cheating in general

Psycho_ Member Posts: 364
edited October 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

Can we just talk about how cheating in general is soo easy to do and is a constant problem. When someone cant launch the game and play the first match of the day without a script kiddie ruining it.

This isn't just a one off case its a constant problem. Then you get a penalty for being forced to leave.

Just anything to help counter cheating in general. we need some kind of tool to combat this its unfair.

Post edited by EQWashu on


  • Katie_met
    Katie_met Member Posts: 422

    I mean the fact that people can literally download apps or software to use hacks is so bad. There's definitely been a massive rise in cheaters since mmr has come out. The game has been out for over 5 years and nothing has been done about it.

  • Evertrick
    Evertrick Member Posts: 1

    Cheating is legitimately ruining the game for the high mmr brackets. Depending on time of day I see cheaters in 20-50% of my matches lately. This needs to be fixed, it's reminding me of Fall Guys launch with cheaters in every lobby except that was actually addressed within a few weeks...

  • Nickeh
    Nickeh Member Posts: 282

    I absolutely love when I'm spilling blood for the oni to see and pick up... when I'm at full health and never even got hit all match.

  • JohnWeak
    JohnWeak Member Posts: 854
    edited October 2021

    There is clearly something going on in some trials.

    Some killers have small speedhack, fast enough to catch you faster but not fast enough to be 100% sure a cheat is used.

    And in some trials, gens are done way too fast. Just played as Pinhead, 3 gens left, 1 DCed, 1 was in chase with me, 1 with the box. Only 1 survivor was totally free to do gens and still gens popped in no time. I can't believe it's possible, especially because i had Corrupt intervention at start and that my chain hunt NEVER was activated (=someone constantly went for the box).

    Pretty sure a cheater was there, unseen.

  • Voodoo101
    Voodoo101 Member Posts: 237

    Every online game has problems with hackers, how do you expect the devs to stay on top of it when companies such has Microsoft, Google and even security software companies have problem with it.

    Have fun with them, finish the game and move on. If people can only win by cheating, then that is on them. I have just had a game with one survivor killed with three hooks in less time it took to write this, one survivor hooked and then DC'd. then ran I ran the killer losing them 4 times and for most the game, only to get caught and then face camped on the first hook. You could say that is the same as cheating, but it still happens. You just move on to the next game and hope for better.

  • itsquiet27
    itsquiet27 Member Posts: 251

    can we also bring up that stretch resolution is a part of the problem with cheating? not just scripts and apps??