This community is too toxic

Adaez Member Posts: 1,239

Just uninstalled and dont think I will install again this time, I cant bring myself to play anymore.

I really tried to enjoy the game and ignore toxicity but its almost every game and it really takes a tool on your mental health over time and even affects your daily life.

Soloq is unplayable,tried to find others to play with but almost no one wanna play without voice chatting for some weird reason,and even when you find someone to play it,most of them just get tilted over anything then blames you and you never hear from them again.

Killer,win or lose,doesn't matter,toxicity is the same,theres always an excuse for survivors to complain and be toxic.

I know you can just hide the chat but this doesn't take away the toxicity going on in the game that is accentuated by some of the mechanics in the game that pretty much promotes toxicity to win.

Camping,slugging.Having your teammates dc after first down,killing themselves on hook,sandbagging,unhooking you in front of killer or teaming with the killer doesn't help either.

TLDR: Game just not fun anymore for me mostly due to toxicity.



  • DarK_SharK
    DarK_SharK Member Posts: 33

    you should see how i play survivor if i am coming to save someone on a hook and they attempt to unhook themselves as soon as i get there i actually leave them and dont unhook (toxic i know but if they trying to unhook right next to me clearly they wanna die) then someone else unhooks them and they try to get me killed all game i find it hilarious

  • Torsti56
    Torsti56 Member Posts: 259

    I stream but nobody watches me. I'll rather take salty survivor to talk ######### than no one.

  • justbecause
    justbecause Member Posts: 1,521

    You need to just understand that in game "toxicity" doesn't matter laugh at it if someone is nodding head at you for Downing you laught at it because you made him tilted, if they smac you on hook laught as well because they're mad if someone is tbagging you just think of idk shrek twerking and Butt dancing those things just don't need to be taken serious and outside the game is real toxicity aka endgame chat just turn it off and toxicity is gone

  • VaJaybles
    VaJaybles Member Posts: 658

    Trust me you don't lol then again I've turned it into a bonus. I've got a fairly lovely community full of sarcasm, so if there's ever salt from the random or killer I turn it into a quote and use the sPoNgEbOb font.

  • TruEternity
    TruEternity Member Posts: 320

    So many crybabies lol. It’s just a game, getting clicky-clicky spam, t-bags and hook camping don’t matter. Growing up in late 90’s -mid 00’s online gaming, this is a nice community.

    Everyone just wants their safe space everyone hugs it out games. This game is FAR from toxic, and if you think it is, don’t use the internet, your feelings might get hurt.

  • justbecause
    justbecause Member Posts: 1,521

    The truth is this game is indeed toxic but I agree with you on that one those things in game should not matter sure it can be annoying sometimes but that's it next game your life still goes on nothing has changed ppl need to grow thicker skin in general here but I wouldn't call them cry babies just ppl who can't deal with that

  • justbecause
    justbecause Member Posts: 1,521

    I mean turn off endgame chat? That's solves the toxicity u have no obligation or need to have chat on and say gg to stranger... I'm on ps4 which means chances of me getting hate mails is 80% smaller than pc players and yet I have disabled ps msgs I just don't have need to interact with strangers

  • justbecause
    justbecause Member Posts: 1,521

    Well if ur streamer u know the risk from what I heard the op is not streamer and only interaction is through endgame chat this does not excuse them whatsoever they're still garbage human being it's just that u don't have to deal with it if they come to stream ban them that's all I can suggest for streamers and again this does not excuse anyone but how many ppp actually have endgame chat disabled? I think none or very few

  • Hannacia
    Hannacia Member Posts: 1,281

    I stream as well. Small streamer but the things some survivors come to say to my chat to me is horrible. They just literally badmouth how i look like, talk or am even if i never did anything bad in the game. I've banned so many people from my streams its getting silly. Some even make clips with insulting titles in them :(

  • Elena
    Elena Member Posts: 2,187
    edited October 2021

    almost no one wanna play without voice chatting for some weird reason,and even when you find someone to play it,most of them just get tilted over anything then blames you and you never hear from them again.

    And people still go "oH JuSt JoIn A SwF iN tHe DiScOrd" and wonder why we don't want to.

  • I agree the toxicity is overwhelming but it's not enough for me to stop playing this game. I just love the horror.

  • Adaez
    Adaez Member Posts: 1,239

    Even if you wanna voice chat,you'll stumble upon a lot of toxic people that will just put blame on you at the end of the game,this is what i mean,this community is just too toxic.

  • Volcz
    Volcz Member Posts: 1,175

    Camping/slugging is a viable strat. If it wasn't, people wouldn't do it. Nothing toxic about wanting to win. Unhooking you in front of a killer? Guess someone wants to farm some points or they genuinely don't see what they're doing as a problem. I wouldn't view this as toxic.

    Now sandbagging/working with the killer - yea that can be pretty frustrating.

    Anyways, seems you made the right choice since everything seems to upset you.

    Have a gooood one.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    No it's not. Camping killers are very rare and t-bagging at exit gate..ok so what? Why even care?

  • katoptris
    katoptris Member Posts: 3,147

    Same here and it because they died in a game. Like wow you really upset over a pixelated death that allowed you to just join another lobby.

  • katoptris
    katoptris Member Posts: 3,147

    If someone unhook in front of me regardless of borrow I'm still going for the hooked person. Bout to punish that mistake

  • katoptris
    katoptris Member Posts: 3,147

    If you wanna play what your name? I tend to just messed around with my other friends.

  • CryptFriend
    CryptFriend Member Posts: 416

    Y'know, I feel like I'm allowed to be upset if someone sends a mail bomb or ######### two to me.

    Maybe that's entitled, feel free to let me know, maybe I'm just unlucky--I'm sure that'd make my sister feel better.

    Sure, the community isn't as bad as it could be. Doesn't mean it has to be as bad as it is.

  • Shaped
    Shaped Member Posts: 5,869
    edited October 2021

    I disagree about some playstyles being toxic. But things I consider toxic like bm'ing or messages drain me too.

    The more I play the game the more easily frustrated I get. That is why I am on a break atm to recharge and come back to it eventually.

    But it could be that you get bored too so everything pisses you off.

    Just do what I do and play some other games then try again when you feel ready. I have breaks that even hit a year lol. Take as much time as you need, don't force it. If you don't enjoy it, it only gets worse that way.

    I enjoy the game best after breaks.

  • Clowning
    Clowning Member Posts: 886

    Wait, are you using "growing up in the late 90s and 00s" as some sort of an argument? As opposed to what? Being 10 years old because you grew up around 2010s?

  • CryptFriend
    CryptFriend Member Posts: 416

    Yeah, I was kind of scratching my head at this, too.

    Like, it's neat that you're--what? Thirty-something? Early forties? Like pretty much everyone else playing this?

    Are they suggesting that the pinnacle of being a [BAD WORD] was acting like a child?

    I don't know, and I'm low-key scared to find out. "I'm intrigued--and disgusted," as one might say.

  • FancyMrB
    FancyMrB Member Posts: 1,250

    If the toxicity is getting to you then u are doing the right thing. Games are always meant to be fun and enjoyable. As soon as they aren't then ######### is the point right?

    Go find a game that brings you joy 💛 Wishing you the best!

    (Ps I don't require people to be on mic if you ever do find yourself playing again and need a pal)

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    Yeah, I've been hit offline and had two routers fried.

  • TruEternity
    TruEternity Member Posts: 320

    It means kids who play this game now have much different standard to what is toxic/bm. Most are used to the safe space culture, and as a result think anything besides a pat on the back is toxic. If you played any early 00’s shooter, excluding everything else, you had to have thick skin.

    I’ve played this game for 2k hours since 2017, and have had only a handful of truly bad chat interactions. To add to that, I’ve had 1 person tell me to kill myself, in the hundreds if not thousands I’ve played with. That was a daily occurrence back in the infancy of Xbox live.

    My point is that people who make these posts need thicker skin, and need to realize the internet is the Wild West, be prepared for the worst of the worst. Nothing someone says means anything, their angry rants at you should be laughed at, because you made them made at a meaningless game. You’re no less valuable as a person because a keyboard warrior tried to flame you, and no one is judging you based off of a trial in DBD, not anyone’s opinion that matters anyway.

  • CryptFriend
    CryptFriend Member Posts: 416

    You have met some pretty nice people in this game, then.

    That, or I'm playing with all the #########. I get told to kill myself every three matches or so. I received two mail bombs, which was an interesting experience.

    Then again, I also get told that I'm the toxic ######### and that's why I deserve the hate by said #########, which is new; maybe you're on to something.

    I feel pretty confident in saying that it's as bad as it's always been, though. That in and of itself is pretty [BAD WORD].

  • Ohnoes
    Ohnoes Member Posts: 608
    edited October 2021

    You two are playing oblivious. He's referring to how since the cultural shift in the late 00's where people started getting easily offended by just about everything and incapable of taking criticism. Then came cancel culture/witch hunts when that blew out of proportion because social media made that incredibly easy to do. The effect on gaming other than people throwing hissy fits all the time is that it limits what game devs can do when it comes to being creative w/ their content. Add on resources having to be directed to cater to feelings and safe spaces. It's not a nostalgia trip to say that games in the '90s and '00's pushed boundaries esp. when it came to horror games. The stories and concepts of many were incredibly dark, gruesome and morally gray. Hell, even a mainstream game like GTA now could have easily died in its infancy if this happened back then if things were as they are now. Luckily the lack of social media made the people trying to cancel everything only capable of limited damage.

  • CryptFriend
    CryptFriend Member Posts: 416
    edited October 2021

    No ######### I'm playing oblivious, he's being hella silly. Acting like people are just being "delicate fairies" or some-such nonsense--there's a fair amount of people specifically stating the kind of crap they're dealing with, and it's more than a lack of acknowledgement and some head-shaking.

    Some people just say to ignore it, because that's just kids being kids--I've said it before, and I'll say it again, that's coward-speak. If you can't hold society to a higher standard, them maybe you shouldn't judge. I could give less of a ######### about "safe spaces," I just want people to act like decent human beings to each other instead of vicious little hooligans.

    Oh, yes, let's just TP the neighborhood, that's just fun childhood games; nevermind that you'd get caned, suspended, and put on community service for that kind of ######### in my day.

    Edit: I can't speak for the other dude, I'm assuming their comment was tongue-in-cheek as well, but th'hell if I actually know.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430

    If a game is affecting you so much that it affects your real life, I'd argue that maybe PVP games aren't for you.

    This community is toxic due to their behavior, not because of some of the things you listed. Some of them are part of the game's own mechanics.

  • Hannacia
    Hannacia Member Posts: 1,281
    edited October 2021

    These comments saying oh just ignore people being literally bullies annoyes me. Doesnt matter how old you are common sense should be something everyone owns and with that comes how you should act towards other people.

    If this toxicity would happen in real life would you just tell that person..oh grow a thicker skin? No you would not! So why does it make it ok for it to happen online? A lot of bullying now happens online and bad things have happened cause of it.

    Some people play games for fun and to relax, some use it as an escape from a really bad real life situation, some i feel like are playing just to hurt others.

    I don't know how bad it is for console players but as a PC player it can get rough. Since i stream, and yes 99% of the nastyness ive gotten from survivors when i play as killer, first they insult me in the after in game chat, which now i keep sometimes closed. Then they come into my stream. Insult me even more and with worse words, and lastly after getting banned in my streams they go into my steam profile write some horrible stuff and keep spamming until i ban again. If you report them..nothing will be done.

    No one should have the right to insult anyone! Not over a game not over anything. You never know what that other person is dealing with and you making ######### comments def wont help that person. If you dont have anything good to say keep your mouth shut and move along.

    Sometimes its better to not say anything. Learn some manners!

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    What is said to you as a streamer that I do not hear in online games?

  • ClumsyTrapper
    ClumsyTrapper Member Posts: 544

    See you next week 😂

    Seriously tho this games community it beautiful and disgusting all at once the dulality is perplexing and I can't stay away from it

    I hope when you reinstall your feeling better and make some good memories with some good games

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    I consider myself to be the most beautiful side of the community. I bring happiness and joy to all I play with. They always send me love mail after the game, but I am already taken, so I never get around to reading them.

  • Billy_Capră
    Billy_Capră Member Posts: 38

    I'm sorry, but this is the most ridiculous comment I have read in this thread.

    1. Words in a post-game chat do not equal "literal bullying". This is another case of a word being watered down to having zero meaning.
    2. Yes, we have phrases for occasions such as this in real life. "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me" ring a bell? We should be teaching people to have thicker skin, as it's a very important lesson to know in society. People need to learn to handle an insult, or rejection, or failure, as this ability to process it properly will improve their overall success and happiness in life. I have stopped escalations in bars, back when I was a bouncer, by appealing to that rational side of a person before they got physical with someone yelling at them. It is incredibly important to remind people that they can be the better person and just walk away.
    3. Your story here about "nastiness" traveling from post-game to your Twitch chat is your fault, and only your fault. You should have stopgaps in place to ensure that it does not reach your community. That is 100% your responsibility to yourself and your community, and nobody else's. Remove the "TTV" in your Steam name and/or the Twitch link from your Steam profile, and it's all fixed. If you don't want comments on your Steam profile, set it for friends only. There are ways to protect yourself from abuse online.
    4. You have the right to be offended by things you see or hear, but you do NOT have the right to NOT be offended. People have the right to express themselves, in whatever matter they deem fit. If you don't want to see or hear it, then utilize the controls discussed above to protect yourself. Your statement of "No one should have the right to insult anyone!" is childish and ridiculously authoritarian, and quite frankly, frightening.

    Should we try to teach people to be a bit nicer? Of course, we should. But, we absolutely should also teach people to be self-sufficient and to be able to properly protect themselves both online and in real life. Part of that is teaching people that it is on them to decide whether they will let something offend them or not. That is part of maturing and of becoming a functional member of society.

  • FaceCampinBuba
    FaceCampinBuba Member Posts: 50

    This community is great.

  • Hannacia
    Hannacia Member Posts: 1,281
    edited October 2021

    So in your mind everyone should just be tough and shrug it off when someone calls them names for no reason and is nasty? No its not ok.

    I can take an insult and i can deal with bullies but when it happens multiple times a day it will take a toll . Not everyone is emotion free person.

    Some people might have scars from school bullying some people tend to be softer at heart like i am. We are not all tough as rocks and nor should we be.

    I just think its ridiculous that you give people who act like this a pass and say oh deal with it. Noone has the right to call anyone names or be racist towards someone else!

    It must be nice to be a person who doesnt give a ######### about what anyone else says :)

  • lordfart
    lordfart Member Posts: 538

    I get what you're saying but unfortunately I must agree with sticks and stones. Growing up abused I have trouble understanding how people can get so bent out of shape by words from internet strangers. That's probably a me problem, but it's also why I'm pretty calloused about the insults I hurl at others online. It kinda makes me feel better about my childhood in a sick spiteful way. Not really sure what my point is just some insight for one of the many reasons why people are toxic in general to others.

  • Billy_Capră
    Billy_Capră Member Posts: 38

    That's not at all what I said. I said that though we should be more empathetic towards each other as a society, it should not be done through some ridiculous notion of authoritarian censorship. People need to learn to handle insults, rejections, failures. These things happen to us throughout our lives. Properly processing it is the correct path. Shielding society from one person's notion of what could be considered offensive is dangerous.

    People do not give offense. Offense is only taken. So, you cannot define what is offensive or not offensive, as that is highly subjective.

    Instead, we should be helping people to work past their offenses, in order to better process them, safeguard themselves from them, and up their quality of life for their future.

    So yes, "sticks and stones" is a far healthier mantra than "No one should have the right to insult anyone!" As it leads to a stronger, more well-adjusted individual who can take negatives and turn them into positives.

  • Hannacia
    Hannacia Member Posts: 1,281

    Everyone gets mad at this game im sure of it but wouldnt it just be better to move along? Does it really give people better feeling when you can call other by names and yell at them? When i get frustrated i just press leave game button and move onto the next match. Or i take 5 minutes and go get something to drink. It wont make my day better to start lashing out.

  • Hannacia
    Hannacia Member Posts: 1,281

    I get what you mean but im still sticking to the fact that no one should have the right to insult anyone. I personally don't see the point of insulting anyone. It wont give me a better feeling and it surely wont give that person a better feeling. Also i dont think anyone should get used to toxicity.

    But i do agree people should be tougher but everyone has their limits. LIke i said i can take a hit or few but when it happens multiple times it starts getting tiredsome and hurtful.

    People should have their basic manners which to me at least includes treat others with respect and if i cant do it i move along. I dont need to start foaming from my mouth to that person :)

  • Billy_Capră
    Billy_Capră Member Posts: 38

    This I 100% agree with. We all should, as a community, push the notion of just saying GG and moving on. I make it a point to practice just that. I also call out people in chat who start acting ridiculous. I'll quickly defend a killer or survivor who is getting insulted in post-game, and I would love to see that become more commonplace.

    We should be protecting each other, this is true. Additionally, we should be strengthening each other and helping others to get past things, as I pointed out in my earlier comments.

  • Hannacia
    Hannacia Member Posts: 1,281

    Sadly we will never see toxic free game where you play competitive against others. Just feels like lately its gotten worse, which is the very reason why i keep my chat closed when i play killer. As a survivor i try to defend the killers when i see this happen and i've gotten few thank yous from the killer for doing that, hopefully making them feel a little bit better

  • Billy_Capră
    Billy_Capră Member Posts: 38

    But who defines what is an insult? Anybody could become insulted by anything. So, who becomes the judge and jury there?

    That thought process is a very slippery slope into totalitarianism. I could say something that I find to be perfectly innocent, but if you take offense to it, then did I do something "illegal" (for lack of a better word)? Who decides it? Who looks into the context? Who checks to see where the person who made the statement was coming from? Maybe they were offended by actions that were taken on them in game and are defending themselves.

    Again, "no one should have the right" is dangerous territory to go down. It's better to help pick people up when needed than to smother society completely.

  • Hannacia
    Hannacia Member Posts: 1,281
    edited October 2021

    I dont mean to take people's rights to talk away no, i just simply think people should have more i dont know maybe empathy towards others, maybe respect? I don't think its normal when someone insults you after a game where they eather died or escaped or killed everyone or noone. By insulting i mean the truly negative things like attacking how someone looks like or calling them cancer or autistic which i personally truly hate. Or being racist and just really nasty. Small things like oh no you are a jerk you noob those people should be able to handle and laugh about. I truly mean the bad stuff which i have lately seen a bit too much.

    Everyone has the right to express themselfs you are correct but everyone should also think before opening their mouths if its 100% necessary to say what they are about to say.

    There is salt and then there is people that just want to hurt you

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    Context rarely matters. I had someone instigate a conversation, harass me over multiple games over time with plenty of blatant insults. At first I was just asking them to leave me alone, they did not and I said some... Questionable things... in response to their nonsense. And then they reported me to Playstation and I got a notice for "threatening" them when I did no such thing.

    In an ideal world, the person reporting me gets an action and I get a warning, in my eyes. It is a private conversation that they started and escalated. But nah, because I was a big meanie, I get actioned and that loser keeps going around harassing whoever irritates him in the future.

    So to that end, I agree with you. Having arbitration that ignores nuance is just not particularly helpful. All I learned was to pretend to be nice and if they step out of line, I can get them punished for it. Lol. Not sure that was the lesson I should have learned.