What is the best killer moment you ever experienced?

My best moment was when I was playing Freddy because I wanted to don't hate and everyone dc'd best Freddy moment. Hey Freddy's OP plz nerf. ;) What was yours?


  • VolantConch1719
    VolantConch1719 Member Posts: 1,216

    I was chasing a Bill as the Trapper. All five Generators were done when I actually got him down (I started the chase shortly before). I was standing by the hill in one of the Coldwind Farm maps (Thompson House, I want to say). Claudette tried shining a light in my eyes to drop Bill, I turn quickly to avoid it, Tapp gets trapped right in front of me. I hit him so he's down when he got out. I hook Bill, then chase Claudette away from the now free Tapp. As I'm about to chase Claudette further, Meg comes running in my direction from the open door. I hit her, she runs into another trap. Claudette comes back, I down her, hook her, Bill dies on his first hook, Meg couldn't get out, so I hooked her, then I found Tapp and hooked him. One of my most memorable games.

    There was also that time an injured Meg t-bagged me after vaulting through a window. While I was playing Huntress. With 3 hatchets left.

  • Sarief
    Sarief Member Posts: 543

    one of the first times I played huntress I knew little how to counter loops with hatchets. I also wanted to try iriscend head. Little did I know not to go against SWF tryhards.
    There was this one bill who seemed to like to loop on coldwind farm. Too high for huntress hatchets. All 5 gens done, survs escaped and dud simply states at gates, waiting for me. I wind up hatchet as he about to exit the zone of exit gates where he runs in 360.
    I throw first and second hatchet - both miss. He then starts to hide/show up from the exit gates. Predicting the timing I watch him meet my hatchet as soon as he exits. Insta down and death hook. I don't even care for everyone else, to take hatchet and be downed at exit gates and then sacrificed. He was laughed at by his mates even in post chat.

  • Blu3Shad0w12
    Blu3Shad0w12 Member Posts: 18
    Was playing a pig toxic survivor went down about to mori then left ( survivor was rank 10) idk this is probably the best because I don’t play killer much.
  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467
    edited June 2018
    I was Billy with only Enduring 1 and the add-ons Homemade Muffler (yellow, chainsaw noise reduction) and Shop Lubricant (yellow, chainsaw cooldown reduction) on Autohaven. I found one guy early on and downed him. I put him in the basement, and not even a second after I start to move, I see a Claudette move out of corner of my eye, so I grab her before she could make the save and hook her. I see the other two Survivors coming for the save. I chainsaw the third as the fourth somehow managed to complete a gen near me. By the time I had hooked the third, the Claudette had kobe’d, but I was right there when she did it, so I was able to put her back on the hook. She then DC’d. I go back up to hunt down the last Survivor. I see him running toward the basement and I activate my saw. He dodges it and then falls off the ledge onto the stairs. I charge up my saw again, and this I hit the Survivor and hook him. I completed an old sacrifice ritual (Sacrifice 9 Survivors) with Billy, so I end up getting 174k total BP. The best thing however, is that I went up against a 3-man SWF (Their names seemed really similar, it seemed it was a dad and his children) and beat them in five minutes. The random was the one who rage quit. It felt really good knowing that I had a successful basement party against a 3-man SWF. 
  • NotBiasedAtAll
    NotBiasedAtAll Member Posts: 50

    I was playing MM on Lerys with one of the mirror add-ons, and was chasing the last free survivor around in the same general area as his hooked teammate. With them being the only two left in the game, the hooked survivor freed herself... Right as we entered the room she was in.
    She was promptly reapplied to the hook.

  • Croquedead
    Croquedead Member Posts: 91
    I got a 4-man Devour Hope with 6 tokens on Mother’s Dwelling against a toxic team...AS THE WRAITH.

    I moried the most toxic duo in the basement one next to each other, so I forced the other guy watching his friend getting moried in his face.
  • SNTD
    SNTD Member Posts: 84

    i was in a game, 3/4 dead chasing someone and that chase when on for a while going through Pallets, Windows and Buildings and then i got him and hooked him. he was nice saying "That was a god chase."

  • ChesterTheMolester
    ChesterTheMolester Member Posts: 2,771
    edited June 2018
    I was playing Piggy and found an Ace early, downed and hooked him, then toxic Dweard tried to farm him, after the unhook he tried to bodyblock Ace so i decided to let the poor Ace live and go for that Dweard. Put a RBT on him and put him on the Hook. About a minute later i found out that Ace intentionally popped a generator and followed Dwight, Ace figured which Jigsaw box was correct and bodyblocked it while the Dwight was trying to reach it.
    I just watched it until Dwights timer ran out and both Ace and I t-bagged his corpse together. You can imagine how nice Dwights messages were.
    Post edited by ChesterTheMolester on
  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    It was shortly after The Pig was released and it had been a tough, but fun match.

    There was this Dwight who had been particularly good at keeping me at bay and being a general nuisance of himself. The exits were open and he was the last one out... however I downed him just short of the "Trigger trap" line in the exit.

    I had one trap I had been saving for just him. So I put it on him, then stepped back and said to myself "Make your choice, the hook or your head".

    He choose to die by trap, and crawled across the trigger line. He complimented me for the mean trick in the end and we both got a laugh out of it.

  • ASpazNamedSteve
    ASpazNamedSteve Member Posts: 1,784

    I hit a guy as the Wraith.

    Came instantly.

  • Deverer
    Deverer Member Posts: 24

    4 man SWF who all switched at the last moment to their items (2 purple flashlights, 1 BNP, 1 syringe). I was Huntress, and we ended up on Sheltered Woods so I knew (vacuum) pallets probably wouldn't screw me that much.

    Despite my Ruin cleansed early, I got a couple downs, and I quickly learned how altruistic they were so I camped a bit (got some free hits and downed 1 guy who was the obsession just got rescued before he healed). After hooking 1 other guy I chased around the obsession through the shack and when he went down he got syringed by another guy standing by but I downed him again after. After he used DS I hit him again with a hatchet and he DC'd on the spot. Other 3 I got one at a time through chasing and slugging, ended up with 2 DCs and two sacs.

    Felt so good to beat them. They of course called me bad for camping (even though it was just a mini patrol cause I knew they were rushing the hook). The salt from entitled survivors like this is so satisfying.

    FIEND8LOODED Member Posts: 336

    One time as Hillbilly a Dwight teabagged in front of me before running. I downed him almost immediately and he dc'd. Another time 2 people switched to flashlights at 6 seconds before and I got a 4k anyways. Feels good to see their efforts and confidence be completely in vain.

  • azazer
    azazer Member Posts: 446
    Those sweet sweet grabs. 
    Be wraith, there is fuckery afoot. They throw down pallet to let me know where they are so they can BM the entity loving scheisse out of me. 
    Hit one then hear someone starting to work on gens. Fake Chase and grab him off gen. realize these fools are t bagging next to the basement. Hook, go invisibo, stand on the landing of the stairs in the corner so survivors have to go past me. Wait until they hit the landing... Bing bong. They run for the unhook but I have yellow uncloaking plus tinker and yellow speed boost. Another grab. Rinse and repeat until 1 dead 1 hooked, 1 dying, 1 healthy. Thrill of the hunt activates. Gotcha. 1 Toxic chase later they are hooked and BBQ + chill gives me the last one crawling to right field. 4k, no gens done, mfw bp cap at a million, tfw a wraith nuked overly cocky survivors from orbit.
  • Runiver
    Runiver Member Posts: 2,095
    edited June 2018

    I'll drop that here.

    I heavily doubt it can get any better than this.

  • DoctorHermanCarter
    DoctorHermanCarter Member Posts: 14
    Had a 3 SWF group against me (only 3, 4th person dc‘d in loading screen i guess), they had everything, purple insta flashlight, DS, they pallet looped, insta hook saved, hook blocked, everything. I was a fairly new player and i played doctor, i forgot how many times i was close to just disconnecting -_-

    In the end i managed to down and hook them all three in the basement. I felt like a god after that. The salt was real in the after chat.
  • Sarief
    Sarief Member Posts: 543

    Most lols was when I opened a locker near a basement and there was dwight. Ok, one on the hook
    I exit the basement and see scratchmarks. I grab the dwight from same locker and put him into basement.
    I exit the basement and check the locker for lulz. I grab meg and put her into basement.

    Last dud gets into trap right before hatch. epic

  • deadwolfwalking
    deadwolfwalking Member Posts: 624

    on a random chainsaw sprint, i took a stroll through the killer shack. i hit jake in the back as he bolted for the door. i was in a hurry because it was my first down and they had already popped a gen. as i went to pick him up, i locked onto the closet instead. i was pissed because i'm already the king of 'walking through windows instead of picking up ppl'. its really embarrassing. so as i'm watching my animation begin and wondering how far jake will crawl, BOOM theres meg.... hiding in the gottdamm closet.... i toted her ass down to the adjacent basement and came back for jake. another jake was already in the process of healing him. he took a smack and ran off. so i scooped up jake and headed to the basement again. as i looked around, i saw wounded jake was crouching outside the window. his head was barely visible. i have Iron Grasp and Agitation and my jake hadn't even began struggling so i run with him on my shoulder over to the window and smacked injured jake. hes down.... so i hang the one and go back for the other. as i go upstairs, i see a few random scratches. i exit the window and look for jake. i see ming mong run around the corner as i grabbed jake. she starts duck walking down the stairs to her friends. as i quickly bring jake to the hook, i'm almost certain that shes down there. i turn the corner just in time to see the slightest edge of the closet door before it closes. i hang jake on the front hook so i can keep an eye on the closet. then i run up to the closet and grab ming mong.... i hooked her and left to go damage some gens and get my last few points. the killer shack was at 99% so as i'm kicking it i her ming mong jump off the hook. she unhooks the last jake and they both head to the stairs where i'm standing. jake tries to 360 on the stairs and ming mong runs to the back of the basement to heal. jakes downed an as i take him to his last hook, i take a detour and smack ming mong behind the divider wall.... now i kill jake and pick her up. but instead of killing her, i take her to the slowly regressing gen upstairs. i hit it twice with my hammer and wait while she wiggles free. she fixes it and the hatcth option triggers. we walk around and i find the hatch by the combine. as she runs to it and jumps, i grab her and hang her. i get my bonus points and surprise the ######### outta her at the same time.... it was a good game.... :D

  • LRGamer
    LRGamer Member Posts: 160
    edited June 2018

    I’m not even good with Trapper

  • CallMeRusty420
    CallMeRusty420 Member Posts: 615

    I've had too many awesome Killer moments to pinpoint one BUT I did have a really satisfying match as Trapper recently. So I made sure to place my traps around in unusual but highly traversed spots as I played the match and the survivors were a 4 man SWF that decided to gen rush. I chased all the survs and only got 3 hooks (since the map decided to hold a pallet charity and these survs loved their pallets and they had their crutch perks of course) but as there was one gen left, I downed a surv and got my 4th hook which had a lot of my traps previously set and placed around and on popular traversal routes and basically I had the other 3 all get trapped trying to save the person who was hooked and funny enough, the person who was hooked DC'd.

  • Riasama
    Riasama Member Posts: 21

    Once playing Trapper all of the survivors stepped in 4 of my traps at the same time.
    That was so weird but also satisfying AF
    Who knew such timings where possible, and I swear they didn't do it on purpose.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    Nothing satisfies me more playing as Killer than getting a 4 Kill using a 5-Token Hex: Devour Hope.

    Since it's uncommon to get to 3-Tokens, rare to use the 3-Tokens bonus more than once, very rare to get to 5-Tokens & ultra rare to use the 5-Tokens bonus more than once, it only makes the times that you do pull off a 4 Kill that much more satisfying.
    In the current version, i'd never qualify that Perk as a meta as i'd never qualify any Hex Perk as meta except for Hex: No One Escapes Death perhaps, not gonna give that much thought right now.
    (Hex: Ruin isn't meta to me, i won't qualify something that feels more required than actually good as meta.)
    But dang it, it's so worth it to try and get kills with it.

  • FujinRaijin
    FujinRaijin Member Posts: 72

    I was in a hatch standoff as Billy and I just chainsawed the guy (I dnt like standoffs) and the saw somehow made him knock away from the hatch so he couldnt jump and I just picked him up and hooked his ass.

  • DirtyNurseMain
    DirtyNurseMain Member Posts: 70
    Anytime I throw a hatchet across map and it hits someone, It makes me feel so good