This community is too toxic



  • R2k
    R2k Member Posts: 1,069

    Can we all agree that there are dicks that don't care and won't change their behavior unless u ban them multiple times and even then it's doubtful. It's same in every other game and DbD is not an exception here.

    There are people who don't care or don't want to understand why someone failed and take game way too personally. While I agree there also are people who get mad if game was ruined by someone with puppy mindset who Dc'd or suicided on hook because he doesn't like something. This also triggers people.

    To solve this there should be strong punishable system and while someone think society shouldn't be shielded from one side, I think society needs to punish both sides.

    There's no way to solve it unless u punish such a behavior.

  • lordfart
    lordfart Member Posts: 538

    When I was younger and much less further along in my emotional healing it did genuinely make me feel better which is very unhealthy :/ I'm not the proudest of it coz I now have better coping mechanism (well just got into drugs but that's a different conversation) + want to avoid causing unnecesary harm to others these days coz you're right, at some point I started to realise it would do me better to just move along and not perpetuate cycles of hate but when I was full of anger I just didn't care it was like "######### you if im hurting i want others to as well." It's hard because people shouldn't treat others in such a way, but I also get how some people can get themselves to that point where they take any opportunity to output their hate. Before I started to just get high if I'm in a bad place mentally I couldn't find a meaningful way to channel those feelings, so online toxicity was where I did it.

    Overall while I standby sticks and stones, I do agree with your sentiment that ideally people shouldn't have to use that phrase in the first place

  • Rhoska
    Rhoska Member Posts: 273

    You dont have the right to restrict what other people can say, nor demand punishment for it.

    BHVR howevet can restrict what it allows on its privately owned platforms.

  • Hannacia
    Hannacia Member Posts: 1,281
    edited October 2021

    Never did i say i have the right nor did i say i want the right, nor did i say people shouldnt be allowed to say what they want. Please dont put words into my mouth :) However i would like the company to punish people that take it too far little better than they do now, and in this i mean people who really take it to personal insults or racism or disabilities.

  • Rhoska
    Rhoska Member Posts: 273

    The chat is filtered for profanity.

    Its literally impossible for anyone to say something in the chat that would offend you or hurt your feelings.

    As to you wanting someone ELSE to restrict expression and punish for it, on your behalf, thats a very slippery slope, and you ought perhaps why you want to go down it.

  • R2k
    R2k Member Posts: 1,069

    U underestimate people. If u want to offend someone u will find the way. And u can't just filter every single word in dictionary.

  • PapiKingley
    PapiKingley Member Posts: 46

    So you came here to tell all these people who don't care that you uninstalled? Lol what is with you people coming on the forums announcing that you're quitting and uninstalling as if people will care? If you're gonna quit then quit don't come on the forums and seek attention 😂😂

  • lav3
    lav3 Member Posts: 758
    edited October 2021

    It is inevitable this type of game to be toxic. I don't find this community to be toxic, just some of them are more beyond that level and make feel uncomfortable.

  • CryptFriend
    CryptFriend Member Posts: 416

    Actually, you can call someone a "#########-mired ghetto rat deserving nothing but death and pain," and tell them that they "should just die like the rest of your mongrel race already."

    Not that I know this from experience or anything. Just a hypothetical, of course.

    Again, if people feel so strongly they're right that they try to get you literally killed after, things are probably worse than they should be--don't degrade into inane philosophical debate; nobody's asking for a police state to monitor what everyone says, does, and thinks in order to screen "those bad, bad thoughts." It's pretty clear that people are asking for everyone to be at least vaguely neighborly. I don't think that's a crazy thing to desire--if it is, then lock me up already, Doc.

    Anyway, have a nice day--I ought to be back to work.

  • Billy_Capră
    Billy_Capră Member Posts: 38

    Who is trying to get anyone killed? I don't remember that being part of the conversation.

    It's not "inane philosophical debate". The idea that anyone has to censor themselves to protect other people's feelings is a bad direction to take things. There are controls in place to mute anything directed towards a person both in post-game chat and on every platform. People should be taught to utilize them, and to remember that words cannot hurt you.

    "No one should have the right to insult someone" does not equal "people should be more neighborly".

    "People should be neighborly" is part of what I said throughout my comments. But, that's expecting everyone to reach a consensus, and that's never practical. Some people just want to be mean, and that's why it's smarter to help people learn to deal with that meanness than to simply stifle all speech to protect them.

    One solution is pragmatic and reasonable. One requires authoritarian levels of control.

  • SinisterDog
    SinisterDog Member Posts: 48

    I will always leave a survivor if they do that, they do it to try to get unhook points for themselves once they're about to be unhooked so they escape either way with a chance at BP bonus. Very disrespectful to many perks that only activate on unhook like WGLF, BT, etc. And denying you the bloodpoints aswell.

  • Rhoska
    Rhoska Member Posts: 273

    Or, you are underestimating people.

    I you want to feel "offended", somehow you will find a way, and yes, we cant just filter every word in the dictionary.

    Unfortunately there is no way to guage how "offended" someone actually is, or if they are taking offence just for the sake of it.

    BHVR has however decided, as it can on its own platform, to filter certain words, and also in rules has dissallowed certain words on this forum pending moderators review.

    As regarding Twitch, thats a different platform provider, and there registered members can block or ban other users from their streams or view, without any need for Twitch moderation actions. They can even appoint their own members moderators do do it for them.

    Regarding censoring and whats considered "offensive", and calls specifically for punishment actions, that has proven itself a slippery slope.

    No matter what companies do, a certain segment demands more restrictions and sticter punishment, for even the smallest considered slight. What began as an inch, has been extended into a mile, and still they demand more.

  • CryptFriend
    CryptFriend Member Posts: 416

    Sorry, you just mentioned that people can't hurt you over the internet if they're upset (or something of the like) in an earlier comment in that conversation: I've gotten two mail bombs after being threatened after a match, so I was objecting to that view rather harshly.

    And in the current context? The bits about "it's a slippery slope to a totalitarian state," are unrelated to the general conversation. Fair points? Sure, it's a valid argument. But correct me if I'm wrong: nobody was asking for a police state to be instituted. If I am wrong, I apologize--it's been a long forty-three hours, and it's entirely possible that I missed something.

  • Billy_Capră
    Billy_Capră Member Posts: 38

    I said no such thing. Go back and re-read everything I said. Not once did I make any mention that "people can't hurt you over the internet".

    It doesn't matter whether it's a video game community or politics. Removal of people's right to expression is wrong and is a slippery slope.

    Learn to use the privacy and security features embedded in all of these platforms to protect yourself and your loved ones. It's the responsibility of the individual, not of the group.

    NAERUUU Member Posts: 501

    “Soloq is unplayable,tried to find others to play with but almost no one wanna play without voice chatting for some weird reason,”

    dead by daylight survivor side is a coop game and you need to learn it.

    if you doesn’t speak it’s normal guys don’t want to play with u anymore

  • Adaez
    Adaez Member Posts: 1,239

    All that draining can affect you in real life,this is why I had to quit and I feel much better now.

  • LaFlamme
    LaFlamme Member Posts: 20

    I understand, I probably wouldn't play if I didn't have friends to play with in comms.

  • snowflake102
    snowflake102 Member Posts: 2,188

    Like I'm with you. I still play. But I try to play for fun but it's so hard