what DBD could be, what we will never have, such a shame we will never have this

This would be the BEST thing BEhaviour could do, making the game like this, true horror atmosphere, fluid/realist animations, realist environment, very good graphics (far better than realm beyond)
This fluid and true to the horror.
This is what the realm beyond and animation changes should have been like in the first place, a complete overall/redo of the game, give the praise to this amazing creation, showing us what dead by daylight could be, but also showing us what we will never have.
I agree this looks amazing and I'd love if the game looked like this but graphics shouldn't be a priority. Especially when the game is as unfun and unbalanced as it is right now.
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it is truly unfun and unbalanced AF since MMR is in full time, ruins the game so bad
but god why can't dbd be like this???
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The video is cool but it really looks like those typical horror games that no one really cares about. If you remove the soundtrack and the name of the map I can tell you dozens of horror games that look exactly like this.
What makes DBD fun is the gameplay, just look how Friday had better graphics but DBD was always more popular. Messing with the entire game like that would just drive away most of the playerbase and the game would lose it's touch. Better focus on the gameplay and not the graphics.
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It looks like F13 with different textures.
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That would be great, but something like that requires passion and effort....
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Well one day bhvr might give us dbd 2 with awesome graphics and hopefully normal working game with barely any issues on all platforms.
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maybe one day
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it does :(
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Its funny, to the most of my knowledge this was made by a single person, sure assets may be flipped from the engine they're using but that's not the point. With over 700+ employees, with who knows how many in graphical departments, its a shame that Behaviour is outshined by a single fan.
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you got that right
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I'm glad that it doesn't look like this.
Yeah the game graphics-wise would look phenomenal, but it would look similar to a bunch of other popular horror games that have been recently released. DBD's graphics is what makes the game so unique.
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This is made with a map editor from another game 😅
They probably spent a decent amount of time on it, and it looks great, but it's not made from scratch
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that's not the point, the point is, the game could look THIS good, yet we will never have this
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Thankfully not because I think it would definitely ruin a good bit of the experience... it's not supposed to look like a very serious horror game
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why not?
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Looks vastly superior imho. DBD is a relatively ugly looking game.
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Remember fresly reworked Lery was exactly like this? Dark atmosphere and horror in it.
Now does anyone notice how bright Lery is?
The game is about chasing, not hiding. They can totally do this with some light management. But they dont, the game has to be bright for the Killer can easily see and chase survivors.
In that vid, Clau can hide in plain sight and you will not able to see her. Many people increase their screen brightness to play the game.
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Yes because this one person probably remade the entire game like this, right?
These graphics are amazing, but it's only Haddonfield with amazing graphic. Which is impressive but not exactly the entire game that BHVR is working on.
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That looked amazing. Id take those graphics over how the current game is. Well worth it.
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No compromises. We should be able to have graphical updates AND balance updates.
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Yes we should, but do you really expect that from our dev team?
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This footage looks great but there is so much dark areas. Any survivor could blend there.
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I am not sure... I like the idea, but I really prefer the arcade feeling that DBD offers. It is not trying to be a horror game, at least not any more.
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It looks so amazing, I saw that on YT earlier and immediately loved it! Really do wish the game could look like this, but I also agree that I don't see it ever happening.
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Lots of missed opportunities.
No cosmetics for powers: I sleep.
No cosmetics for Victor: How dare you.
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The game barely runs as it is.
I'd rather not imagine what that would do to most people's set-ups.
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only issue is that BHVR isn't a single fan. They're a company, with plans and deadlines set up to a year in advance. They can't just drop what they're working on to improve the graphics to such an extent. It would require a ton of preplanning and a huge time investment. Designing a game is much more difficult than people give them credit for. Especially as a company, and not a passion project. Also don't forget, DBD isn't the only game they work on, be it their own IP or they're contracted to help design another. Something as redundant as a graphics overhaul just isn't a practical goal for the company to strive toward, especially with the games current state.
Now as for the video itself, I think it looks neat, but my god it would be so hard to play on, trying to keep track of survivors in such a dark environment would be impossible. Also like many others were saying, take away the music and the name and you've got yourself a generic passion project horror game.
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So, I've watched this video a few times and I really don't get what the hype is here. It looks nice, sure, and I'm impressed with it as a recreation of Haddonfield in another game's system, but it doesn't look that much nicer than the one we have? There's a little more detail inside the houses, that much I like and would like to see if and when Haddonfield is on the metaphorical operating table for their map rework/retouching series, but looking at this as something to actually play a match of Dead By Daylight on I have to agree that it looks nightmarish. It's way too dark, and I don't really have a good sense as to whether this version of the Myers House would be well balanced so I can't comment on that part.
I don't understand this idea of "the horror atmosphere", do people just think that means "dark"? I guess I get that, but this game has gameplay that's severely hampered by the map being too dimly lit so it's not a good fit here.
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Its not the graphic overhaul I find impressive, its the amount of work done within a minor period of time.
The game doesn't need a graphical overhaul, the issue is that all this work was done by a single fan, before BHVR could release bug fixes and balance changes.
I get that they're a company, and have priorities, but the game needs to put nose to grindstone to bring their game to the quality expected of a video game company.