We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

Facecamping solution

There is no need to talk about why so I’m directly jumping to the solution.

If the killer stays within (x) meters of the hook for (x) seconds while NOT in a chase, the hooked survivor gets teleported to a different hook.

If the killer IS in a chase and within (x) meters of the hook, the hook timer goes on like normal.

That way facecamping gets eliminated and survivors can’t abuse this system while letting the killer chase them near the hooked survivor to get the hook timer paused.

Its a simple and fair solution.


  • GodSpeed_CDN
    GodSpeed_CDN Member Posts: 12

    Instead of teleporting a hook, which would look out of place, I'd say the more time the killer spends near the hook, the more bloodpoints he loses at the end of the game

  • legacycolt
    legacycolt Member Posts: 1,684

    Nobody cares about bloodpoints while facecamping. People do it to make other peoples game miserable. My solution is better.

  • realflashboss
    realflashboss Member Posts: 328

    Either suggesting makes sense to me. Even make it more fair for killer so that theres no teleport or BP loss when 3 or less gens remain.

    Its only face camping at 4/5 gens which is particularly unhealthy for the game.

    Killers basically can just down 1 person and face camp and still come out with the same or more BP than the other survivors. Wheres the incentive to not facecamp!

  • legacycolt
    legacycolt Member Posts: 1,684

    There’s plenty of killers who just facecamp the first person they downed. Even at 5 gens still up. They can just leave the hook and play normal, no need to facecamp.

  • realflashboss
    realflashboss Member Posts: 328

    They could but the problem is penalising the ones that dont leave the hook. It happens quite often where someone is facecamped and saying its a legitimate strategy is a cop out of fixing the issue from bhvr.

    The reality is, if EVERY killer used this strategy and camped at 5 gens nobody would play the game because it'd be boring for every one with little to no interaction.

    Ironically 1 person (the killer) gets to dictate how the game has to be played by everyone by choosing if theyre going to camp. Survivors dont have any way to force how a game is played.

    Imagine if it was turned and every game had comms and all 4 survivors said lets just stealth and hide after doing 1 or 0 gens. There would be complaints left, right and centre and similarly it would be unfair for someone playing killer to be sat there doing nothing.

    There is practically no difference between facecamping at 5 gens compared to just holding the game hostage as multiple survivors have to attempt a rescue, the game doesnt progress for them at all, and the killer 9/10 times just farms BP while the survivors get nothing in return.

    Even with comms and running as a 4 man its impossible to get 5 gens done without the killer starting another chase with a second survivor after face camping the first. - besides this the game was non existant for the face camped survivor and for the other 3 they had to sit on gens with no game interaction either.

    Its very simple, penalise killers BPs for camping within a certain distance of the hook when there is 'X' number if gens done, reducing the penalty as more gens are completed as camping does become more of an actual strategy and at least by then some game interaction should have occured.

    Perks are not the solution, we all know at best DH, DS, BT just buys a few more seconds and doesnt counter anything besides accidental tunneling at best.

  • legacycolt
    legacycolt Member Posts: 1,684

    You’re comparing facecamping at 5 gens with survivors just hiding and doing nothing at 5 gens. The reality is, only facecamping actually happens in the game and nobody cares about losing bloodpoints while doing it. They just want to make other peoples game miserable.

    I know BHVR will not do what I was suggesting, but it is the only effective solution against it.

  • legacycolt
    legacycolt Member Posts: 1,684
    edited October 2021

    The radius is 24 meters.

    Moonwalking won’t prevent you from starting a chase since survivors control if you and them are in a chase or not (running = chase, walking = no chase)

    The radius is on x and y axis. Doesn’t matter if you’re playing on midwich since the hook teleport depends on chasing a survivor or not. (Chase = no hook teleport) If you’re on a different level and not in a chase, go find someone to chase.

    If you’re not leaving the 24m within 30 seconds and NOT in a chase, survivor gets the hook teleport.

    Carrying a survivor doesn’t stop the hook timer. That’s the only exception.

    After hooking a survivor, the timer starts. The timer resets upon leaving the radius. The idea is to give survivors a chance to go for a safe, to let people actually play the game and stop angry LF killers from facecamping.

  • Main_Freddie
    Main_Freddie Member Posts: 12
    edited October 2021

    Is so trash in my opinion to see posts like this. I play both sides and recently i'm having so much fun when playing as survivor because if i get facecamped (which is super rare) my team always manage to escape. I seriously don't care, just go to the lobby and start a new match.

    So lil brainlet who only play the boosted survivor side, just go to another match and stop crying or get better in the only skill that the role has: looping and dodge hits doing 360º. There's even a lot of perks that help you guys during chases or when you get down.

    "Hur Dur isn't fun being face camped" even though you can die on hook and go to another match or hold until they can do most generators, while you're in the hook and then go to another match and still get some BP.


    Post edited by Main_Freddie on
  • Voodoo101
    Voodoo101 Member Posts: 237

    Just stop the hook timer if the killer is at the hook. That way they do not get the kill and the other players do not have to take a chance to rescue. If the killer wants to leave with no kills then he can face camp. The person on the hook can just relax, watching the killer while the rest of the team does the gens with no hassle. Then they can do the rescue and all escape. The killer will get very few bloodpoints and a loss.

  • legacycolt
    legacycolt Member Posts: 1,684

    The hooked survivor doesn’t get teleported to the hook thats furthest away, it’s a random hook minimum 32m away around your location. (BHVRs cage system is stupid).

    You can leave the radius and come back, but you’re still giving survivors a chance to safe which is the idea behind this. Nobody will wait for the teleport except for killer is literally facecamping.

  • legacycolt
    legacycolt Member Posts: 1,684
    edited October 2021

    No. The killer can’t do anything than literally secure a kill.

  • legacycolt
    legacycolt Member Posts: 1,684

    I think we can’t explain anything in dbd by using logic lol

    Im just trying to improve the experience 😩

    DS and borrowed wouldn’t be used as much I guess..

  • legacycolt
    legacycolt Member Posts: 1,684

    Is so trash in my opinion to see posts like this. I play both sides and recently i'm having so much fun when playing as survivor because if i get facecamped (which is super rare) my team always manage to escape. I seriously don't care, just go to the lobby and start a new match.

    So lil brainlet who only play the boosted survivor side, just go to another match and stop crying or get better in the only skill that the role has: looping and dodge hits doing 360º. There's even a lot of perks that help you guys during chases or when you get down. 

    "Hur Dur isn't fun being face camped" even though you can [BAD WORD] and go to another match or hold until they can do most generators, while you're in the hook and then go to another match and still get some BP. 


  • Bran
    Bran Member Posts: 2,096
    edited October 2021


    There are many reasons why killers face camp. run BT, Del, Camaraderie.

    I usually think the people are just too afraid to get injured to run up and save anyways 🤷‍♂️

  • SinisterDog
    SinisterDog Member Posts: 48

    facecamping solution : genrush

    just did 5 gens against a bubba with bad survivors who kept trading and I barely made it out alive.

  • SabunoHakia
    SabunoHakia Member Posts: 465

    This way they don't pip up and waste their time playing sitting bored land.

  • SinisterDog
    SinisterDog Member Posts: 48

    You can get 3 gens in 80 seconds leaves roughly 10-15~ seconds (after realizing camping, finding gens, and completing them) to make a 3 man save/trade at the very least. If save happens hope they don't get downed again and insta hooked, if trade, just complete 2 more gens, 1 survivor does gate, 2 unhook last guy. Most optimally bubba gets 2-3 hooks, no kills. Worst case scenario if this is even vaguely followed is like 2 kills.

  • legacycolt
    legacycolt Member Posts: 1,684

    Trust me, I know. I would do the exact same. I did the exact same thing a lot of times. But still. I feel like angry bubba players shouldn’t be able to just get away with a facecamp. it happens so often. as soon as someone gets carried in the basement, this person is just dead.

  • legacycolt
    legacycolt Member Posts: 1,684

    Leatherface camping at the basement stairs. Literally nobody can save. Hooked survivor is not supposed to equip perks just to counter facecamping like that tbh

  • Bran
    Bran Member Posts: 2,096

    That's one killer. Huntress does have the incapacitated hatchets as well, but it isn't often where your In a situation where you cannot at all go for a save against a camper.

    At least in my opinion

  • snek
    snek Member Posts: 180

    not to mention they strip any gameplay from all players in the match - hooked surv can't do anything, killer isn't doing anything, other survs are just sitting on gens practically not even playing the game

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    Facecamping is fine since the killer trys to kill the hooked survivor, it's his job not to make the game "fun" for survivors.

  • legacycolt
    legacycolt Member Posts: 1,684

    Well, this game isn’t real life. Its a game and therefore It’s supposed to be fun.

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    What happens when I've hooked two survivors within a short distance from one another? Should I leave them and permit the unhook? If I don't, I've very likely won the game. If I let them leave and reset I'm at square one.

    Under your system they'd just rotate out until they got unhooked. No punishment for their mistake. No thank you.

  • NoObzBoiYT
    NoObzBoiYT Member Posts: 198

    You did a lot of talking and didn't say a single thing. Camping is a strategy. If someone wants to face camp at 5 gens, they will lose anyway.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    Doesn't matter how many gens are done or the killer's intent. The camping situation is a result of a survivor's failure to avoid the killer.

    "The campee Doesn't get to play" is a bs claim. Every survivor gets 1 mandatory interaction with the killer before 1st hook. Everything before the first chase is your chance to play and contribute to the team. If your awareness is lacking and caught off guard, to bad but your own failures have limited the match experience.

  • legacycolt
    legacycolt Member Posts: 1,684

    Yes but there is a reason the survivors can be on hook three times and not 1 time to get facecamped through.

  • Viktor1853
    Viktor1853 Member Posts: 943

    Well is not the killers job to make the game fun for you

  • Mammutjäger
    Mammutjäger Member Posts: 6

    I have played 5 games the last 2 days.

    And they have been my last.

    So you are telling me it is my fault, when I directly spawn in front of the killer, on an open field, as a new player (have the game for about 2 weeks now) without any high charakter or perks, and get facecamped?

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    I've had this happen once in my years of play where I was face to face with the killer in the beginning camera pan. That sucks and is a design issue, not a camping issue.

    In a normal match spawn where your not immediately shown to the killer, yes it would be on your shoulders for failure to hide or escape the chase long enough to engage in any other aspects of play. When caught any additional chances are up to your teammates to provide.

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,019

    Not a good idea as this is easily exploitable

    Moonwalking will prevent the chase from activating, meaning you can agro teleport survivors (Just like how you can agro portal survivors as Pyramid Head), which burns the survivors time, giving you time instead of giving survivors time

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    It's on teammates to grant those additional chances, not the killer to give them for free. Unless the killer plans on letting everyone go or has such complete control that failure isn't possible, there is no incentive for the killer to allow you more opportunities to make the match more difficult for themselves.

  • Kalinikta
    Kalinikta Member Posts: 709

    It is not fair at all, as you ignore multiple aspects:

    It is incredibly easy to avoid the chase, while still threatening the unhook.

    The location of where you hook as a killer can be extremely important in order to apply pressure upon a team.

    The elimination of facecamping as stated here shifts the balance more towards survivors and removes pressure that the killer built up. Go play killer and face people that are equally skilled and decent at the game, then tell me that under no circumstances it is warranted? If you want to remove camping you cannot just remove all the pressure from the killers side... they might have hooked the person smack in the middle of their 3 gen.

    Camping can be throwing the game or simply the best tactic available. One sided solutions like this are bad, because it takes away without giving anything back. The fun part goes both ways, it might not be fun for the survivors... but losing all pressure because survivors fun, isn't fun for the killers!

    Those that say, just play normally... clearly don't actually play killer, even the best of them slug, tunnel and camp at times. They just know the difference between when it would be throwing the game, maybe if they outclass their opponents would be overkill and when it is a good idea.