Hex Totems suggestion

popoles Member Posts: 831

What about this:
When a Hex Totem is destroyed, only the Tier I effect will apply (only works on Tier III perks).
Destroyed Hex Totems will still gain tokens as if they were active.(excluding the Devour Hope, which would deactivate as of now, because it would create an always-present Mori).

So Ruin would affect only 2 players, NOED would provide just the small speed buff, etc.

What are your thoughts on this?


  • GT_Legend2
    GT_Legend2 Member Posts: 845
    I like that, I thought about Huntress Lullaby when destroyed would have 3-4 tokens removed from that stack and have a max of a 1-2 token effect at all times
  • Riasama
    Riasama Member Posts: 21

    I think that running a hex totem perk should be a risk as a killer.
    You can either choose to protect your totem or use it as much as you can / delay the survivors.

    Giving such changes to a hex totem wouldn't make the gamble as exciting.
    If you equip a hex totem, then it should be a temporary ability, that can be destroyed
    Hex totems are usually pretty powerful (except the thrid seal lol, what a joke).