I am wanting to try playing The Nightmare

I do understand that he is not as good as he use to be, I hear it all the time from people. I've only been playing a year this September so I don't really know how old Nightmare was. I want to pick him up, I've only played one game as him and that was for a daily. So I have a ton of work to do!

I was wondering what builds I should look to be running on him? I don't care to be super sweaty, I just like to have fun as killer most of the time. Also what addons should I use and which should I steer clear of?

I understand if you do not like The Nightmare! But please don't yell at me for wanting to try him.


What addons should I use/not use?

What builds should I go for on him?

Meme builds? Fun builds? Sweat builds? (I don't care too much for the sweat, but will take them anyway.)

It's much appreciated!


  • Demogorgeouse
    Demogorgeouse Member Posts: 361

    A good build on Freddy is corrupt, ruin, tinkerer, and im all ears

  • Shaped
    Shaped Member Posts: 5,923

    Here is the thread I made recently. Maybe you will find something that suits you in there from recommendations people made.


  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,850
    edited October 2021

    I'll give you my personal build and you can go from there.


    • One of: Paint Thinner/Prototype Gloves/Garden Rake

    This gives him his Dream Pallets which, while being weaker than Snares, are also about 90x more fun.

    • One of: Nancy's Sketch/Nancy's Masterpiece

    This reduces the recharge rate of his teleport for every sleeping survivor and if I'm being honest these two, outside of Red Paint Brush, are the only good add-ons he has.


    • Barbeque and Chili (The Cannibal; level 35)

    Double bloodpoints is nice. Knowing which gens to teleport to is even nicer. Add them both into a single perk and you have this beauty. Thrilling Tremours (The Ghost Face; level 35) is also a good alternative here, but doesn't give more points.

    • Pop Goes The Weasel (The Clown; level 40)

    PGTW regresses gens when you kick them after a hook. Freddy can teleport to gens. I don't think I need to explain this one.

    • Save The Best For Last (The Shape; level 30)

    While this may seem like an odd choice, since you're guaranteed to lose stacks since you can never injure the Obsession other than with a Basic Attack, it is an absolute godsend, synergises very well with the next perk, and you will also rake up those stacks very fast. When combined with a Dream Pallet drop, or them running into a Snare, the distance they get is about a meter.

    • Jolt (Generic Perk)/Surge (The Demogorgon; level 30)

    They're both the same perk. It works very well with STBFL, gives some bonus regression to PGTW and lets you Surge a gen, teleport across the map and PGTW another, and overall it's just a very underrated perk.

  • Kangaroohugs
    Kangaroohugs Member Posts: 38

    Thank you for adding in some addons you recommend! He does seem like he can be a fun killer and I know as survivor I always go "oof" when I throw a pallet and it's a fake and get downed. This was great! I appreciate you explaining why the perks go well on him!

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171
    edited October 2021

    Fred was the first killer I picked up. His add-on are really ass right now so not like you can really pick great ones. Snares are a bit stronger than pallets though. I personally Like power recovery or regression penalties/aura.

    Builds I run....

    BBQ, Pop (really strong on him), corrupt, brutal

    BBQ, Brutal, Undying, Devour

    BBQ, Thana, Sloppy, Nurses.

    My let's get crazy build....Brutal, enduring, spirit fury, Bamboozle.

    Fred can make just about any perk look great except Lullaby (Unless specific add-on is played) it cause them to wake up so counter productive.

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171

    Oh and STBL is great on him I just can't get it on him so that's why not listed.

  • botrax
    botrax Member Posts: 633

    Freddy addon are not good the only noticable addon are the one that can reduce the time it take for you to tp.

    You will rely on your perk a lot so its better to have perk that are consistant over risky perk.

    I think one of the best build you can use is pgtw, corrupt intervention, thrilling tremors and eruption. You can replace thrilling tremors with bbq it wont change much exept the bp gain but with freddy you dont need it so much. I use eruption because i prefer that perk over the other perk and with thrilling tremors its a nice little combo but if you dont like it i used run surge or brutal strengh that last perk slot is a flexible perk run what you like.

    The hardest thing with freddy is knowing to know when to snare you slow yourself when you use that power so make sure the survivor is staying in the loop and he is asleep before using your snare. The rest is practice and dont forget you will mostly rely on survivor mistake for your hit

  • Squirrel_Thicc
    Squirrel_Thicc Member Posts: 2,677

    I'm personally begging you please don't. I don't like freddy please play a different killer ok thx

  • Kangaroohugs
    Kangaroohugs Member Posts: 38
    edited October 2021

    Oh man, I am going to play him now and main him. Just so I can by happen chance run in to you and be an inconvenience. Not.

    I am trying to get STBL in my bloodweb! Slow but going! Apologies for the late reply, college projects! I appreciate all of the help and I was able to look over the thread you made!

    Thank you! I don't have eruption yet, but I have seen a lot of people running it. Doesn't it wake the survivor up? Does that matter too much?

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,534

    Add ons: none are really good so don’t bother

    Perks: most slowdown perks, Brutal strength, Save the best for last, Sloppy butcher and Devour hope.

  • justbecause
    justbecause Member Posts: 1,521

    He is not as good as he used to be? Don't listen to that put right build on him and that's it yesterday I stomped 3 teams with Freddy they didn't even get to finish one single gen I know this might be dirty build but idc I brought tinkerer+ruin combo with him and it was basically gg 4k before single gen done

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    When freddy first released he was the weakest killer in the game. Until they made legion. It wasnt until like 2 years latter did they rework him to what he is today. Now he's decent. Before he was terrible outside of 2 specific add ons.

    Old Freddy your power was just a laser pointer. Touching a survivor with it caused them to fall asleep...........in 7 secs. The kicker was freddy couldnt even hurt a survivor unless they were asleep. I had games where its 1 survivor left. He's opening the exit gate. By the time he fell asleep the door was opened and he ran out. Freddy didnt have snares, fake pallets or a teleport back then. People didnt gradually fall asleep either. Current freddy is a major improvement over the beta.

  • Hex_Llama
    Hex_Llama Member Posts: 1,877

    Freddy is the killer I use for Obsession challenges. So my build is Nemesis -- Furtive Chase -- Make Your Choice -- Ruin, and I use his power to teleport away from the hook to make sure I'm out of range when the unhook happens (boosted with fast recharge add-ons).

    The build isn't specific to Freddy, but it works really well on him because of his mobility.

  • Labrac
    Labrac Applicant Posts: 1,285

    My build on Freddy is BBQ, Corrupt, Save the Best for Last and Bambozlee. A little bit of early game slowdown, tracking and then two perks that help me down survivors faster. You could go for more slowdown but he's kind of a mediocre killer in chase so he definitely needs to compensate it with perks imo. It doesn't matter if you run Ruin, Pop, Corrupt and Tinkerer if you can't down survivors fast.

    For addons I go for double teleport cooldown, but honestly it barely affects my games. His addons are super trash now, so go for whatever. The one that gives Blindness is quite solid if you're going against solos.

  • Voriis
    Voriis Member Posts: 131
    edited October 2021

    I like bloodwarden...they never see it coming....then I get called a hacker for it.....cause bloodwarden went off.

    Maybe people dont know it exists

  • Voriis
    Voriis Member Posts: 131
    edited October 2021

    I'm not new I have been playing since launch. I do take extended breaks from the game. Maybe that has to do with it. I am also hot and cold with the game, I either do REALLY GOOD or Extremely bad...haha

  • Kurri
    Kurri Member Posts: 1,599
    edited October 2021

    RIP old Freddy, when it wasn't cool to hate him and fun to play him.

  • Voriis
    Voriis Member Posts: 131
    edited October 2021

    60% of the time, it works all the time.

    I get you dont agree, that's cool. We just have had different experiences.

  • Desh
    Desh Member Posts: 1,118

    I personally run Ruin, Suirvellance, Brutal, and Undying. Before undying, that 4th perk was STBL. I don't run addons mostly on Freddy but when I do, it's just to play with pallets because I personally find them more powerful than snares. Just be weary, he's boring Killer. He's strong, but pretty boring.