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General Discussions

What are the Top 3 Problems Currently in DBD in your Opinion?



  • Member Posts: 5,449
    1. Balancing the game around potatoes rather than the competent players. Can’t they just set matchmaking so all new players will only be matched against each other and properly balance the game around people who know how to play?
    2. Bad Servers/Bugs
    3. Lack of will for the devs to change up the gameplay.
  • Member Posts: 6,825
    1. the grind
    2. The Game map
    3. hackers
  • Member Posts: 5,295

    1: the devs

    2: the design team

    3: the community

    1. Performance
    2. Toxicity and lack of in-game moderation
    3. Maps feel very unbalanced.
  • Member Posts: 503

    Just one for me, people using things to alter the game and give themselves an advantage. This includes cheating, hacking, video filters, stretched resolution, sniping streamers, and even voice comms. The game is a lot of fun and challenging without doing all that, and it really ruins the experience when players do it.

  • Member Posts: 775

    First, Players' Toxicity. To be honest, this wouldn't have been problem if other 2s weren't problem at all.

    2nd, Game Balance. Certain killers are really powerful, some are very powerless. There are few busted addons, items. Even maps aren't balanced. Moreover, killer - survivor balance. Needless to say.

    Last, Devs' negligence. Hackers don't get punished frequently. Easy Anti Cheat is literally EZ anti cheat. Stretch Res players, one of the most upvoted user's question wasn't mentioned at all during livestream. Players who get benefit from bad connection (mostly VPN related) are still problematic to encounter and hit validation..? do this always work correctly? People might think different but I don't think BHVR is doing things right well these days, just because there are many contents coming on next live update.

  • Member Posts: 5,623

    1. Survivor Favoritism

    The devs almost always listen to Survivor players. There's nothing wrong with that but most Survivor player only play Survivor. They don't understand Killer at all. They cry for nerfs (Look at Deathslinger, he's been killed just like Hillbilly) that make no sense. I'm not saying the devs only balance for Survivor (this Mid-Chapter looks great except Deathslinger changes), they also balance for Killers like when they nerfed DS and BT, and now the upcoming Key nerf. They just need to listen to both sides of the community more.

    2. Console? What is that

    It's pretty obvious that the devs don't care about console players. The RE chapter was a huge disaster that impacted console players almost exclusively and it's to this day still not fully patched (better than before but it still stutters). Some Killer power don't even work properly on console (Trickster's recoil seems to be also console exclusive).

    3. Game Balance

    The game is not balanced. Maps are too big, gens are too far away or the complete opposite. Some maps are bad for both sides (I'm looking at you RPD) and some are balanced. Then you have perks that just don't need to exist anymore like Second Chance perks. Dead Hard is uncounterable. Ds requires the Killer to respect it's very existence. Unbreakable is a counter to a Killer countering DS. Noed grants you a kill when you just did nothing all game (though its preventable). The difference SWF and SoloQ is something I'm not even gonna touch

  • Member Posts: 1,415
    edited October 2021

    nr 1: I think my post about this: is the mainproblem at the momend

    nr 2: Cheaters

    nr 3: Mapbalance

  • Member Posts: 5,449

    Just out of curiosity, what do you find wrong with the design team? Is it the art style?

  • Member Posts: 1,379

    1. Core game issues

    A lot of problems in this game come from the fact that the core game is unbalanced. For example maps, gen speeds, loops. This are the main core game issue

    2. BHVR's extreme bias!

    I feel that BHVR only buffing and nerfing things by only looking through the survivor scope and not also the killer scope.

    3. The meta

    I can see that BHVR is trying to change the meta, but they are going at it wrong. They are creating new killer perks that encourage the meta. They are creating new survivor perks just nerf them into oblivion. This kind ties into 2, but I don't think BHVR understands that you gotta nerf the existing meta to have a new meta.

  • Member Posts: 48

    people who play 1 side



  • Member Posts: 901

    Number 1 Hackers

    I think Hackers should be dealt with first before anymore new content or balance changes

    Number 2 SBMM

    It shouldn't be in DBD or any Horror game in general horror games are suppose to make you feel scared and intimidated or if the killer is playable feel like you can have a chance at killing everyone with most of the playable ones.

    Number 3 Map Balance

    I think some of the maps could use a big overhaul the main one for example being Haddonfield

  • Member Posts: 1,470

    The MMR


    Stale Same Meta for Years

  • Member Posts: 1,442


    Second chance perks

    Map balance

  • Member Posts: 77




  • Member Posts: 416

    1 Balance issues, 5% of survivors are at the highest MMR but 90% of killers player base is at the highest MMR that is so lopsided that is broken no matter how you look at it, at max 5% on both sides should be able to perform at that top level. most the killers complaining about the SBMM is getting a match with them 5% of survivors when in reality they are at best just mid tier of killer. this also leads to super long lobby wait times when playing as killer. so they really need to go off hooks for killers not kills when it comes to this SBMM. it takes far more skill to get 12 hooks then to get 4 hooks and 4 kills.

    2 Perks/Metas need to shift on both sides, they should add effects like exhausted to killer perks to prevent killers from running three perks that do the same type of thing that run concurrently together at the same time, could you imagine if survivors didn't have exhausted and was able to run Lithe, Sprint burst and Dead hard all together? they really need to just trash all self healing type perks for survivors. that is what med kits are for. some perks on both sides have to high of requirements for the perks to activate for them to be selected or useful.

    3 Killer design, most newer killers are not fun to go against they are just annoying to go against and that is not fun, and just because they are annoying to go against don't make them strong killers either. In my opinion the value of pallets has dwindled down a fair bit the last year and a half now days it feels like against half the killers that its a kobayashi maru. because more and more killers you face require you to throw said pallets far sooner and now after all the map reworks most maps have already less pallets then they used to. honestly I miss old school Nurse and Billy they was so much more enjoyable to go against. at least back then if you got your bottom handed to you you knew the person was rather skilled. now days it seems most these new killers are forced to take advantage of mid animation hits to be effective and that don't feel skillful to go against it feels cheap.

  • Member Posts: 87
    1. Close to 100 perks on each side, and yet both sides have only 7 perks that are useful. This results in going against the same, bland builds every game. They really need to work on balancing. Perks that are strong (meta) seriously need to be looked at. If it's too strong, then nerf it. Don't go around nerfing already weak perks (looking at Thrill of the Hunt)
    2. The grind is ridiculous. Over 100 teachable perks to unlock, and then you have to unlock those on the character you want, and then buy them two extra times. They should just make it so that when you but the perk for the first time, that is it. It's yours and you don't need to buy it two other times with it getting more expensive.
    3. The toxicity. As a killer, win or lose, survivors still find a reason to get toxic with you. Like, if you died in a game about dying to a killer, why are you so mad? And if the killer didn't even kill you, why are you still mad? Survivors wonder why they wait forever in lobby, then treat killers like this. All it does is make killers leave the game, and the ones who stick around become the very killer survivors hate. I use survivors as a prime example, becuase they are the only ones I see being toxic. Sure, toxic killers exist, but I have yet to actually meet one. When I play killer, the survivors are sending toxic messages to me. And when I play survivor, the killer is sending me a gg while the other survivors are being toxic,
  • Member Posts: 5,347

    1. Cheaters/ hackers: A better anti-cheat system, such as IP or hardware blockers, needs to be prioritised.

    2. Variety: More objectives and unpredictability needs to be introduced, because without it the novelty will wear thin.

    3. Healthy communication: The devs could communicate a bit more over certain issues, and some members of the community could learn some manners.

  • Member Posts: 801

    Not enough bubba and ash cosmetics

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  • Member Posts: 854
    1. Maps balance
    2. Perks balance
    3. Overall game design balance
  • Member Posts: 1,297

    Generator speed

    Lack of new maps


  • Member Posts: 623

    Solo q

    Solo q

    Solo q

  • Member Posts: 1,069

    1) Game goals. It's most important part to understand what to expect from game. Is it casual, is it competitive is it something else... Based on game goals we can discuss balance and fun* things. Without it, it's all about complain to complain into complain about how bad is to complain.

    2) Noob unfriendly. Let's be honest, it's sucks to be new player. U literally have nothing.

    2.1) No perks

    2.2) No BP

    2.3) No Solo Custom mode to learn maps or practice

    2.4) No any other test mode. So if u want to try something new - buy it and pray u won't regret it.

    3) Report system sucks. It would be 100 times if we had information or any other response if player u reported was punished. Meanwhile it doesn't even feels like it works. Like watch Coconut. He reported dozens of cheaters and they still play the game.

  • Member Posts: 614

    - Extreme Survivor Sides

    - Gen Speed is way to fast and most of the Gen Slowdown Perks can be easy countered

    - way to many 2nd Chance Perks

    Additional opinions

    - Every Killer except Nurse, Blight, Spirit are trash on High rank

    - way to many pallets on the Maps

    - no Chance against a sweaty SwF Team eben high rank Killers like Otzdarva are struggeling and say the Game is Survivor sided

  • Member Posts: 60

    1. Toxic community

    2. Poor communication w/devs

    3. Freddy and Legions current states

  • Member Posts: 4,992



    Bad perks

  • Member Posts: 890
    1. Survivors who think the game is killer-sided
    2. Killers who think the game is survivor-sided
    3. People who think that because they lose it must be because the other side is OP

    Basically, anyone who feeds into the us vs. them, doesn't objectively realize nerfs and buffs will happen to BOTH SIDES, etc. There's a lot of selfishness and immaturity in the community.

  • Member Posts: 213

    1) SBMM ruining the role of killer.

    2) Survivor sided imbalances

    3) The grind.

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