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If the NFTs are a scam BHVR NEEDS to say something before someone spends money on it

I think that BHVR does has basic standard of protecting their consumers to uphold and publicly say they are not affiliated with these NFTs if they arent. Simply leaving this at no comment is just going to end badly with someone buying scam NFTs because of DBD. Is it really too much to ask for BHVR to just say its fake or confirm its real?

If they are real I aint happy but if they are fake I think BHVR like NEEDS to state they are fake to protect their customers from spending money on fakes. It will only drag their own name through the mud if someone buys a scam because it said it was affiliated with BHVR when it wasn't.

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  • Member Posts: 1,032

    can I just say the fact that you have a masters in communications is freaking amazing. I tried it I really did and just noped out and switched to just media production and content creation. The whole PR side of things is a basilisk I can not fathom so props to you for a masters in it.

  • Member Posts: 21,675

    Weekend=Not working hours

    It's not normal to work for a company outside of working hours.

  • Member Posts: 21,675

    I'm not saying nobody will believe this, I'm saying nobody with 1 u of common sense should believe it, since there's a demonstrably false claim right there: that the Chatterer will only be available via the Box of BS.

    It'd be like me claiming I work for BHVR and then saying "BHVR" stands for "Bear Hugs [are] Very Rad". It's nonsensical.

    My bank had some problems with scammers claiming to be them to get people to give them their info. However, they didn't send out emails until work hours, because that's the norm in my country. They also expected people to have some common sense (which most of them did) and realize that the bank has never communicated with us via text, making it an obvious scam.

    I'll chalk this up to cultural differences.

    I don't think it's a bad sign, I think it's a sign that it's the weekend. I also think a lot of people are intentionally claiming the sky is falling because they want BHVR to look bad.

  • Member Posts: 1,032

    As an update its been confirmed by (actor for pinhead) Doug Bradley's wife on Instagram that Doug has done some work with this company and that they were told it was in relation to dead by daylight. They do not know anything more as they are not knowledgeable about videogames or NFT's, all they have confirmed is that Doug did some voice acting work for this NFT company. this is not confirmation that BHVR is working with them. Doug could have been scammed right alongside everyone else. But he did get paid.

  • I'm guessing the forum mods are the only people who come here on the weekend, and I'm sure they couldn't say anything.

  • Member Posts: 1,032

    I'm still looking if I can just find the direct quotes but this covers the posts

  • Member Posts: 21,675

    I'm not watching a 6-minute video about a scam I already know is fake, I just want the actual link to the actual Instagram post.

  • Member Posts: 1,554

    "since there's a demonstrably false claim right there: that the Chatterer will only be available via the Box of BS." it's a valid claim, you get the Chatterer model in the NFT, you don't get it in DBD by owning the NFT.

    The only DBD content is you may get is the DLC, no extra costumes, characters, or voice lines, the voice lines are in the NFT. Some game companies have linked NFTs to in-game content, this arrangement is making no such claim.

  • Member Posts: 21,675

    They're saying it's "exclusive" to their Box of BS, which is blatantly false.

  • Member Posts: 21,675

    You're the one who made the claim, I'm not going to do your research for you.

  • Member Posts: 1,554

    They're saying only the people who have the box in their NFT (might be a random chance or you need 50 NFTs to get it or something like that) will get the Chatterer added to their NFT.

  • Member Posts: 21,675

    Since we're on the subject of false information, I think a little skepticism is appropriate. That means not believing videos showing supposed screenshots of posts (that can be easily faked), not believing screenshots of posts, and only believing the actual posts, on accounts you can actually verify as belonging to the person they're claiming to be.

    I can just as easily post a (totally fake) screenshot of a dev on Twitter saying this is false. Would you believe me if I refused to link you to the actual post on Twitter?

  • Member Posts: 21,675

    "You own the Box, he comes. The Chatterer arrives exclusively to those who own the Box (...)".

  • Member Posts: 1,554

    Yes, you get the Chatterer in your NFT if you have the box in your NFT. It's a digital action figure, and it's a digital action figure exlcusive to owners of the NFT box, not sold seperately. Chatter in DBD is not an action figure.

  • Member Posts: 21,675

    "(...) NFTs that include access to in-game content in the hit video game Dead by Daylight (...)"

  • Member Posts: 1,554

    Yeah, if you get lucky and get the Legendary NFT you get the DLC thrown in. It say that on the website; "grants in-game access to the Hellraiser chapter of the video game Dead by DaylightTM for PC."

  • Member Posts: 12,871

    Is he? I'm inclined to agree with Orion here. If a claim is being made of X thing being true, it is on the person making the claim to provide the source. That is how burden of proof goes.

  • Member Posts: 21,675

    What they're actually saying is "You only get the Chatterer if you buy this", which is a blatantly false claim.

  • Member Posts: 21,675

    Burden of proof is a concept of law, not of PR.

    Burden of proof is a concept of debate/discussion, which we're having now. If I make a claim, it's on me to provide proof, not for the other person to go looking for it.

  • Member Posts: 12,871

    What I am saying has nothing to do with what you are saying. I am only saying that the poster in question is making a claim, and it is on them to provide evidence if requested.

  • Member Posts: 21,675
    edited October 2021

    WE are having a conversation, and between US there is an expectation claims are backed up

    Yes, that's what I'm saying, that @MongolPSR needs to back up their claim, thank you for agreeing.

  • Member Posts: 481

    Cool! Sorry for being confused on the context! Text chat is a bad format in some ways because its easy for things to mutate and side convos to spread off!

  • Member Posts: 3,014

    Let's not act like this is some major news that EVERYONE is talking about. A few people on the boards are talking about it, and one website (which coincidentally or not, shares a building with the people who are selling the NFT's) egmnow traffic ranks #444,120 according to Alexa. It's not a hugely trafficked website. (DBD by the way is somewhere in the 100k's, as is a certain website we probably can't talk about here.) I don't think it was even trending on twitter at any point. This is smaller news than everyone is making it out to be. I imagine if BHVR was involved with the NFT, they would've prepared a statement to release before now.

  • Member Posts: 5,781
    edited October 2021

    Masters in communications huh? Tell me then, how do I talk to a girl?

  • Member Posts: 21,675
    edited October 2021

    Does the video contain a link to the supposed Instagram post from her official account that someone else tried (and failed) to find, or just a screenshot of said post? I've only seen a screenshot thus far, and that can be easily faked. Here's the comment I mentioned, for reference:

    Already had this discussion. Let's chalk it up to cultural differences. Here, we value common sense (meaning we don't put our information on random websites or give them to random people just because they claim to be affiliated with something we know and trust) and time off.

  • Member Posts: 1,620

    I personally don’t think it’s necessary to make a statement on whatever this NFT nonsense. Without reading about it on the forums , I would’ve never heard about it.

    Besides, you’d be probably have to be on another level of gullible to fall for it.

  • Member Posts: 12,871

    He doesn't want second-hand information; he wants the actual source. Perfectly legitimate request IMO for the person who made the claim.

  • Member Posts: 21,675

    That's what I thought too. It's an extremely common request and especially important in this context.

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