The game is literally dying..

With the DC penalty and how broken the game is; it's literally dying. People in fb groups don't seem as enthusiastic or excited about the game. My friends and family members won't even play it and went to other games. It's hard to find matches even with cross play on. It's sad how fast the game went down hill.
Funny how everyone said that since forever.
And the game is still not dead. At this point it is probably going to outlive me too.
40 -
Oh yeah with 105,052 players this game is so dying
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I don't know who to believe!
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With the amount of content it has and characters from movies, tv shows and games, I don't see this game dying for a while.
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I recently started to see the decline to be honest. It's not dead but it is dying.
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That's on steam, I'm not a PC player and most of the groups im in isn't PC players but console.
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whats wrong with the dc penatly
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2019: "This game is dying."
2020: "This game is dying."
2021: "This game is dying."
2022: "This game is dying."
2024: "DBD will definitely die soon!"
2030: "Oh sure, Jason Vorhees is coming to Dead By Daylight, but that won't save it!"
2035: "Yeah, they're adding Darth Vader, that's going to kill DBD for sure!"
2037: "Dead By Daylight is losing players after they added The Daleks."
2040: "DBD won't last much longer! They just buffed the Pig." (This is the year DBD actually dies, sadly)
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It's been making it harder for console players to find matches. And my one friend who dced twice went from 3-10 min to 11 hr.
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That it prevents people from being as selfish.
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2 weeks ago on steam we were 75k, Saturday, same time.
So it's negative 15k in 2 weeks only on PC (-20%).
Let's see in two weeks, it will continue to drop, the experience is awful atm.
7 -
Play as Killer.
No problem with ques.
BTW: Killers screen who they match with. If you have a TTV name its an automatic leave lobby for me. And if there are 3+ of either console or PC, I leave lobby. I also check Steam profiled if you are a SWF on voice comms, and if 2 are linked, I leave lobby.
I also look at your items. If you are all packing certain gear, I will leave lobby.
Post edited by EQWashu on6 -
Not true at all. The fact that outages can happen, net issues, and horrible matches. Apparently now they're going based off stats for matchmaking? Matchmaking has been complete crap. Players on Reddit and other forms even complain about how other players arent helping and how they're sticking matches that are horrible.
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Horrible matches? 🤔
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I don't like the movement and camera view of killers to be honest. It bothers my eyesight. It's not the same when playing cod or re. >∆> I also told my bf to leave ttv out because that's why he gets tunneled. Lmao I never put ttv on mine.
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The PC community is this game's smallest.
Information you should already know when you're talking about the state of its population.
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Population always jumps during the release period of new content before normalizing.
Information you should already know when you're talking about the state of its population.
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If you're going to be rude, go else where. I shouldn't have to know bout PC population. I'm stating what I see going on outside of this forum since mods/gaming developers aren't in those other forums and groups.
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I dont think the game is dying for the only reason they always release new character and this by itself bring back old player or bring new player in the game.
I believe right now this game is in a dark path. With the recent Q&A i was having hope we could have great update like the incoming one but they said it should not happen again so my hope for good patch are down again.
The recent rumors about the nft and everything look fishy but they did not deny it yet normally a compagnie would deny it if those were rumors specially if its not well receive. I saw other compagnie deny rumors about them that why i say that.
Personnaly im only active on the forum. Right now i played a bit in the ptb during my new world queue time but that all. I feel like the game lost me as a customer for now with the recent descision they took. This will probably change all that depend how can new world keep my attention away from this game but for me dbd is not good enough compare to other game
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Whether you like Killer angle view or not is not my problem, or anyone elses.
Nor does that change that I will flat out walk out of a lobby if I have even the smallest notion that you are in a SWF team on voice, or broadcasting to Twitch of your shenanigans.
I get to choose who I play with as 1v4, and I can walk out whenever I want, and will do so.
If you dont play Killer, you dont understand what its like and what it requires/involves.
Post edited by EQWashu on1 -
If you're talking about a game dying, you should know how its population is distributed in order to have an estimate of the size of its playerbase.
The game was given out for free at various points on every major console (aside from switch), and is also currently on Game Pass and Stadia.
The game's active population is huge.
4 -
Thats hardly an accoalde for this game.
Crossporting was arguably a mistake for most games, yet DBD perhaps has "best" configured it, but that has also made this game in many ways "simpler" so as to accomodate console based native restrictions.
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Shadowborn may help if you do not like the Field of View - It costs a perk slot, though :(
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Yeah - I usually see them brought up when the topic is MMORPG's.
Logical fallacy, btw.
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Crossplay, SWF, and major Licences are the things that keep DBD alive.
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Yeah, my bad.
I guess the most popular/active fighting game in the world, what with all its tournaments and sponsorships, is dead because its active player base is 1/100000 of that of the most active MMORPG.
Post edited by EQWashu on4 -
Crossplay restricts DBD design, because consoles cannot do that which PCs can. Lowest common denominator.
Voice comms directly circumvent the design of this game and render entire swathes of Killer abilities and perks moot.
Licenses are paid for by us.
Post edited by EQWashu on1 -
Do those numbers really even matter?
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Dead by daylight is still thriving, we ain’t going nowhere.
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It’s gonna decline and go up at times. I’m sure this happens everyday just like every other video game.
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Regardless of your biases, objective facts are objective facts.
Post edited by EQWashu on1 -
It's not dying, but a lot of long time players are leaving. It doesn't matter for the game, however, because licensed DLC's carry its existence.
The experience is awful now. DC penalties crossed with the way people are playing recently alongside the forced new matchmaking system are a big part in this.
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I stated raw facts.
There was no bias in what I wrote.
Deal with reality.
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If Overwatch isn't dead with no content for years and scandal after scandal... I think Dead by Daylight will be fine.
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Currently, on Steam charts alone, DBD is ranked 14th in terms of players currently playing.
Although this is just a snapshot, out of all the games to be 14th is healthy.
They certainly cocked up the RE chapter and a better product then could have retained many more numbers, yet it's much too early to declare it dying.
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What do you think the game owes its success to?
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Funny thing is, this game garners more players now that it has ever been. So no, it is not dying. Maybe you need a time off.
"It's been making it harder for console players to find matches. And my one friend who dced twice went from 3-10 min to 11 hr."
That's on you. I'm playing on console and PC and haven't had any issues finding games.
And that DC penalty is your friends fault, truth be told. If he/she has a bad internet, then he/she should not play any online games. Not only does he/she ruin the game for her/him self, he/she ruins the game for 4 other players on the game.
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What did I say that was false?
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So the game is physically deteriorating to the point of being nonfunctional because you personally only know console players? ;P
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Your reply did not contain any reasoning as to why you think DBD is as successful as it is, only your personal opinions on the things that I believe are keeping it alive (without any actual refutation).
If you do not think that these are the things keeping it alive, I'd like to hear the alternatives.
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Lol, your argument is "DBD doesn't have a high player count, and sources that prove me wrong don't count because I know better."
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This, and its particularly prevalent on Killer side.
Though nominally the game relies on Survivors as clients to populate matches Killers are what people buy cos they have unique abilities that are not transferable, whereas all Survivor characters are interchangeable with the same perk pool (and Survivor cosmetics).
Inversely, the smaller the pool of Killer players due to various issues, the longer the wait of Survivor players of which there are 4v1 in each. The longer that wait, the more likely 1-4 of them just go play something else instead.
Killers however dont care, as they are in minority, in demand, and will have a 4player pool for quite awhile to draw from, and even better when its not populated by SWF on voice comms.
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Wouldn't say it's dying but it's in it's worst state ever along with Re release
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You changed your port :(
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Cognitive Dissonance
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You just repeated the argument I accused you of. So yeah, it is a fact that is indeed your argument.
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Its clear you have a lot of time invested into this game, and this board with your 4710 posts here.
But that puts you in the position of vested interest.
Perhaps you should listen more, and step outside your "comfort zone" to understand that you arent the deciding factor, and that even if you are perhaps making money off streaming DBD, you dont actually matter in this anymore than anyone else that buys the game or dlc, and there are valid concerns beyond your personal purview.
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Alright, well, at least you seem to be acknowledging how silly your "argument" is.
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only 60k? The game was much higher on the list a few chapters ago. To think they lost so many players in that short amount of time...
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so despite the fact the playerbase has grown yearly since its release, you're telling me it's dying? Damn, 2016 called, they want their complaint back