Stop making DEV Q&As if your answer to everything is soon

Your last Q&A was a waste of my time. Almost everything was answered with no comment or soon. The only thing that was pretty clear is that you admitted your MMR isn't working! So unprofessional and boring.


  • SlothGirly
    SlothGirly Member Posts: 1,146

    "how dare the developers be forthcoming about what's to be seen in the game and not overpromise mechanics! I hate it when they tell us what they are and aren't looking at as opposed to lying about what's being added next week!"

  • NoOneKnowsNova
    NoOneKnowsNova Member Posts: 2,785

    Additionally don't go and ignore the popular questions. Cheaters was a common topic asked yet they didnt mention a word about it.

  • hazzzard
    hazzzard Member Posts: 78

    Sloth.. LMAO

  • hazzzard
    hazzzard Member Posts: 78

    Moderators on this forum decided to ignore my Nancy post where I posted proof of her facial features being distorted while they're acknowledging other things that weren't even upvoted. Tragic.

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212
    edited October 2021

    It just reeks of being unaware of what the community wants or expects.

    Have you ever seen a Warframe devstream? Jesus those guys absolutely knock it out of the park. They bring teasers of things being worked on, show videos of how things are made and how they're progressing, they give REAL FEEDBACK on how things are progressing. When something is "soon" with them, it's "here's what the timeline is looking like, these are going to be in the next patch, these other things are coming the patch after that." When they get asked questions, they even tend to answer some of them. Quite often they'll get a question and go "oh, can we discuss that though?" and they actually have senior enough staff there to go "sure, what can it hurt."

    Meanwhile DBD devstreams feel like they are doing the absolute bare minimum to show that they're doing something. Literally the only thing that got answered in a straightforward way was coming out to confirm that the datamined MMR information was accurate, and that they scrapped the emblem system which actually analysed different aspects of your performance for a terrible escape/kill system.

    I gave up watching them a long time ago and just skim the summaries, because you can guarantee that nearly every answer is "that sounds good, but it's not something we're working on now," "soon, TM, AHAHAHA GUYS DID YOU HEAR THAT I SAID TM!!1!" or just picking out inane questions that nobody actually cares about.

  • hazzzard
    hazzzard Member Posts: 78

    I'm so happy someone understands what I want to say! You summarised this well! 💖

  • Guest1567432
    Guest1567432 Member Posts: 728

    There was also my favorite part of the stream where that one dev lost his mind and said that a system they worked on for 2 years doesn't work.