so apprently, we had a pinhead who CANCELS the "teleport" mechanic, and uses the "CHAINED" effect to lock the survivor, while walking towards the survivor, just like how freddy use his fake teleport.
is this supposed to be a legit mechanic, or is this an exploit? devs or mods, can someone comment on this?
exploit i think.
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it's completely fine. if you're having a hard time with it, you need to think about your positioning better when you start solving the box.
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It's not supposed to work like that I'm pretty sure, but it's a trick Pinheads can do. It will probably be fixed when the console issues with the chains get fixed.
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not if youre locked, while pinhead is walking freely towards you(without the teleport cooldown), positioning wont really be helpful.
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oooo, i'm sorry, i misunderstood the situation being described.
my understanding is that if he teleports, then the box should disappear. if that's not happening, then yeah sounds like an exploit.
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im not sure if anyone is understanding.
supposedly, PINHEAD TELEPORT should force him to teleport to the box because that is "SUPPOSEDLY" mechanic.
what i encountered: Pinhead uses teleport button to "CHAIN" forcely the survivor, without actually pinhead teleporting, thus, he is not on cooldown, and walking freely towards survivor.
with freddy, he uses the bloody teleport to fake the survivors, im not sure if its the same mechanic with pinhead, but i think that seems unfair the killer can CHAIN the survivor without the teleport cooldown.
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Must be an exploit cause the box supposed to be disappeared after holding the survivor in place.
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It's an exploit. If you hit the teleport button as they are finishing solving the box the survivor still gets chained, but because the solving interaction finished the pinhead doesn't teleport and can just walk towards them at normal speed. So, it's not really faking the teleport, it's just timing it right for the exploit
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As long as the box is gone, I think it's fine otherwise. They are just timing it to the teleport doesn't complete.