why does Legion still lose half their power for M1ing?

Title. Why does Legion, an already weak killer get punished for getting a hit. Legion has a non-lethal power yet it gets drained when you M1. You are essentially getting punished for landing a hit, that makes no sense at all especially considering the lethality of the power which is zero.
How are you getting punished after landing an hit?
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because they never addressed that downside to their power that existed pre-rework, and they simply just don't care, I guess.
when's the last time legion got any good love? 2 years ago?
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Losing half your power for getting an M1 is getting punished. You are getting your power drained for hitting someone, you are losing something. thats a punishment. Theres no reason it should happen
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Cause no one cares about Legion.
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My bf does :(
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But I do.. sadge
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i do
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Me too :(
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Legion is a killer they gave up on because they knew they screwed it up with him. they just use him now as a cash cow killer for their skins.
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A while back, a developer (Ethan I think) commented on this. They don't want you to hit somebody and then immediately sprint up again with Frenzy. If I had to guess, it's because they think it messes with Legion's intended game flow - seeing a healthy survivor, popping Frenzy and getting as many chain hits as possible. It's also a leftover from the time where Frenzy was lethal and could be activated at any time, instead of only when fully charged, to limit how long Frenzy could go / how commonly it could be used. But frankly I don't think this is necessary at all. Why would anyone go for an M1 and then catch all the way up with Frenzy when they could have just hit them in Frenzy first, and then continued to run and cancel their power next to the survivor?
It's just one of the many restrictions they put on Legion in the Great Legion Nerf of 2019(?), heavily nerfing almost every aspect of their power to brute-force the completely broken Legion into a state where he didn't cause mass DCs in every single game. They've just never bothered to remove it.
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Good point it should be 100%.
That'll show those legion mains, eh?
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good bait. made my night
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some of the legion nerfs arent 100% needed anymore. there are a relic of old broken legion
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Because, originally, feral frenzy could have a 1.75 second fatigue using the add-ons. This meant you could attack someone and quickly make up the lost distance.
Now though, doing that isn't viable so it makes this outdated balance restriction a plain hinderance.
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Hopefully, Legion will be up for a major update next.
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If it wasn't obvious, it means that you can't hit someone normally and then see someone else and use your power. That would be too convenient for the killer I guess.
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Imagine if Huntress lost a hatchet every time she used m1
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To be fair if you could that playstyle would be irrelevant because of 4 second cooldown lol
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Because their killer designs are very horrible. IT's either Broken OP Killer or Killer can't do #########. There's either no downside to something or very safe measures to ensure it doesn't get out of hand. They've been dealing with those 2 extremes most of the time and very rarely do they get to a middle fun point.
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They still crank out those Legion skins, though. Somebody is buying them.
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I care about legion too... dun worry...
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For the record this wasn't a restriction they put on him during the nerf, this has been there since his PTB.
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I'm pretty sure there was a bug with his scratchmarks not appearing when you cancel fatigue (or something with aura's during fatigure maybe) and everyone kinda just assumed it was an intended feature and it got brought up once and one of the Devs popped in and said "Yeah, no, that isn't working right" and I still find it hilarious that people assume debilitating bugs are intended features on Legion.
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Just on Legion? I am relatively new here and as far as I can tell, all kinds of significant bugs are perceived as intended features. Lol.
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It was more like people just went, "This is dumb, but it seems in-line with other restrictions placed on him, so it seems normal."
Like, Legion is so crippled by restrictions and stupid things that people saw that bug and just went, welp, par for the course and nobody reported it.