just don't like Hex perks at all). It's also fun to just kick gens.

  • Kira4Evr
    Kira4Evr Member Posts: 2,025
    • Huntress AKA the only killer I play(almost): Corrupt. But I don't use it for the slowdown. I use it to know where the survivors are xd
    • Nurse: None
    • Spirit: Sloppy, Ruin and corrupt.
    • Oni: Sloppy.
    • Wraith: Surge and Corrupt.
    • Plague: Corrupt and Dying Light.
    • Legion: Thanatophobia, Corrupt and Pop.
    • Demo: Corrupt and Pop
  • FeelsBadMan
    FeelsBadMan Member Posts: 570

    If I use a gen perk, I only use Corrupt.

    I don't like Ruin cause even with Undying or Haunted it lasts for maybe 2 minutes and then I gotta play with 2 perks for the rest of the match. Pop I don't like cause usually it goes like this: I hook someone, go to the gen I know that's being worked on, gen gets finished when I am halfway there. Pop runs out without me getting any use out of it.

    I apply pressure by ending chases quickly/having at least one person hooked all time.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    Usually two. Ruin + Pop is my go to.

    Sometimes I stack more, sometimes I don't, it really depended on what my matches were like

  • RenRen
    RenRen Member Posts: 1,443

    Depends on the killer. Most of mine have corrupt and pop at least.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    I dont use any slowdown Gen perk related. But either full Expose (Haunted ground, make your choice, dragon grip, Star truck, devour hope, Noed), or End game (Remember me, Blood warden, No way out, Rancor, Noed). But I use mostly End game build.

    I dont kill before 5 Gen done. I dont care about Gens fly or hook. My rule is to put a final challenge on survivors and make it tense before they escape. Though sometimes other 3 just leave freshly hooked survivor : (

  • ShinobuSK
    ShinobuSK Member Posts: 5,279

    1 sometimes 2 on weaker killers but ever since sbmm, I dont really care since theres no point in winning or playing normally.

    So now its either none or corrupt for some killers

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212
    edited October 2021

    Depends on the killer. 1-2 on most of them, usually pop, sometimes ruin if it's all I have, often surge or oppression on killers who I don't want to waste time kicking gens on. I find a lot of killer players invest too much in gen slowing perks then get caught in long chases which negates most of their effects. I'd rather use a combination of slowing perks with chase boosts like enduring + spirit fury to get the most time value.

    I loathe corrupt and I will never run it unless I specifically have a tome challenge to do so.

    The only killer I go absolutely all out on slow is Plague. I run BBQ, Pop, Thana and Dying Light. It means they're constantly fighting into a crippling slow from thana which gets worse with every non-obsession hook. The drawback of dying light is negated by broken, and I don't feel the need for many chase perks when her chases are generally half the length of other killers, and corrupt purge can lower that further.

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    I've been trying to not run regression perks on my killers.

    But if I do, I just use Pop and nothing else.

  • Gwinty
    Gwinty Member Posts: 981

    I only run slowdown when it fits the Killer and yes, I will take a lower MMR for a more fitting perkset:

    • Ghostface: I only run Surge. Pop is to brutal for him, Thana to ghostly, Ruin to hexy and I do not have Eruption.
    • Myers: No slowdown perks. Sure I get genrushed but I take it, low MMR Myers incoming.
    • Bubba: Just Pop. the guy has the legs to give the gen a gentle kick in the balls.
    • Billy: Pop/Tinkerer, Same a Bubba, Billy did not skip leg day.
    • Pinhead: Scourge Hooks: Gift of Pain, Deadlock and Hex: Thrill of the Hunt. Enough slowdown with his passive, no need to wast slots for more, I take the opportunity to run a more fun build.
    • Spirit: Surge, as it fits her ghostly image. Sometimes Ruin and Surge, depending on my mood.
    • Wraith: Sloppy, Thana, Surge, works well with his ambush hit and run.

    Over all I mostly only run a single slowdown perk. I dislike using Hex: Ruin as I am unlucky and dislike the perk for ruining the game without me doing anything. At least for Pop and Surge I have to work.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,764

    Depending on the killer, it can be anything from none (Nurse with Agi/Starstruck/Haunted/BBQ) to three (Legion with Pop/Corrupt/Thana/BBQ). My main build on my main man PH is Corrupt/Pop/I'm All Ears/BBQ)