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If you only own a PS4 and not a PS5 and still want to check your playtime in Dead by Daylight..
I switched to PC, and have 1800 hours there. Let's add it up...
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@Ruma Thank you!
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3838 hours.
-1880 hours
-311 hours
-1127 hours
-Cant find your profile.
1519 hours.
1428 hours.
Yea, i did. I dont know why it wont show me your profile. I just tried it again.
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269 hours.
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1663 hours.
205 hours.
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@Ruma Hey Ruma. Ich habe endlich eine PS5 ergattern können und kann sie morgen bei MediaMarkt abholen. Muss ich in Bezug auf DBD irgendwas beim Umzug von PS4 auf PS5 beachten? Habe Angst, dass mein Account flöten geht und der Grind von vorne beginnt. ^^
(Sorry for not speaking English)
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Solange du dein alten PSN Account benutzt, musst du nichts beachten.
Es wird alles sofort automatsich übertragen, denke nur daran das du dir die PS5 Version von Dead by Daylight runterlädtst damit du auch das beste raußgebekommst.
Und Glückwunsch übgrigstens. ^^
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Super, vielen Dank für die Info. :)
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Mind checking mine please?
Thank you so much! Gamertag: Hugtimist
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Hi Ruma,
Would you be able to check this profile? Maskota69
My friend is missing one trophy to platinum the game, can you see how many hooks he has in the "A Feast for the Entity" trophy of him?
Thank you so very much!
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Nevermind, I changed my account name. Could you look for „Persilpulver“ instead? Thanks man <3
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I am checking it as soon as i am back from work.
(in like 4-5 hours)
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Thank you so very much! Also if you can check my profile as well for hrs played, my ID is arjora
Thanks again!
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Ruma, you're a trooper and a legend.
May I have an updated time stamp if possible?
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Sorry, wasnt able to get on my PS5 today. I will check it tomorrow, thats a promise. <3
I will check it as soon as possible, just tell me your ID again please.
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Of course, Majestic_Herman
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Much appreciated
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235 hours.
1586 hours now.
2460 hours.
Games are hidden.
1172 hours.
Sorry cant check how many hooks he is missing since he plays the PS4 version.
1388 hours.
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Since the thread is getting big, I might try and help look at hours too once I get home
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My tag is LordXzavior, I'm curious what my PS4 hours are
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Dammit! I want 2000 lmfao, thank you so much Ruma
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Thanks a lot for your help!
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Sry didn‘t know I had my games hidden. Changed that - would you mind taking another look at my profile, please? Thank you so much, really appreciated
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Sry didn‘t know I had my games hidden. Changed that - would you mind taking another look at my profile, please? Thank you so much, really appreciated
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I can check for you if you want, what's your name?
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Persilpulver. Thanks man :)
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2002 hours. You're welcome @Devour_Dwight
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Thank You !!
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970 hours @RodrigoL
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Thanks for helping me out a bit, this thread got unexpectly big.
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388 hours @LordXzavior
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2k hours, damn time goes by so fast. Once you‘re in, you‘ll never get out again lmao
Thank you guys for your effort, really appreciate it <3
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No worries, happy to help @Ruma
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Thank you Zonky !
Im still a newbie =p
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If you're still checking,I like to see mine
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Mine is RoachoBlackwing. If there is a problem tell me. Thanks.
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I was hoping that you could check two of my friends when you get the chance.
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Idk if op is still doing this, but either way I can help out.
gg_im_horrible: 1350 hours
alpha_cutie: 1576 hours
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Thanks for the quick reply!
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How many hours do I have psn - papikingley
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Can someone see how many hours i have? My name is pushkina85.
If there is a problem tell me.
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I will check as soon as possible but i think it wont be possible until weekend since i am not home until then.
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Thanks. And don't stress about it:)
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Ludicolo Man
Oh god, I think I am going to feel embarrased by this
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@Ruma you can scratch mine off the list, @Lx_malice already replied with the hours.
You guys are awesome!
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Its alright,please take your time :)
Hope you have a safe and blessed day
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No rush
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@MsGoddessLauren 2052 hours.
@babydemoboi, your games are private; I can't see them.
@PapiKingley 3816 hours.
@pushkina 3026 hours.
@Mistakesweremade can't locate your PSN.
One thing to note is that this is just the time spent with the game application opened on that account, so if you left dbd on for hours, that would inflate your "play hours."
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