Dead by daylight or is it hacker by daylight

Ever since the new match making system was added. I noticed the massive wave of hackers.
The hacking is out of control and devs aren't doing anything about this. The hacking is ruining the game for others and this can be proven by many content creators of their games they may have post. I strongly feel that the devs should improve their programs to stop the hacking.
It's at the point if you're bad at the game and you don't want to improve and won constantly then hack the game at a price.
The hacking is getting worst. They banned community mods but ain't nothing to do with hacking.
I do apologize for the rant. I also saw these videos from well respected content creators and I think we all can agree the devs need to do something about the hacking
Truetalent: The hacker player is the competitive spirit without the skill.
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or Dead by Hacker
or Hacker x Hacker
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One vital question that needs investigating is: what was it that led to the increase in hackers at the same time the SBMM was put in place?
Everybody knows hackers have been around for a long time, still it's puzzling that the two correlated as they have.
Was this planned? Did the introduction of SBMM create a weak spot? Why does this strange coincidence exist?
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I'm bad at the game but I will try my best in a game without hacking. How can people take pride in winning, or even playing a game, whilst hacking?
Bhvr definitely needs to take a tougher stance on this as it's ruining the game for other people.
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Hackers would naturally reach the mmr cap and show up more in highly visible streamer games.
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Check out wallhax and see just how pathetically easy it is to cheat in this game, subtle or not.
The devs seriously need to do something about this, or say literally ANYTHING regarding this issue.
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Am I just lucky with this game? I’ve been playing cross play and with the new MMR since pinhead and I haven’t run into one hacker at all
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Just went against a guy that instahealed everyone, hooked and unhooked himself a million times, caused a bunch of notifications to happen, blinded me for waaay too long etc. The hole deal.
Now, it wouldn't have been much of an issue. It's very easy for me to just disconnect my brain in a match with a hacker. However, wouldn't you know it, despite the fact I opened the gates to start EGC, he just stopped EGC from happening. So I was essentially trapped in that match forever.
Obviously I DCd because who the hell cares at this point. but it's just one of those things. Thank you very much BHVR, you have a server that constantly rolls-back hits, but god forbid your stupid servers keep track of survivor speeds, hook states EGC and other stuff to actually reject stuff that can ruin the game for people.
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Haaackaaa x haaackaaa
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I've heard of all kinds of hacks, but stopping the EGC? That's new and seriously needs to be looked at.
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Which they won't do. The hackers do a lot of things to take games hostage, like perma-blinding you, or perma-stunning with head on. it's ridiculous.
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Hackers defeated the entity. True ending?
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As far as i know u can leave the game and it will think u have won it but it doesn't ends for players left. For example killer will be forever stuck in game unless he DCs. Technically it doesn't stop EGC, it breaks the game entirely.
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It can be subtle and not the blatant type you see on youtube. I had one back in February where I didn't notice they were cheating until the end game where I down them and they instantly got back up and speed hack away.
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Can also freeze other survivors until they dc if they want. Had this happen when I was playing several months ago.
I've been on break so no idea of it has gotten worse, but I did notice more subtle hackers, people with slight hacks that only increase them to obvious levels when they get pressured, then usual before I started my break, so maybe these people realized they will not be banned and are doing it more blatantly and at high MMR since they win every game.
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naw it's a lot of different things such as the following
Dead by buglight
dead by noed
dead by the blight
dead by flashlight
dead by gen rush
dead by DS
dead by judith's tombstone
dead by iridescent hatchets
dead by disconnect, death is not an escape but dcing is
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Went against a very suspicious group, 1 of them was clearly a hacker.
At the beginning of the match, David goes down and gets put on hook. Taken off hook as soon as I give them space and he's immediately healed. So I find Nea there and decide to chase her, I finally am about to down her when she goes behind a rock and just...disappears. Her scratch marks led directly to the rock/edge of the map. It was like she ran outside of the map or teleported away. This is all within like the first 5m of the match, and as soon as I lose the Nea behind the rock, 4 gens immediately pop. I go back to defend the remaining gens and see they are 99%. All of them. It was like they were toying with me.
I also saw this in a youtube video where what happened to me happened to this streamer but he caught it in live action a lot better. It was as if the gens were doing themselves, or a ghost.
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Oh yeah. He put himself in a perpetual hook state and even though the timer was up, EGC never really ended. I was trapped in that match unless I DCd or he got bored.
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ah yes spooks and jukes, dead by daylights salt patrol sheriff
love his videos
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So many hackers are taking games hostage for like 2 hours at a time doing this, and they are specifically targeting popular streamers.
Hackers are literally just making fun of BHVR at this point.
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Watch them hack BHVR's website next
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This game has to pull a Valorant with their Anti-Cheat, even if people would be up in arms about it.
Valorant is even testing the new Windows 11 features as part of their Vanguard system, which would deter hacking even more.
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Just the game is unplayable right now with the hackers, like me and friends can't even enjoy the new update. BHVR still hasn't said anything about it, and we are still finding proof of Players coming back on the same steam accounts hacking again day's later, so they clearly are not banning hackers on the spot.
It's so bad that I actually got into a sequence of how to make support tickets, including uploading the whole game vid on youtube.
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You probably have and didn’t even know. There’s some who are very subtle with it, like giving themselves 5% boost the whole game
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They really need to make a statement on this, because it's gotten out of hand and at the very least we should get a "We're working on it" from the devs.