Is there going to be more Tunneling, Face Camping and Slugging for the upcoming Mid Chapter....

I say this because i wonder if killers are going to start playing harder now that BOON TOTEMS are about to get involved, even thought they nerfed them they still can have a great impact or certain maps esp the indoor ones. I just think killers are going to start playing harder now that they know every Mikaela survivor will have boon totems, or does it not worry you killer mains as much?
Honestly I would expect to see more of it after the devs basically said that tunneling/camping a survivor out grants you MMR.
There's no incentive to try to multiple hook survivors if you just want to get higher MMR and as long as you get a 2K in a game you can go up in MMR.
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You'll be lucky to see any killers playing.
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No tunnelling, camping or slugging from me, but there will definitely be an increase in moris on my part... 😏
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Well by your analysis the killers will have more to deal with and therefore will need to make time by adjusting elsewhere.
Frankly in my opinion you won't see it much more or less than usual. Killers adjust based on the situation that they are dealing with, survivors in the end dictate the pace of the game for the majority.
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Why would you want to have high MMR in the first place? All you are going to get are sweat squads
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Ultimately I think it depends on if BHVR is right and they've properly balanced the Boon Totems.
If they're wrong, you'll almost certainly see way more camping/slugging/tunneling as Killers may feel like they have no chance to do anything without it. If they're right, it'll probably just be the normal level where the people who do that anyway will keep doing it and killers who do not do it will continue to not do it.
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The game is poorly balanced. No matter how good you are at killer, sometimes camping and tunneling are the only ways to win.