I'm done maining killer.

i'm really angry and frustrated rn.
how much ridiculous can this game be? it's so damned unbalanced and survivor sided and, since you released this new MMR system, it got even worse.
i keep meeting TRYHARD SWFs all the time. gens pop in a blink and even if a chase lasts 20 secs, 2 gens already pop, even with slowdown perks.
playing killer has become for me really frustrating and sweaty to play, i can't literally have fun on it, i played like 20 matches in 3 days and i only got more frustrated than i already was, no 4k anymore though.
just tryhards with decisive, BT, unbreakable, DH and click click spamming.
funny thing is, when i play survivor, i meet people hiding behind trees, dying fast or literally doing nothing.
this game has become terrible, i might considering taking a break from playing killer or playing the game itself.
i used to enjoy killer, as a killer main, but i just feel angrier, frustrated and more stressed when i'm playing it, everyone tryhards and i start tilting already when 3 gens pop out of nowhere or a chase lasts longer than it should.
Accept the game is not balanced and if the Survivors are good with meta perks, you are highly likely not going to win. It's not your fault when even the best Killer players struggle with the same things you do. Survivor is not balanced properly at high level play.
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There's no benefit to playing when these are the emotions doing so brings out, so I definitely recommend you take a break.
It became a meme for no reason, when whichever dev it was who said it was just completely correct: try survivor for a bit, or maybe play something else.
How about Civ?
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CIV 5 is definitely better than killer mode rn... unbalanced as hell.
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ok lol
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I feel you. I haven't played much killer except to complete challenges since RE launch. the balance is terrible once you hit above average skill. It didn't help that i play on ps4 which bhvr still hasn't fixed the frame rate drop issues. That makes killer 10x worse to play. i started playing back 4 blood. haven't jumped into pvp yet but the pve has been fun.
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But that is the thing, isn't it? You know from solo q that ######### survivors are out there, and maybe the majority. But, you get decent at killer and you run into the opposite.
I think some of the problem is, as killers, we were so conditioned and used to getting 4ks. Now , or because of this, we are matched with really good survivors that know how to play. But in fairness, the expectation of constant 4ks should probably not be a thing, if we are to indeed balance the game.
I just go for 2ks, play less sweaty, and have fun with it. I don't want to sweat in a video game. I'll save that for when I am working out
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LOL i just played survivor, my teammate lasted 10 secs in chase. i instant DCed and closed the game.
it's unacceptable to play 20 killer matches against tryhards but having teammates that last as much as my farts.
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Back 4 blood just came out. My usual crew are playing that instead of dbd. Were tired of the bs.
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i try to have fun, but i keep meeting tryhards with decisive, click clicking and teabagging and gets more frustrating.
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thinking they're good thanks to those meta crutch perks.
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i'll try, thanks.
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I get it... Getting 0k's gets so frustrating
Sometimes getting 1k gets to me... cause i think of the game as a whole all of my mistakes, misplays, missed reads
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I reccomend back 4 blood for your horror needs right now😁
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This exactly. Doesn't matter if you are a god killer. 4 half decent survivors with meta perks, items, and coms will always have the advantage.
I play both sides but I always found killer more fun ^^ I have accepted that even when I play my best it doesn't mean I will win. Heck sometimes I hardly get 2 hooks for each survivor ^^" It can be rough but I just remind myself of the above. It is out of our control really and all you can do is you best in this chaotic game.
Take a break for sure. Games should make you happy and relaxed ^^
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Playing surv : ######### garbage team, 0-1 gen, leavers, suicides
Playing killer: Cheaters, swf or swf with cheats <3
Feel for u man, this ranked system and balance is total bullS
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I understand, I personally don't mind DS, I'm not a big tunneler so I rarely get hit with it, and if they have it, they can't do anything for a minute.
Tbagging and clicking are tactics used to unnerve you, try to see it as that and not take it too personally.
But you can always get some friends, SWF and enjoy the game on EZ mode.
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If the op plays killer he gets rolled by survivors all the time because they are so op.
If he plays survivor, the survivors get rolled all the time because they are trash.
I am not saying that this SBMM is good or the game is perfectly ballanced, but if you get rolled on both sides, it might not only be the games fault you are loosing all the time.
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True but you cant pip from 2k
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Its even worse for those that play slow start killers like Oni, Trapper and Shape. As Oni, in playing really well and only getting 1 or 2k. Not had a 4k for well over a week now. I was rank 12 before the update, so my games were quite balanced, some hard some easy, now its just coordinated teams who don't make any mistakes. If I make a mistake, they all escape.
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If every survivor is a try-hard, then it probably means you were a try-hard as a Killer.
If you play for fun, your MMR will adjust, you'll just suffer loses until it does.
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Honestly I find Back 4 Blood really boring.
Played it last night and felt like... No excitement at all. Maybe it's because I played Left 4 Dead back in the day (a lot!) so it just feels like playing an old game.
Maybe that's just me, though.
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The issue is just the following:
There's a lot of 3-4 man SWF sweaty teams. Someone has to play against those, and it's likely going to be people who play killer regularly obviously.
Then, we have the solo queue or 2men groups (not nearly as powerful), and those get destroyed.
So, your solo queue experience will be trash most of the time.
And your killer experience will also be trash, very often.
How do they balance this? hardly. Because any "solution" you introduce will have consequences. You could let killers know they're going against a SWF group. But then everyone would dodge those. This game can't afford losing thousands of players who play in groups.
If you buff killer too much to compensate. then you absolutely destroy solo queue. It's a nightmare to play solo surv already, so.
Only solution I see is buffing solo queue to the point of being close to SWF, then balance around that.
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Agree with most but I'm not done with it... I'll keep playing but it's true the killer role is meh rn
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Probably is the key word. Why people act like the new matchmaking is perfect, the devs make mistakes and it's fine to make mistakes as long as you realize they're there.
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i'm glad some people in here could relate with my "outburst" and understand what i went through.
i still like DBD, i spent most of the time there when i'm bored, but you know, after a strenous day, all you want to do, is to open your favorite game and have some fun, but it gets sweaty and stressful and all that happens is you getting angrier and frustrated.
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Yup I feel you. been getting nothing but sweat fests every game. The other day was sent to Haddonfield 4 times in a row vs these death squads.
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lol, same, but i got sent to coldwind like 7 times in a row, i think it was cowshed, which contains good long loops with safe pallets. that was frustrating as hell.
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I'm am not worried about pipping, myself. Freedom of playing over 4 years I guess. All my goals are met.
But, I understand those that still desire to.
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This is not okay what you are writing and I will explain why. I conclude the following from what I have read. You are supposed to meet only Tryhard SWF's ? Sorry, but no one will believe you..... and even if it would be so, then you are just so good with the respective killer, that you just belong there. (each killer has its own MMR). You write: it has become frustrating and sweaty for you than it was already without.....man recognizes quite clearly that if you do not make a 4k, you are not satisfied with yourself. In the end, it's up to you and just because a survivor plays with metaperks doesn't mean he's tryharding.
Just like someone who has 5000 hours.... he/she is more experienced yes, but it doesn't mean he/she plays better and at least 80% of the people here forget that. I am firmly convinced that the developers will come up with something in the future. However, one should give the SBMM and everything that still comes, a chance instead of directly claim: Do what Devs or the game will die..... DBD will not die and people like us supposedly always know everything better than the devs. You should remember that too. So why don't you come to the forum and create a frustration release thread instead of something like this one ? "The game will die, do something Devs".....
oh man I really can't hear it anymore, sry.
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54% average killrate. i will just leave that here and you can try to make your own conclusions about that.
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When I averaged my games together, the killrate I was getting was between 60% to 65%.
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As much as I hate seeing how awful killer is to play I'm glad I'm not the only one who just can't seem to win as killer.
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The game is dyeing and for you to not to realize that is oblivious. My entire Dead by Daylight Community I am a part of which is 1000's of players have barely played the game since the MMR change + latest patches. And why? Because the game isn't fun any more.
As a person who plays both Killer and Survivor, I agree that if you are playing Killer, you are getting the hardcore SWF'S which I dont mind because its a challenge. But then we cant even win as survivor because we get trolls or just people who are really bad at the game WAY MORE than we ever used to. It used to be a game where you could maybe have some ######### games on Killer, so you can swap and have some good games as survivor. But no, neither side are fun or enjoyable another.
I played maybe a few days when the rank system / MMR changed and then stopped. ALOT of people have done the exact same.
The only positive thing I have seen come out of the latest changes is less visible toxicity, but then again, i've not played enough recently to notice.
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When I face a team I KNOW for a fact is a great SWF, I close end game chat. Because if I beat them they will say things you wouldnt believe.
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I share the same idea as you, I don't want to play killer anymore because too many toxic swf but when I play survivors I'm with a zero team, it's very frustrating.
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All I can say is that they balance for low mmr and at low mmr killer has never been more fun. Lol.
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DBD needs to be blessed like a boon totem
The whole game has some intense, dark energy to it; kinda like the Tesseract from Avengers.
It literally has the tendency to, more-so, bring about the worst in ppl than it ever does cause any synergistically genuine, positively charged unity amongst the player-base, as a whole.
I absolutely believe that nearly everyone who has played this game has at some point experienced a unnatural feeling (varying levels of intensity~mild to extreme) of aggravation, unhappiness, frustration, grief, anxiety, or potentially toxic thoughts; wether personally acted upon, or not.
Interesting how game health and mental health coincide with each other for so many people... especially Killer and Solo Queue players.
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no you aren't. everyone says it everyone comes back. we hate ######### ourselves playing this game and enjoy it
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You know what I too am fed up with killer. In fact I'm gonna not kill survivors out of my empath for my fellow Killer mains .... for a while.
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this is the reason why i started maining killer, i'm tired of meeting bots on my team, but rn, even killer got frustrating, because i meet fully tryhard teams that pop gens at the speed of the light. i wish i could meet these people when playing survivor, but it never happens, lol.
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yeah... fair point.
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we don't get much love from devs... why can't they understand this game is unbalanced for killers and survivors get always favorited in this game?
i get triggered as hell when on forums or instagram page, i read people typing "KiLlEr SiDeD GaMe!!111!!"
i mean, lol, you must be new or bad at the game to make such a statement.
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There is plenty of video evidence that the game is ridiculously killer sided. All you have to do is watch Twitch and you hardly ever see survivors win. After 5 years of nothing but survivor nerfs and killer QOL patches, there is enough evidence they care very little about survivor experience, especially solos.
Survivor gameplay is totally in the dumpster as the game has evolved into nothing but a power fantasy for killers.
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Then why is the average only 2K?
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Honestly stop lying. I see plenty of survivors on twitch, youtube, or whatever 4 man escape against good and bad killers. Killers AND survivors have had nerfs and buffs, even solos have had buffs but people dont want to take off their meta perks to use the solo buffed perks.
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Maybe the streamers are always the 2 that get k'd.
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Yeah, avarage. I wanna see high MMR killrate.
I have never thought any game should be balanced around avarage / bad players. Best balance I know has Dota and that is around top players...
For me it's not really about problem to get 4k even when I face survivors with 2k+ hours, but it is just stressful and boring to see offerings, items and same perks each game.
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I wonder why there is record of over 500 escapes(without keys) in a row in killer sided game... weird
If you think this game is killer sided, then you are just bad...
This game is killer sided in low MMR.
Kinda balanced for some on avarage MMR, unless you play really bad killers.
Survivor sided in high MMR, unless you play top 3 killers.
Tournament level is just survivor sided no matter what you play, but I wouldn't count that.
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It doesn't that happen to me that often.
I don't mind to play against good SWF and just have hard, but good game. Where it is skill and not carried by items and offering.
But I just hate SWF that destroy killers and think it is something hard to do...
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Whats funny is I was playing no kill killer yesterday. And I faced a swf all pc and I was like great well have a good time. So for half the game they all ran when I came near. And in chases they seemed about 3% faster than normal, something only someone with thousands of hours would notice. They had all the good second chance perks. So I killed them with gusto. Boy that end game chat was like playing a whole nother game LOL.