State of the current matchmaking system

Zek Member Posts: 6

What is your opinion on the current matchmaking system?

For me, it really makes me want to quit the game as it is the most broken matchmaking system I have ever seen, and I also play league, before starting to play DBD I though league is bad, but boy was I wrong.

I recently started playing DBD, I have a total of about 60 hours into the game as a Killer and about 40 as a Survivor, the learning curve is quite high and the only thing that can get you to perform better is practice, practice and practice in my opinion.

When I queue up as a Killer, I only get 1000+ hours survivors at least, usually 2000 to 3000 average that play only meta builds and know all the nooks and cranny's of the maps.

Is it as bad for you too as well? am I doing something wrong?

The game is literally telling to stop playing and just uninstall.

It's the most frustrating hard game I have ever played as a new player since everything is progression locked, so yeah try playing a level 1 killer with a single perk no addons that you never played before against survivors with 3k hours.......


  • SunderMun
    SunderMun Member Posts: 2,789

    It's had me not playing for a few weeks now.

    I've explained countless times across the forums why it's bad and why it makes the game feel awful, but it awful.

  • slendermansmoom
    slendermansmoom Member Posts: 544

    sbmm is perfect and is better then mmr - every basement bubba ever

  • SlothGirly
    SlothGirly Member Posts: 1,146

    I think the matchmaker, so the system behind the sbmm and how the mmr works is really well done. and it is absolutely fantastic at what it's supposed to do. However that said, I think it goes to show why a dedicated skill ranking system doesnt work in a game like this. When you start ranking players they all wind up in a sport where they need to try as hard as they can, else they get demolished. Which just isn't fun. You can lose and have fun absolutely, but if you're at an mmr where you can barely hold your head above water then the fun value gets ripped away. It's why I now think they should consider just removing any form of matchmaker in favour of just completely random lobbies. So you never know what you're going to be up against. It would be way more fair on people who want to play casually.

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 7,055

    I think its fine, not even close to perfect, but fine

  • Zek
    Zek Member Posts: 6

    I mean, I don't know how this system is fine since it makes the game unplayable for people like me, how does it it even determine a players skill for matchmaking?

  • BlindMole
    BlindMole Member Posts: 649

    Forget the terrible matchmaking (and yes it it horrible), you're starting now? A game with a horrible grind??? Dude leave now! You're looking at thousands of hours before you get ok perks in all killers.

    I mean it's feasible, but it's like trying to break the top of a mountain by smacking it with a floppy peepee....

  • Quentiplex
    Quentiplex Member Posts: 22
    edited October 2021

    I play Killer 7/10 of the matches I play on DBD. I am extremely experienced with most of them, especially Clown, and I just rock everybody so often I feel bad. I'm not stroking my ego, but what I'm saying is that I am winning consistently, yet being faced with "terrible" survivors. Whether I haven't played enough since it was added (how?) or what, I have no clue why every match feels too easy. Every once and a while I get my foot kicked in, but ever since skill-based matchmaking was implemented, I've been pretty consistent at getting a 3 - 4k or so every game. On the flip-side, I am quite a terrible survivor, but I'm mixed in with an equal amount of god killers and okay ones. I think what most people are complaining about is the exact opposite of what I am, though.

  • Entity_Lich94
    Entity_Lich94 Member Posts: 321

    Was one of the main reasons I've stopped playing for over a month now. This combined with a large increase in hackers and games with nothing but meta builds have just killed of any desire I had to play

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 7,055

    Watch the most recent dev stream, they explain it in detail

  • Zek
    Zek Member Posts: 6

    I totally understand what you are saying, and I am not saying that I should dominate every single game, I find games where survivors escape with some witty outplays on the last stretch very satisfying as well.

    But, how am I the same skill level as a 3k hours player?

    I mean, I barely know the maps let alone all the possible looping tiles rofl.

  • I much prefer it over ranks, rank-based matchmaking made me want to quit the game.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,347
    edited October 2021

    It is much improved over the previous system, which was an absolutely confusing pile of dung! And I can only speak subjectively, but it's worked well for me as both survivor and killer.

    However, I feel that especially for newer players they are not placed at the bottom of MMR, so whilst the system works everything out it makes things very beginner-unfriendly.

    Maybe find some other players who are likewise getting adjusted to everything (maybe discord?) and perhaps get a group together to practice with each other? I vaguely remember seeing an option on the forums..

    Edit: There's the "Looking for players" section in the forum. Maybe see whether any other new guys or people who could spend a bit of time mentoring could help?

  • slendermansmoom
    slendermansmoom Member Posts: 544

    i play dbd a lot and on monday of this week i kept track of the killers skill and rank

    here is what i got out of the 15 games i played (keep in mind i played with crossplay off)

    1. wraith who couldn't catch me while i looped that room on hawkin's upstairs with the unsafest pallet ever and in the end was a rank 20 and had 3 hours on the game according to his profile
    2. next game i had a trickster who missed all but 2 of his entire knife capacity and would give up chase to go reload and was a rank 17 with 52 hours on the game
    3. had a hag who had mintrag and rusted shackles and destroyed us in 8 minutes and were a rank 8 with around 300 hours on the game
    4. had a clown with party bottle and all the bloodpoint perks and tried to grind bloodpoints they were a rank 14 with around 250 hours
    5. had a pinhead who was average, hit most of his chains and did well. he was a rank 5 and his profile was private so i don't know how many hours he had
    6. next i had a nurse who had the frosty eyes on and im guessing is a sweaty nurse in training because they knew what to do but were not very good at doing it, they had trouble teleporting and in the end were a rank 18 with around 40 hours on the game
    7. next i had a blight who knew how to curve corners like a god and killed us in around 9 minutes (on lerys btw) and of course they were a rank 2 with an impressive 3,400 hours on the game
    8. this nurse was the opposite of the one from before they killed us very fast and were wearing the legacy 3 head and they were a rank 5 with 1500 hours
    9. next was a pyramid head who didn't know how to kick a gen which was sad and of course we won and he was a rank 20 with under an hour on the game and im guessing by the way his profile looked he is a silent hill fan who wanted to play as pyramid head and wasn't expecting a claudette to loop him around shack forever (he had a silent hill profile picture and in his bio he kept mentioning silent hill 2
    10. a basement bubba :) peak dead by daylight game right here and of course he was a rank 13 and had 380 hours
    11. another wraith and just like the one before wasn't very bright and was a rank 18 with 20 hours
    12. had a myers running infinite tier 3 and that one addons that moderatly increases stalk rate they were a rank 6 with a private account
    13. had another wraith and like the other two was very bad (although he won because of noed and my idiot teammates) he was a rank 14 with 230 hours
    14. had a spirit who was very sweaty and killed two of my teammates by yoinking them off gens and killed me when we somehow got the last gen done and rancor/noed activated they were a rank 1 with around 1800 hours
    15. last game of the day i got a doctor who could actually hit his shocks and was actually ok which is rare for most doctor players are new and once they get better they abandon him and he was a rank 10 and had around 900 hours

    and that's what games i got in sbmm and they were very random

    devs plz fix sbmm so it's more balanced

  • Zek
    Zek Member Posts: 6

    It's just impossible.

    The developers of this game have the oblivious status effect, probably they though how to kill the game and they came up with this.

    This game instead of attracting new players, they do their absolute best to make people not play at all.

    Just saying, but the developers are clueless.