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General Discussions

There is a very serious hacker epidemic right now

The devs need to address this. I've never seen so many hackers in this game than this and the past month.

As killer, tons of flashlight hackers and that stupid boil over buff, and as a survivor, i see way too many cases of speed hacking, followed by a ######### eating " gg wp :D ".

And no mods, it is NOT the job of the paying playerbase to record every match, edit video files and send them to BHVR so the devs can slowly trickle down hackers one at a time. NO.

The devs need to upgrade to a different anti-cheat software or change something fundamental in the coding to prevent this.

And the community seriously needs to stop excusing this issue as "wEll tHeRe wiLl aLwAyS bE cHeAtErS" because with that dumb as ######### attitude, this will never get fixed.

There is no excuse for the game to be riddled with hackers like a ######### call of duty from 2010 era Xbox live. Especially a game that is still supported as financially stable as DBD.

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  • I haven't run into very many cheaters, because I'm sure they're all in the red ranks, but this should definitely be at the forefront for Behavior. I remember EasyAntiCheat being notoriously terrible back in the day so I'm astonished that its resurfacing at all.

  • Member Posts: 670

    It's kinda funny that the game has the hit validation, but the server can't detect survivors being hooked 1000 times, ghostface throwing hatchets and running at the light speed.

  • Member Posts: 2,187

    I heard about the infamous hacker with a certain celebrity's name, I'm surprised they haven't got banned yet.

  • Member Posts: 3,195

    faced them 2 days ago. im on xbox so i couldnt tell them that i was planning on egging their houses. I only knew because they've never changed their identity and they were blatantly cheating. How many people are doing the same thing but hiding it?

  • Member Posts: 2,207

    I was playing pinhead and I had a hacker who could do the box instantly. I never came :(

    I very rarely see hackers, but from the looks of it from streamers and other players I seem to be incredibly lucky to not see that many. One streamer versed like 5 in one play session, while ill be lucky if I get 5 in 6ish months.

    They really need to get a better anti cheat.

  • Member Posts: 2,187

    I do know how so many people are doing it but I'll get banned if I share it here, just search "Exposing the hacker problem in Dead by daylight" from Choy on youtube and it'll give you an overview.

  • Member Posts: 3,024

    BEhaviour doesnt have such economical probs for sure.

  • Member Posts: 3,001

    I stopped playing killer because I'm tired of facing hackers, the first week after the mmr got enabled I faced 6 hackers.

    A few days ago I played against other 3, not that they ruin the fun or anything /s

    But usually if people don't see hackers think of this, your MMR might not be high or you are extremely lucky, one or the other, no between.

  • Member Posts: 149

    Dowsey streamed 15 games today and faced 7 obvious cheaters. There was an 8th whose run speed seemed too fast, but can't be 100% sure about that one. That pretty much sums up high MMR.

  • Member Posts: 149

    You also have to wonder how many more people are running aimbot and ESP that you can't reliably detect.

  • Member Posts: 5,923

    Just watching that stream as I read this lol.

    It is so frustrating seeing it tbh it doesn't matter that it's not me in there.

    Honestly I feel sorry for pc players because they don't have any way to deal with this. It is pretty bad.

  • Member Posts: 8,077

    I'm definitely seeing more, even at my crap MMR. All sorts of weirdness, and that's the overt ones - I wonder how many much sneakier hackers I come up against (I get legitimately paranoid sometimes when a survivor mysteriously knows I'm coming despite me being undetectable and deliberately looking away from gen, or 0-100's a gen ridiculously fast).

    The problem is EAC. EAC is ridiculously easy to get around - hell, modding in other titles requires it and instructions/files are included with said mods.

    It really can't be that hard to work some algorithms in to detect survivors breaking the matrix.

  • Member Posts: 778

    Worst thing are the cheaters that are subtle, that you'd never catch if it you you're not at the right place, right time, using the right perks, etc.

    It's ridiculous that you can just get people who up their speed a tiny, bit so the killer doesn't catch up, they speed up gens, so the game ends faster but the killer doesn't notice unless they have tinkerer, etc.

  • Member Posts: 597

    I Agree, I have noticed it getting significantly worse lately.

    It's strange because for 4 years I never faced a single Hacker, or at least not one that was so easy to tell that it's obvious, but in the past few months it has become noticeable and somewhat frequent. Not sure what all changed all of the sudden, but there are more for sure than before.

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