Why Do Survivors Still DC So Much?

At least once every two or three matches, someone will DC the second I hook them. Sometimes on their third hook, sometimes the first.
I don't camp, and I don't tunnel (although if I run into you, I'm taking the shot) - and I understand the psychology in situations like that, but I thought that there was a system to detect and punish repeated DCs?
there is no reason. they just wanted to.
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Because this game is often very frustating and a lot of the frustrations stick for a long time, like spirit, or old DS, i guess.
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- Internet crashes
- Game gets BHVR’d
- Entitlement
- Games getting held hostage (understandable DC)
- Their pizza arrived
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Any number of reasons; most of them silly and childish I'm sure. My past 5 games I've had 3 people D/C on their first down; and one D/C'd on their first hook. It's gotten to the point where I can't normally finish a match, because it's very very difficult to win a 3v1 right from the start.
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most survivors DC because they cant handle going against someone who is far too superior to them, some dislike the map or killer they got, or bwcause of their teammates, but its hardly the last reasoning
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The funniest dc I ever saw was when playing solo and after almost a minute an Elodie got hit by a legion in frenzy. The Elodie got the yellow bar and almost instantly dc'd. A few seconds later and most gens were done...
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It's definitely not internet issues - it's always when I either down, or more likely hook someone.
If your pizza arrives, why not just AFK? I've had this happen on killer before, and I've managed to come back and still do okay.
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As killer I'd prefer you to afk.
As survivor I'd prefer you to dc. Otherwise I'm wasting time getting to the hook, unhooking and healing, possibly taking a hit, etc. for someone that's not even there...
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Some people would rather wait 5 minutes then stay in a certain match
the DC penalty system doesn't keep track of how many times you've DCed, only how many times you've DCed recently meaning you can still DC a few times and not worry about getting a long penalty.
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For me, I use my Playstation to watch something while I eat. So, I would need to DC if my pizza came. Albeit, I would just let the killer hook me and suicide. I would do it even for only 1 blood point. Lol. I EARNED it.
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I mean you’re question was very vague in you’re just asking why survivors DC. You don’t ask why they DC after getting downed, because otherwise my answer would’ve just been cut down to “entitlement.”
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It's because their babies and the devs nerf whatever thing they're DCing against.
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It should probably be substantially stricter then, because I see it too frequently for it to be 'once in a while'. LoL pretty much fixed this issue with LeaverBuster.
Was it? I thought that was implied in my OP.
What grinds my grapes isn't just that it means that I get less BP, or that it's basically messing around 4 other people out of sheer selfishness, but it creates a situation where now either I have to be a jerk and all-kill the other side, or deliberately hold back to give them a chance.