Ghostface buffs or nerfs? Devs are looking at him?

What do you think will be changed with ghostface?


  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,383

    Likely addon overhaul and adjustments to his reveal mechanic.

    I don't see them touching anything else as crouching is fine as it is and there's nothing wrong with his power on a functional level.

  • DeadByDedicated
    DeadByDedicated Member Posts: 134

    Probably buffs considering how awful furtive chase is and how most of his add-ons are very unimpactful. I doubt his power would get much of a change since its not that bad compared to other killers.

  • dbd900bach
    dbd900bach Member Posts: 680

    I'm hoping they just do an overhaul on his add ons and an overhaul on his stalk mechanic. I love Ghostface to death as he was the second killer I truly mained. Hillbilly second when he was a top 3 pick. Anywho Ghost face just needs his stalk mechanic to fixed.

    Personally however I hope he gets new skins. Unlike other stealth killers his skin matter as his base skin is somewhat pretty revealing when you see floating bits of cloth. You can only wear his original ghost face outfit with maybe p3 mask just so you aren't seen but your still seen a lot of the time anyway.

  • SeannyD115
    SeannyD115 Member Posts: 583

    Can't wait for them to give him some meme add-on that just gives you bp instead of downing marked survivors

  • They didn't nerf him. In-fact if you use the same build with the same cooldown add-ons, your recovery will actually be faster than before.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,900

    Fix his reveal mechanic. One of the most broken things in the game.

  • I imagine an add-on pass since even despite the changes in PTB, people are still adament that they will use the recovery add-ons still.

    That and i think they should rework his reveal mechanic. Because it's very frustrating for both sides.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    "Were looking at gf. We feel he's over performing therefore his cd will have a cd"

  • Mistakesweremade
    Mistakesweremade Member Posts: 229

    The reasoning behind the changes being a nerf is that "because they nerfed the recovery add-ons (despite the recovery being overall buffed) we don't have any other add-ons we can use". Which in my opinion is pretty stupid, why would you like depending on add-ons in the first place?

  • FengisKawaii
    FengisKawaii Member Posts: 309

    Anything but some juicy buffs would trigger "gearhead nerfed lol" reactions, he´s literally an m1 killer with 0 chase pressure who suffers tremendously from swf and stretched res and who has 4 addons that are worth the slot.

    Also, if you´re a person who struggles with reveal, practice with a friend or sth, the inconsistencies are massively exaggerated.

  • MidnightOnyx
    MidnightOnyx Member Posts: 24

    I would hope for a add-on pass (leave recovery add-ons), making revealing him more consistent, and personally I would hope for a mechanic that makes it so that when you mark and down someone while in you power your cooldown is reduced.

  • Oh:/ I thought it was 1 second less. I get the problem now but i don't think it's exactly intended to be a nerf

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,476

    yea its not that big of a deal although they are still his best addons the basekit buff allows you to be more flexible with or without addons

  • Miles
    Miles Member Posts: 461

    Most likely what i thought, the base kit buff so people can try out some add ons rather than go pen and adress book every single game.

    Also almost everyone here is acting as if that one second of extra cd is an actual nerf.

  • Miles
    Miles Member Posts: 461

    The best response ive gotten that is not "muh security muh pen is." Congrats, and thats a good analisis.

  • Haddix
    Haddix Member Posts: 1,046
    edited October 2021

    good response

    The main problem with designing addons for him is that his power is incredibly simple and pretty bland when you compare it to others.

    There is no movement speed boost that you can make stronger, no duration you can buff, no charge time you can buff, no fatigue you can buff, no successful/missed cooldown you can buff, no pallet break you can buff, projectile speed you can buff, attack range you can buff, attack delay you can buff, actions that you can make longer to perform, ammo count you can buff, reload speeds you can buff, etc.

    The only things you can numerically change are crouch move speed, power recovery, the time it takes to reveal, the distance required to reveal him, the killer instinct, the marked duration, the lean stalk, the non lean stalk, the movement speed while stalking.

    Changing the numbers on ANY of those things does very little when compared to addons for other killers. Ghostface needs a lot of addons replaced, but their new effects have to be a lot more creative and unique than your typical "x thing is x% faster," so I understand how it could be a daunting task to give him new addons.

  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,293

    This is a great breakdown of Ghostface's addons and why most of them are garbage. Thank you and I appreciate your efforts in making those points clear for everyone.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,383

    Ghostface has a score event for hitting survivors while crouched and a score event for hitting survivors while in Night Shroud. Meaning the game is tracking those situations so the devs could make addons around those. Like inflicting mangled upon hitting a survivor from Night Shroud.

    They could also do addons around downing marked survivors too. Thrilling Tremors is a ghostface perk so maybe a gen blocking addon when you down a marked survivor.

    A potential new iri addon could be having Ghostface go into Night Shroud upon downing a marked survivor. The addon would need to make it so the just downed survivor can't reveal out of Night Shroud for at least a small duration.

    Also stalk range addons would be okay on Ghostface. At least far more useful than a lot of his current ones.

  • Momentosis
    Momentosis Member Posts: 824

    Addons still useless and double cd addons worse than before.

    If they were gonna do this at least change up the addons and decrease the base cooldown further. 24 seconds is nothing compared to the double addons from before. People aren't going to suddenly run useless addons because you decreased his base cd a bit.

    I say reduce his cd to 16 base and then remove the cd addons and rework all his addons. This will actually bring variety as the cooldown trumps everything else so much currently and gf is a very average killer anyways.

  • vacaman
    vacaman Member Posts: 1,140

    They nerf his only usable build so don't expect much. And i bet they did this intending it to be a buff but they are so clueless of their own game even having all the data, they just don't play it.

  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302

    Will go for a longshot and say Ghostface should get legions ability to vault pallets and run fast, then make legion a 4 man version of twins. 2 reworks.

  • Bran
    Bran Member Posts: 2,096

    Have I told you the story of a survivor revealing me behind a tree whilst I was behind a wall and that tree was dang near across the map from me? Yeah, reveal needs to be fixed.

  • TacitusKilgore
    TacitusKilgore Member Posts: 1,380
    edited October 2021

    Exactly this. People talk a lot about his power getting a potential "nerf" but what could they possibly nerf? He presses m2 and loses his terror radius and can then stalk survivors. its 2 button presses, what could they possibly nerf about that? Im hopeful he'll get a buff.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,075

    If you use the yellow and brown Add On it is even 1 second faster than before.

    Either way, you cannot really call it a Nerf at all. It was a Buff to his base recovery and the Add Ons got indeed nerfed to compensate for this like it is done all the time with every Killer (e.g. Wraith, when they buffed his Basekit Speed).


    Probably Add On-Reworks. Aside from Recovery most stuff is not really useful. But I hope that they also do something to his really bad mechanic.