Why were boon totems nerfed?

There was nothing OP about these perks at all. So now their usefulness was heavily reduced to a tiny radius so the killer can easily hear it and instantly remove it. Wow.
So now survivor has to spend a lot of precious time and spend even more time blessing it before it activates when you can practically work on a gen instead. These perks were already a buff to killer because survivor did a secondary objective to get any benefit from the perk. 24 seconds to bless a perk and killer can easily turn it off in 1 sec. What happens if killer uses new buffed killer perk that causes the totem blessing to take twice as long? I’m sure this didn’t get nerfed did it? Why is it fair he can still remove it in only 1 sec? Just bring self-care instead of this if you want to heal.
Survivor meta remains unchanged.
24 seconds to bless a hex totem, 14 seconds to bless a dull totem.
It's still disadvantageous for a killer to seek out boon totems to snuff out when survivors can still reignite them in 14 seconds and losing 4m on their range isn't going to kill them.
It's still unfair to the killer that snuffing out the boon totem doesn't remove the perk considering survivors already have full control of where and when to activate the boon totem.
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Idk, devs are just soooo killer biased. They ruined our precious Decisive Strike, and now people are complaining about Dead Hard. OP killers like Nurse, Blight, Wraith are still OP, and Trapper is about to become one of them. Of course us survivors can't keep our precious, precious weak perks. They weren't even overpowered, killers just loooove complaining.
completely disregards the Spirit nerf
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Boon were op on the ptb that why they got nerf. The 24 second blessing time is only on a hex perk its still going to be the regular time on a dull totem.
If you cant see how good boon are i think its because you are so hung up on your 6 survivor meta perk that you cant see how strong they are.
Ofc survivor meta will not change for that to change they will need to do a perk that can beat the survivor meta and that really hard to do because they are op. So the only other option is to nerf them to the level of the other strong perk for more variation.
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"New buffed killer perk" Sluzzy you've played since 2016 you know what thrill of the hunt is called. Why you put on this persona like a befuddled old man trying to install his first app is beyond me.
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Maybe they wanted to see your reaction as much as everyone else did?
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I think the stacking nerf was very needed. It made circle of healing broken on some maps.
The other two changes im not so sure.
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Also i agree that the blessing hex nerf makes the new thrill of the hunt hexcellent. It would make blessing a hex 36 seconds, which is more than enough time for the pig to mori all 4 survivors.
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There is a lot of power creep happening on the killer side, they shouldn't be any shame in making new strong perks for survivors too. You can't possibly nerf survivor meta because they are so situational and already weak, especially compared to killer meta that is so oppressive.
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The main problem I had was the stacking so I don’t have a huge problem with boon totems now. I personally wouldn’t wanna waste 24 seconds to bless a hex totem. Maybe once but the more you do it, the more time you’re chewing up when you could be doing gens.
14 seconds isn’t bad, I would bless a dull totem multiple times if it’s really necessary if that makes sense.
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I feel like it would’ve been better to have them have limited uses and keep some current effects
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Killer happen to find new perk because their meta is only about gen slowdown and their meta is weak compare to the survivor.
You may think survivor meta are situational but their perk are more consistent in what they do because you have no risk running them compare to killer.
You can believe whatever you want i know you have kind off a reputation to be a troll on the forum it was my bad to comment
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Sluzzy, reading the majority of your comments on these forums makes me wonder exactly what you want out of this game. A 3-4 man escape every time?
Boon totems were way, way too strong in their former incarnation. By stacking their effects, a coordinated group of survivors could become nearly immortal.
Beyond this, they have endless benefits over hex totems.
- They can be resummoned, endlessly.
- There is only one killer to look for them and cleanse.
- Killers are already far more starved for time than survivors.
As they stand, they will provide a powerful benefit, but will require a bit of foresight and cooperation to get the most out of.
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Survivors have been op for a long time and just because you nerf something that was op doesn't make it useless. On top of that most killers can't keep up with a decent team.
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hmm yes -4 meters = tiny radius. Also its a lot more risk/reward now since 14 seconds is basically nothing in survivors time so adding an extra 10 seconds is a lot more risky but still worth the reward and you do realize if the killer has thrill all you need to do is fine the thrill totem right? Or if you dont want to find it just dont bless a totem since survivor is still more op than killers
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I've a new respect for sluzzy after having played him in game
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Is he a good player?
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I agree. I don't think they were intended to stack the way they did, but I'd like to know if Circle of Healing still stacks with other perks like Botany Knowledge, We're Going to Live Together and Desperate Measures because the way they addressed it was vague.
The other changes, I'm not sure. I don't think they made them unusable, but a bit more risk/reward based.
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He was actually pretty chill
Didnt have the greatest team but he did alright
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If only I had that same experience. He killed himself on first hook when I had him as a teammate.
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Even with the nerfs, Boons remain incredibly powerfull. Their effects haven't changed at all. Only their range and there is now a rather small time cost to blessing over a Hex.
In my opinion its not enough. Boons are still an unlimited survivor ressource competing for totems. Circle of Healing will be meta, since its now the best healing perk in the game by far. Boons give killers even less reasons to use any kind of mid to late game Hexes (not that many were used beyond NOED). Ruin/Undying will be completly unaffected, and maybe buffed a little, since survivors will now be succeptibe to wasting a bit more time to get their Boons going.
I think Boons are still missing a cooldown after beying snuffed, and that Hexes that activate during the game should be able to take over a blessed totem.
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They are still stupidly strong. Free Lucky Break, Distortion and medkits on half of the map is still too strong imo. People who say "just break the totem, it takes 2 seconds" are the same who said "just eat the DS, it takes 5 seconds" when you could still work on gens with DS active.
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Sluzzy wanna play patty cake?
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Did the patch get released? I figured it wouldn't be until Tues.
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Tuesday 19th October.
But we do know 5 changes being made from PTB to live:
-Blood Favour now activates on damage being dealt, not hits.
-Blood Favour now works based on survivor position.
-Boon totems have had their range reduced to 24m (from 28m).
-Boon totems now take 24 seconds to bless a hex totem.
-Boon totems do not stack if inside multiple radii.
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Thanks for the info.
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he flashlight saved me at exit gate and looped the killer for 4 gens, hes pretty good
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Everyone has good and bad games, u don't want to judge people based on few game.
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I'm not the only one that has experienced this. I've heard quite a few other people say it as well. That was months ago, so maybe they have changed? Who knows.
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I'm not talking about skill. I believe he was downed first and then gave up on hook. Guess he was annoyed. He has a lot of hours in DBD, so I'm sure he knows how to play.
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he does
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So them stacking and being able to heal in 4 seconds was balanced?
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Hello Sluzzy, how are you?
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Wait what the ######### that isn't actually edited??
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Spirit, a strong killer = hard nerfed.
Deathslinger, a strong 1v1killer = hard nerfed.
Trapper, a relatively weak setup killer for years = QoL buffs + addon rework.
Wraith, a strong stealth killer = Lunge nerfed for absolutely no good reason.
Where is this killer power creep you’re talking about?
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You can still bless hex totems, so they still break the game and will make Hex Totems obsolete
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Why do any of you respond to Sluzzy posts?
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He's the best troll we ever had. His posts are hilarious and a lot of people love to see them.
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you will not believe your eyes
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dude thrill of the hunt doesn't even give the loud sound notification anymore that perk is bad have you ever played a single kiler game sluzzy?