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Are the new changes to boon totems enough?🤔



  • Member Posts: 4,759

    Ruin didn't, but undying, the perk that kept it relevant did.

  • Member Posts: 4,692

    Any kind of nerfs to survivors will be a buff to tunnelling and camping, they're just flat-out the most effective strategies and until that's changed, survivors can't suffer any nerfs. You reduce loop safety, first down is just shifted forward in the match, and camping becomes more effective. Tunnelling too.

    Ages before the release of Deadlock. Ruin/Undying is still a relatively popular pick.

  • Member Posts: 4,759

    No point.... The same "but if you do X then Y will be stronger arguments circulated during the removal of infinites and attempted removal of 3 gen time waste loops.

    Fix the cause and then fix the "problem" after.. if there even is one.

  • Member Posts: 4,692

    Yes, fix the cause, then fix the problem after.

    So you're in favour of anti-camping and anti-tunnelling measures, after which gens can be slowed down. Good.

  • Member Posts: 328

    Nerf them so they cant be replaced and once again there will never be a meta change. At least if survivors want to use these meta perks they have to go and find totems and spend time blessing them. - a meta that wastes their time is much better than the current meta which involves them having to waste no time doing objectives! (DH, BT etc).

    There is a favourable trade off in this meta for killers that now if the survivors want to keep their decent 1 or 2 boon perks active they need to waste time doing so.

    The decreased aoe is fair imo though and this should be the only thing continually reviewed if it becomes too OP.

    The infinite blessing shouldnt be an issue. Imagine as a killer if you have a perk to relight ruin hex etc. - would you even want the option of having to waste time looking for a dull totem etc. - i know i wouldnt its not worth it!

  • Member Posts: 6,825

    24 meters is reasonable I think. Each time survivors go in that area to use their boon perks is less time on gens. In a way this could be good for killers.

  • Member Posts: 2,752
    edited October 2021

    Self-Care is unlimited use, all the exhaustion perks are unlimited use, most survivor perks are unlimited use, why would boon totems be any different. Especially when you consider that a killer can snuff out a boon totem before you can even use it.

    Since healing takes 16 seconds with Circle of Healing, plus 14 seconds to setup the totem. You are talking about a 30 second heal compared to a 32 second heal from Self-Care. Not to mention trying to find a totem to bless and going to the area of the totems effect.

    Do you see why Circle of Healing is not really that big of a deal.

  • Member Posts: 651

    Yes a 30 second heal for the one who placed the totem wich then enable fast speed self healing for every survivor within 24 meters. And the base mechanics of Boons broadcast totem locations to the whole team.

    Unlimited time efficient healing for the whole survivor team is kind of a bigger deal than Self Care. And If every survivor is doing it, there is no way for the killer to remove all the totems in any efficient fashion. So the survivors will always be fully healed without sacrificing nearly as much time as they would if they used Self Care.

    And we are not even talking about Shadow Step here, but this Boon, set up near any kind of strong structure where the killer allready does not really want to chase a good survivor is a pure lose/lose scenario. Lose the chase because the survivor becomes extremely annoying to track (god forbid they have Iron Will) or lose the chase because you stopped to snuff the totem.

    And again, Boons are revealed to survivors, so if you see a blue totem aura somewhere, you can run there expecting to find Shadow Step from a teammate and easily lose the killer.

    So simply put right now, while Boons cost a bit of time to set up, the benefits are massive and tremendously damage the killer's own time efficiency in return. Survivors can just keep Blessing totems after totems and the killer simply can't do much about it. This is why I want snuffing to have a more durable, impactfull effect and some Hexes to be capable of removing Boons.

  • Member Posts: 2,119

    Funny thing is if killers could rebless hexes there would be backlash🤣

  • Member Posts: 2,752

    With Circle of Healing, a survivor still has to get to the boon totem and boon totems won't be placed in the middle of the map because that would be way to easy for a killer to destroy. So you have to include time to walk to the totem plus a 16 second heal. Another survivor can heal you off hook within 16 seconds which is faster than needing to go to the totem area (which probably would happen about half the time).

    I'm sure Circle of Healing will be used the first couple of weeks and will probably be used in lieu of Self-Care half the time after. But it's no where near a meta perk.

    Shadow Step is something that has needed to be put in the game for a while. If it wasn't Shadow Step, then Distortion would have been buffed or another survivor perk would have been added that nullifies aura reading abilities. There's way to many Killer aura reading abilities and no good counter on the Survivor side. Shadow Step is strong because Killers have been use to having free aura reading abilities since the beginning of the game and it looks like the Developers have finally noticed. First was Distortion, now Shadow Step and they'll probably be yet another aura nullifying perk on the next survivor.

  • Member Posts: 623

    Enough to render them completely useless and guarantee a < 1% pick rate(like 99.99% of the perks released after Huntress DLC)? Yes.

  • Member Posts: 2,752
    edited October 2021

    Honestly, they were never "meta" good to begin with. They are "self care" good. With or without the nerf, they're just a 2 week use perk, then they'll be used about the same amount as Self-Care.

    I do think Shadow-Step will be useful, just because there's so many Killer aura-reading perks. But I honestly would like Distortion buffed more, I'd rather use it than Shadow-Step.

  • Member Posts: 8,266

    I dont think all Boon should have equal effect range. It will be really hard to balance between Boons.

    For me, Circle of healing should only allow survivors to self heal at 100% speed. Thats already a huge buff. Allow other to heal you for 8 sec or 2 teammate heal for 4sec is too much.

  • Member Posts: 6,825
  • Member Posts: 416

    Don't know if anyone's already said it, if they have, I apologize--I'd like it if spawning Hexes could override Boons: it puts them in play (rather than doing absolutely nothing), and if the survivor remembers where the boon was, they can just cleanse the Hex/reapply the Boon.

    This also adds some neat strategy in what totems to cleanse and what ones to keep--as it is, there's almost no reason to cleanse totems if you have a Boon, and no reason at all to cleanse totems if there are no Hexes in play and you have a Boon.

  • Member Posts: 566

    Yes, boon totems have a white aura for every survivor. And a extremely obvious sound notification when one is put down.

  • Member Posts: 2,752

    I'm not sure if they have a cooldown period or not to be honest. I don't think they do.

  • Member Posts: 566

    No cooldown. On the PTB I went between two dull totems and repeatedly blessed them for free 1500 boldness points each time.

  • Member Posts: 154

    I haven't read the responses in the thread, but in case it hasn't been offered: Blessing a totem shouldn't remove the hex.

    Bless a dull totem, blue glow. Bless a hex totem, purple glow and both killer and survivor get a perk.

    Adds more decision making behind: Do I bless this totem, or cleanse it and prevent a hex and potentially noed.

  • Member Posts: 1,723

    At 24 seconds to activate, Boon Totems are the new Self-Care survivor trap.

    The time invested to activate, and recieve value from, a Boon Totem will be a net loss in time efficiency for survivors in the average game.

    If multiple survivors bring a Boon Totem perk into the trial, that is multiple survivors devoting 24 seconds at the start of the trial to a perk that can be deactivated in 1 second, instead of making progress on generators.

    Survivors who value activating their Boon Totem over gen progress will no doubt be the reason killers 4k games with ease again.

    I was looking forward to picking up this new survivor. However, with the nerfs announced, I don't see myself ever including a Boon Totem perk into one of my builds.

  • Member Posts: 566
    edited October 2021

    At 24 seconds to activate, Boon Totems are the new Self-Care survivor trap.

    It's only 24 seconds on hex totems, 14 seconds on dull totems. And unlike Self-Care it only takes 1 out of 16 perks to give the effect to all survivors. And it's a 16 second heal compared to 32 seconds from Self-Care.

    If multiple survivors bring a Boon Totem perk into the trial, that is multiple survivors devoting 24 seconds at the start of the trial to a perk that can be deactivated in 1 second, instead of making progress on generators.

    Again, 24 seconds is only for blessing a hex totem. A 16 second heal is a net gain for survivors, since it takes more than 20 seconds for a killer to get the second after the first one, assuming the survivor knows how to run in a straight line and more if they go to a loop.

    Also, even with the nerfed radius of the totem, it still covers 1810 square meters, compare this to the largest map which is Mother's Dwelling with an area of 12023 square meters.

  • Member Posts: 1,723

    I had not realized the 24 seconds was only for Hex Totems. I must have been given misinformation.

    Thanks for the clarification!

    I suppose I'll wait and see what happens on the live servers before trying to form any more opinions on the matter :)

  • Member Posts: 2,119
    edited October 2021

    Sorry I meant that exhaustion perks have a prerequisite and/or cooldown before they can be used again.

    Reblessing should have a cooldown as well.

  • Member Posts: 2,752
    edited October 2021

    I don't know: Blessing a totem > having a loud noise notification > killer comes and breaks the totem > and you don't get healed. That's a lot of wasted time for a self-care perk. To many nerfs and no one will even buy the survivor, no one wants more crap in their blood-web and the Developer probably want some type of return on the time they invested in making this new survivor.

    Plus, who is going to re-bless a totem a killer just broke anyway. That's a good way to wind up on a hook.

  • Member Posts: 618

    simply the fact that killer hexes do not override the boon when they spawn is laughable, they made survivor perk that yet again fully counters killer's version of the perk

    also not even mentioning the fact that survivors can just heal mid chase and the fact that sounds for those totems are not even working well, you have to look at the exact direction of the totem to hear it and also be super super close and walls make it worse

  • Member Posts: 6,825

    How can survivors heal mid chase though unless if they have that ultra rare medkit add on?

  • Member Posts: 264

    I dont think they needed their range nerfing, i guess maybe on certain maps it was a problem, but yeah. I dont agree with people saying they should be a one time use, because then they'll have to have their sound removed, and if the killer wants to snuff them, he can potentially waste so much time trying to find it. Now that they dont stack, theyre fine.

    I had no problem locating someone when in range of the lucky break-esque one. Sounds of footsteps and pools of blood make it easy to locate survivors. Nobody uses lucky break, so this boon perk will be the same. Those who are worried about the fast heals...Thats already possible. You can already heal mid-chase too. Give the game chance to breathe and maybe we'll see the meta change. Arent you tired of the same old? I know I am.

  • Member Posts: 618
    edited October 2021

    takes around 8 seconds even with brown medkit and some addons if you are in boon totem radius

    even without boon totems survivors with strong medkits can heal in less than 20 seconds

  • Member Posts: 6,825

    exactly, we need to let this go live so we can experience it too.

  • Member Posts: 1,004

    But once it's set up it's free healing and a safe zone for the other three players at zero cost to them. Effectively if you have both Boon Totems it's giving 2 perks (Lucky Break & Distortion) + a medkit to all 4 players and can be repeated infinitely. So the other three survivors have effectively 6 perks and a medkit in addition to whatever item they've brought in - hardly balanced!

  • Member Posts: 2,119

    What's going to happen is there is going to be a free fast heal section away from gens...if you commit to the chase gens will get done.

    If you dont commit they run away and reset. If medkits are in play even better🤣

    Another scenario can be a small map with the scratch mark boon totem on seperate corners. Chases are going to be real fun then.

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  • Member Posts: 2,885

    The issue is there is no risk until the Artist comes out because unless the Killer happens to walk by then there is no risk to the survivor. Because remember they nerfed TotH so without the notification that someone is messing with a Hex.

    So when someone says "Theres More of a Risk" I just laugh how wrong that statement is. I have never ran across anyone blessing a totem because no one us stupid enough to bless when the Killer is nearby.

  • Member Posts: 2,885

    I agree except that when a Boon gets snuffed the totem gets broken

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