

Why does it feel like everyone wants this game to die?

I've loved this game ever since ever since my first match. So naturally i wanted to find people online who shared that same passion. I go to the official forums, discord, twitter. And all i feel like i find the exact opposite, pretty much people who want to see the game die, and I don't understand.

I feel like there are so many more things to be positive about in this game but people seem to enjoy seeing it downfall in any kind of way.

And i just don't understand that because i assume most people play this game to have fun and escape from their lives so why would people make that a source of negativity?

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  • I saw a lot more negativity for the 5.3.0 PTB. People didn't like pretty much all the significant killer changes, they hate boon totems, and they hate the key/hatch changes.

    I don't get why people would want the game to change so much though. If you aren't satisfied with the game as it now, i highly doubt updates will ever be able to change that. At the end of they day it will always be the same game.

  • Member Posts: 854
    edited October 2021

    No one want it to die, we all want it to be fun and fair but fact is it is dying because the developers continue to ignore the community and take terrible decisions, for years now.

    Last Saturday, at this time of the day, we were 75k playing on steam. Today there are only 55k. Players are getting tired for BHVR's bullshit updates and we are, i guess, at a no turning back point. Players that are pissed are quitting, plain and simple.

    Today, i have wanted to play killer but i didn't have the force to launch one game. I'm playing at high MMR and i know it will be a constant sweat fest and that i wouldn't be able to play fairly, in fact i wouldn't be able to play at all; in every trials i would have to camp and tunnel to get some kills (which is not fun for both sides).

    Also, i could have played survivor instead, but i don't want as i also play at a high MMR there and i know killers would tunnel the first hooked survivor as if they don't, they barely get 1k.

    So i don't play DbD cause it will be a bad and frustrating moment.

  • Member Posts: 854

    Yup. DbD lost 30 to 40% of the playerbase with the SBMM release. Let's enjoy the boon totem release and 2 weeks later it will be another 30 to 40% leaving.

  • Member Posts: 5,347

    It's worthwhile remembering that this forum represents a ridiculously small portion of the entire playbase, and people tend to vocalise more negative aspects than positive.

    Numbers show that there are a lot of people who enjoy it and come back for more. There will be those who are more addicted, but overall it has to be through enjoyment.

    I'm more positive and objective towards this game. It does need more competition, but overall they're doing pretty well, considering 4v1 is really difficult to do so.

  • Member Posts: 1,147

    People are negative on the forums because it's the best place to for Devs to see complaints.

    Also, not ALL changes are going to be good, if you don't like a change then let the Devs know. I think nerfing Wraith's base kit when it was his addons that were a problem isn't a good change at all. I also think Deathslinger didn't get enough to compensate for his nerfs.

    Anyone whining about Key/Hatch changes are Survivor mains, and their input is not that valuable. Killers had Mori's gutted, there is no reason why Keys should exist as they are now. It's cheap and unfair, especially when Survivor is the easier role.

    If you look at reception outside of the forums and maybe Twitter, you'll see a lot more positivity.

  • Yeah, i guess that makes sense for the official forums. And nah i followed the dbd topic on twitter and it was pretty terrible honestly. Literally just hot takes from streamers who play the game. Pretty much everywhere i go on the internet on dbd discussion is pretty negative. Even on tiktok it's very biased towards one side and there's a lot of arguing in the comments. Idk, maybe this community is just not for me.

  • Member Posts: 5,923

    When something piss people off they want to eliminate it without thinking pretty much.

    But I bet they would miss it eventually because atm no similar game can compete with dbd. Even when I take a break I am still interested in the game. Watch streams ocasionally or visit forums like now to see what's up.

    Community while toxic at large, have some wholesome people at least in the forums and it is fun to take part in it.

  • Why would the devs want to kill their game? That's stupid.

    See, this is my problem. People just want this to be the case, that bhvr bad, for whatever reason.

  • Member Posts: 873

    Speaking for myself I don’t want the game to die out but whenever I’m frustrated it’s because I truly feel the game could be so much more than it is. If I build a self but it’s not levelled I will be disappointed and hope it comes crashing down so I can try again without dismantling it myself.

    On the flip side there are people that want it to die but what they truly want is a company to make a carbon copy of Dbd but with better code, improvements, optimization etc. Something like that is possible since you can still make licensed killers like Leatherface but just change his appearance and call him Spazzy chainsaw man or whatever. Dbd could die out if they somehow messes up beyond repair but it’s more likely that a rip off would create something almost identical within legal rights and do it better… then eventually people would hate on them until another ripoff or unique hit comes along. Lol. It’s like that cliche in movies.. “if you kill me someone will just take my place and another after them”.

  • I can understand that but i don't see the point of thinking that unless you are actually the director of the game. They have a vision for the game, they are not directed by the community, but they use feedback to improve their vision for the game. I guess that's what makes people frustrated, that the game isn't lead by the community. I'm probably in the minority in being fine with this idea though.

  • Member Posts: 393

    I do not want dbd to die, but a lot of players including myself hate the way behavior manages it. Updates will always be a mixed-bag with some people liking changes and others hating changes.

    However, the frustration largely comes from everyone feeling like behavior lies, is incompetent, or has their priorities mixed up. They have promised things that never happened which led to them getting tons of #########, so now they hide everything instead of being transparent. They also seem devoted to doing things that maximize profit without making the game better necessarily, such as more forms of monetization without spending time to optimize the game, thus making it run worse and worse (mostly) with every new chapter and mechanic. They also bare-bones other things the community really enjoys that would not directly make them money (like events). This is in addition to taking forever for them to make any kind of promised/expected changes (even very basic ones). Sbmm, which was a change that had actually been requested by a lot of people, took multiple years to test and come out and essentially works like a simpler version of emblems based on kills/escapes.

    In the end, things like optimization take a back-seat for things almost no one was asking for like new graphical updates for maps, which actually made the game run worse for a lot of people, which makes everyone question their direction for the game.

    Also, certain decisions indicate that they have no idea how to balance their own game. For example, the twins initially had no way to combat lockers and the community had to point out how Victor was completely destroyed by them, thus indicating a lack of knowledge about how their own game plays or a general lack of any ability to play-test new material outside of turning it on. They actually released the twins without a locker animation as well, showing they have no problem with releasing a not finished product to stick to a schedule, but were saved due to a bug/mechanic that allowed Victor to hit people in lockers. Decisions like this then combined with the general mixed response to updates and loyalty to different roles/playstyles in the game makes people especially likely to question every balancing decision the team makes.

    Generally, public feedback about changes will almost always be more negative then positive, speaking as someone who has done surveys, but behavior does a lot of things to contribute to their negative reputation and to build distrust in their community. Honestly, I want to see dbd succeed, but I think it could be ran far better with another company overseeing it.

  • Member Posts: 1,380

    People don't want this game to die, they want it to STRUGGLE. DBD's biggest problem isn't the balance, the devs, the marketing, or the DLC. Its the lack of competition. The majority of DBD players agree on this, DBD is an incredibly unhealthy product because it lacks competition. Without competition, theres no strive to improve their product. No incentive to make a better game so it can one-up its competitor. If DBD actually struggled to sell because it was being outmatched, then the devs would try harder to make a better product. Instead they know they don't HAVE to try hard because its not like the community can jump ship and go to a better game. Were stuck with DBD and they get to hold their playerbase hostage until a better game surfaces.

    People don't want DBD to die. They want it to actually have to fight to survive.

  • Clearly there is a problem though, otherwise people wouldn't want competition, they would be satisfied with the game, like i am. The idea of DBD holding it's playerbase hostage is a bit dramatic in my opinion. You aren't forced to play this game. You aren't forced to play asym online horror games either.

    Also if dbd did actually start to struggle at this point the devs would probably just jump ship. They have probably gotten a lot of profit from the game already and they would move on to something else, probably.

  • Member Posts: 3,703

    Personally if it died, I would be pleased to be set free of it. Relying on will power is not enough with DBD.

    As a game, the reward factor is low. More often, it plays like a chore with little enjoyment.'s got all the horror legends included, as a kid this game would of been my dream come true. It's that sole reason why I keep coming back. The horror.

    I was planning to try and quit and then here comes Pinhead. Another favourite. Started playing as him, he was authentic and enjoyable. But after a week, the old grind sets back in.

    If DBD came to a end, I wouldn't loose any sleep.

  • You need will power to play a game??

    If the game is really a chore i don't see why play it. You're not being forced to play it.

  • Member Posts: 3,703

    No, it's a lack of will power to quit the game.

    Sometimes I feel I want to stop playing DBD but then some new licence gets announced, I get interested, etc.

    In some ways I use the game as an easy way to waste spare time.

  • Member Posts: 21,675
    edited October 2021

    30-40% compared to when? The all-time peak, months before SBMM was introduced?

  • Member Posts: 21,675

    Steam stats show that 2 months ago, the game had fewer players than it does now, and 1 month ago had roughly the same number of players as it does now.

    The game lost players shortly after the RE chapter, but that's normal for every big chapter release.

  • Member Posts: 229

    I don't want this game to fail. But it is in severe need of actual competition, BHVR knows they can deliver a half assed chapter and people will buy into it because they got virtually no competition that can deliver any better.

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