We need to talk about the hackers problem...
The issue with DBD is that though hacks were always just as available as they are now, it was never an issue in until MMR came on. Since MMR, you see hackers every day or every other day.
The other issue too is not them simply hacking in the game to win, but also holding the game hostage. They force you to dc which increases your dc penalty and they do that intentionally.
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Yeah there is not much else you can do in dbd beside pvping so hacks can't be tolerated at all.
At least some of us can disable crossplay even tho pc hackers can get into our lobbies too somehow.
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If you play on PC, disabling cross-play is a death sentence.
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Sorry to hear that.
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why ? genuine question
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they're never going to do anything about the hackers, just like call of duty we all just have to live with it. there are so many hackers in dead by day light the anti hackers patch had to be pulled back because so many of them whined they couldnt get in a match...this game is dying you're right, soon the only people playing will be hackers streaming how good they are
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Yeah, I had a huge wall of horrible text that it felt like I was reading a Jack the ripper letter.
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I think it's because the majority of the hackers are PC players
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I wonder why there hasn´t been an official response to the situation yet; it´s propably the most pressing issue the game has ever faced and yet all they provide is silence. If the trend continues, it definately has the potential to cause massive damage to the game.
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totally get you. There is just so much bullshit someone can take. And the current cheater plague is taking everyone to their limits
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It's sad because I've always loved dbd (at 2.5k hours, no flex or anything) but it's hard to have faith in BHVR.
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Wait, for real? How did that happen?
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Not even 20 dollars, they can buy scripts for 5 bucks
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At this rate the penalty should be removed until this is addressed no1 should be hit with a penalty because they don’t want to feed into these hackers/cheaters games. yes people will abuse it but look what’s happening people are abusing cheats and just striaght up ruining the game..
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another 18 months until MAYBE something
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And yet we still have (well known) people on this forum saying the ban system works lol!
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My buddy posted a video a week or so ago of an obvious cheater, him going through all the steps to report the cheater, and the guy still unbanned 6 months later. It's fake news.
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I actually can't grade because of the hackers in the game right now.
Is this really when I should uninstall this game for good? Like BHVR won't even make a statement about it.
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Devs don't seem to care so there is nothing to say. This should have been fixed days after it started occuring, now we're going on what, months?
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Just had a match against a hacker with infinite heals, teleportations and speed runs, did report with descriptions but doubtful that will do much. I've encountered lots of hackers this year and not only does it makes the game annoying, the team seemed swf with 2 flashlights since they always know where to go and heal people let alone generators so hacker included swf its bloody hell. I always seem to get hackers whenever I go pig killer