Novices using noed are shooting themselves in the leg rn

TLDR: Bad players or just novices (people who are not very skilled) should not use noed because their mmr gets higher And their games will be much harder than they should.
Noed is just pity kills perk which allows you to kill 1-2 survivors more without any effort or skill, which means bad players using noed will get their mmr much higher than their actual skill to the point where games are unbearable even with noed.
Bad players, do not use noed because you will suffer a lot
edit: please do not post noed is fine comments. Post is not about that. Noed is balanced perk is a fact. Noed gives you kills you don't deserve is a fact too. Stop.
Noed won't help bad players to win cause they are bad -_-. And Noed users play the game with 3 perks so they either 4k before it pops or 4 man escape.
Can u explain where opinion *Noed is perk for bad killers* comes from?
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Unrelatable comment. Im saying you as novice player don't want to kill survivors at all or your mmr gets higher and noed just helps with that.
Post edited by Gcarrara on2 -
i said bad players will suffer a lot because noed gives them more kills than they can usually do That's a fact. Play game more if you disagree.
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Then u are bad if u outrun killer, find him bad and suddenly he hits u with Noed. Play game more if u disagree©
Again, new player are bad by definition they won't kill u, and even if Noed somehow will give them 1kill it's not enough to climb MMR. So do your homework before going against.
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post is about getting more kills than you can leads to higher mmr than you should have which makes your games stressfull much earlier than should. That's my post. But you keep arguing about how noed is balanced or something idk
And person above is the same as you. I will not argue about noed with you guys. If you disagree with me fine i do not care. If you have nothing to say about actuall topic ill just ignore you
Post edited by Gcarrara on1 -
Last two times I got hit with NOED, I'd done two and four totems. Totes my fault, right?
'Do bones' is a meme, but it's not the actual counter to NOED.
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makes a thread about NOED
me: makes a comment about NOED
"UnReLaTeD cOmMeNt"
if your mmr goes up because if NOED that's on fault of the survivors you face, not you for running NOED. Kills are kills, it doesnt matter at what part of the match.
Post edited by Gcarrara on7 -
who cares who fault it is. You will suffer because of your high mmr. not them
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Whether or not someone else climbs in MMR from using NOED isn't any of your concern.
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I said bad players should not use noed because their mmr gets higher. You just nitpicking "Noed" "Bad players" without reading the post. I never said only bad players use it
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Im just trying to help people don't be rude
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'The survivors' or 'that survivor'?
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I'm so confused as to what OP wants now...
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thats not your problem, your post comes off as slightly condescending.
"please do not post noed is fine comments. Post is not about that. Noed is balanced perk is a fact. Noed gives you kills you don't deserve is a fact too. Stop."
what is a kill you dont deserve? depending on your answer you are contradicting yourself. If the killer downs someone why wouldn't the killer deserve that kill?
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With how fast Gens are in my MMR Bracket, I run No Way Out and NOED on my M1 Killers. Sometimes it doesnt go to End game but when it does go off there's always a 25% chance that all totems are gone even in a 5 minute game. No Way Out and NOED punishes M1 survivors for me though.
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Yeah high mmr is a pain now. I understand you.
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I know what you meant but I just said mostly it is bad players using noed so I call out noed simply by their playstyle but again using noed doesn't necessarily means they are bad and that they won't be able to handle higher mmr
Post edited by Gcarrara on0 -
I wasn't being rude. Sorry if you felt that way. I'm just trying to help as well by reminding you that you shouldn't be concerned with other player's MMR. It's just extra stress or whatever that no one needs.
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The more you kill with second-chance perks, the harder your matches will be and the SWFs you'll face. That's what the OP meant.
Same thing doesn't apply to survivors because they all also get carried by their perks and friends - the difference being they can get away with it.
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Well unfortunately NOED is a general perk and that means everyone eventually gets it. So if they want to start using it early on that's up to them. It's a nice late game perk that helps secure some more kills but I find it's not that great for M1 killers who have to chase to get their kills anyway. Most survivors will play split up to the end of the game so running around the map chasing one survivor because you have NOED is... suboptimal to say the least. Better to build around something else and not wait until the late game to start punishing players (if you're just an M1 killer anyway)
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this. thank you
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I couldn’t agree more. Also people who camp their kills won’t get any better too while their MMR gets higher.
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true as well
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I can understand this sentiment towards noed and newer players.
It could definitely put them too high up for their current skill level.
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How strange that this PSA has generated such chaos!
OP is correct, NoEd will probably get you an extra kill or two per match and new/bad players should ask themselves whether they want their MMR going up quicker than they might be comfortable with.
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I edited it twice to be more clear
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And when they get to the point of not being able to kill anyone anymore, matchmaking would start paring them with lower skilled players, would it not? So what’s the problem?
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Let's pretend you aren't a killer main. Pretty much all maps except Haddonfield were nerfed countless times. Take a 2016 map, look at it now. You are welcome.
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So if someone manages 4 totems and then gets killed by NOED, that's their own fault, according to you?
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Then blame your teammates and not Noed or killer. And if u truly clean all 4 totems every single game i doubt u will face NOED more than 1/10 scenarios. But who cares killer is always guilty.
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Not the point, both of you.
Broken said that if someone dies to NOED, it's their own fault. Now they're shifting it onto 'it's the team's fault', but that still doesn't address what I said initially: 'Doing bones' is not the counter to NOED. Doing bones is more likely to make NOED stronger, rather than weaker.
That is also why I'm picking a fight with NOED and not my teammates: NOED's design is godawful. If it's meant to make survivors do totems, it's currently doing the exact opposite. I run DetHunch, and I'm more likely to get killed by NOED if I cleanse the totems I find.
Although I think we should drop this and move to a different thread if you guys want to continue arguing, because all of this is not what this topic is supposed to be about.
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People using DS/BT/DH to get a last second escape on Death Hook are shooting themselves in the.....
Nah, not going to go there.
Use what you want, when you want, and how you want.
Most people playing don't really care about MMR and, despite what the vocal minority thinks, can take a loss on either side, knowing that the game will still exist regardless of whether they win or lose.
Paradoxically, NOED may become even more meta for killers that perform well after the next update, but I don't know if many people will pick up on the reasoning immediately.
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There's nothing to argue about. Op states nonsense. If u are bad player, NOED won't help climb high mmr since better survivor will outplay u anyway, unless u face camp with NOED, but it's only 1 kill and not enough to climb. If u are good then there's nothing to talk about.
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I agree. New Killer players using NOED does let them continue to be bad because they have such a big crutch perk. Then again, eventually they do get better, just takes them longer. (If they continue to play).
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Apparently that's not always true, since the MMR increase and decrease are based on the survivor's MMR compared to yours. So if you're up against a team above your MMR, you lose fewer points for the escapes (Since the survivors are higher) but you get bonus points for the one kill.
Either way, you're still shunting your MMR upwards by merit of only that perk, since the game doesn't consider how many hooks you've gotten, or anything else in the trial apart from who you killed.
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I say let them.
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I think everyone is on the same page so far... but that doesnt mean everyone agrees with the OP. Not sure why you're being so aggressive either. If you have something else to say we can always talk about that.
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the first page is filled with people thinking this post is yet another rant about noed unfair. And if you think thats agressive im sorry but its really not as much.
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You posted an insult, thats objectively aggressive.
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You could say the same for bubba , hillbilly, Myers plague to an extent NOED is fine and much weaker than the other two popular hex perks
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Endgame is still part of the game. Survivors don't win automatically when doing all 5 Gens. Get over it
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Bad survivors or just novices shouldn't use 2nd chance perks then like DH,DS,BT etc because it will give them a escape they should not of got making there mmr higher then it should be.
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exactly, and I don't even run second chance perks as much so in a way I feel like I actually earn my escapes.
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The worst thing is that the game doesn't tell you you're getting harder matches due to getting extra kills with NOED. At least on the old system you could visually see your rank climbing and from that point it was obvious that you were going to get better survivors.
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How about just make NOED trigger the moment the last gen is done that way it isn't like a surprise once someone gets hit.
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Where did they word their post like that? Unless it was edited? You're just reading condensation into the OP's post.
The point of the post is to point out that NOED is giving people kills they might not have deserved, and then have their mmr go up, even though it shouldn't. That doesn't exclude the fact that the game isn't perfectly balanced or that NOED has counterplay.
I partially agree that skill isn't always the issue here though. Many maps are still survivor sided, or the survivors objective can get done too fast (I don't think it's both though, you can't have all maps balanced like Coal Tower and then slap another objective on to the game on top of that), some killers are still weak, and perhaps certain items and perks can be tough to go against.
But the game's balance isn't that bad anymore either, and I am pretty sure there is a fair amount of killer players that think they are better than they are. That phenomenon can't only be seen by survivors.
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Yep. I don't know how people aren't understanding what OP meant... Weird, lol. Anyways, I'm in agreement with you guys as well.
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Reading comprehension must be horrible on this forum. There has been so many forum goers that have replied to this in a way that makes me think they may have possibly escaped from the nice soft white padded room they were in just moments ago.
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The bad players are survivors that hang around and fall victim to noed. Do bones and leave, killers have no input in whether they will need or get to use the perk.
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ITT: absolutely nobody reads the actual post, creates baseless assumptions based on something they imagined