Who doesn't want play killer anymore with the mmr?

In the title
I play both sides but noticed it's easier to get higher mmr with killer. With sweaty survivors at high mmr it can become a nightmare for killer which will put players off.
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I'm waiting for Legion buffs. Until then I don't care about MMR on killer side. It hits my mindset very hard that I'm against underperforming wall.
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Nah, I'm still enjoying killer just as much. My games are slightly harder, but I don't mind trying a little more in a competitive game.
I have decided to learn more killers since my highest MMR killer (Wraith) is getting pretty tricky, but I was already doing that to a lesser degree, so no huge change there.
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I still am, but I'm almost exclusively playing Nurse.
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Killer is about the same for me as it always was
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Doesnt MMR mean that most games should result in a 2k 2esc average?
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I've been fine playing killer (and survivor) since the SBMM/MMR was introduced.
With the preface that I know that Rank/Grade means "nothing" (or it's supposed to not mean anything, though that's still up for debate since some of the inner workings of the system have been revealed), I was Rank 1 at both killer and survivor before and since the implementation. Before, I would run into a lot of tough squads with any killer I played -- learning new killers or practicing with ones I needed work with at Red Rank was a near impossibility. I did get occasional games where my lobbies were inexperienced, memesters, or lower ranked, but they weren't all that common. A lot of games at that level were sweaty on both sides (not necessarily bad -- people are naturally competitive, so that's to be expected by anyone who is playing to actually try to "win").
Since SBMM went into effect, the killers I'm very experienced with or have strong track records of success with -- I'm getting strong lobbies, but that's what I would expect, and frankly, they haven't been much different than what I saw prior to the change. Even so, I'll still see the occasional lobby that plays like they're not at that level -- I think that getting people into lobbies at a reasonable pace is still taking some precedence over the matchmaking itself during peak times (which is why, regardless of killer, I still get instantaneous lobbies during the evening/night hours due to the lack of killers/large numbers of survivors playing during those times).
The killers I've needed to practice with, hardly play, or are just learning, though? I've seen a definite difference in the opponents I face (as in, a drop in their experience or skill level). While I've occasionally had some head-scratchers here and there (again, I think due to the system prioritizing getting people into a match at some point over everything else), most of those games have seen me facing people who are good enough to be a somewhat competent challenge (due to my being experienced at basic killer mechanics overall) but not good enough to keep me from matches that I can learn, practice, and actually accomplish what I want to do in a match with someone new.
Since SBMM, I've gotten better at killers I never thought I'd be able to accomplish that with (Huntress being a prime example), I've snagged multiple Adepts (including killers I've just picked up playing, like the Twins, who the few times I played before SBMM I got curbstomped over and over -- now I've actually been able to practice with them and -- gasp -- had fun playing them), and overall my experience has been not perfect -- the system can definitely use some tweaks and changes to improve it -- but it's been more fun than I had before in the old system (when, to compete at Rank 1, I only played certain killers and specific builds if I felt I wanted to have a chance).
I know others have said their experiences differ. I'm not discounting or dismissing their opinions or experiences, just stating my own, so that's simply what it is -- one person's experience (and I play close to 40 hours+ a week, so I have a lot of time in the game). I do think that the people who say that EVERY single match is a sweatfest of SWF Death Squads or sweaty Nurse/Blight/Spirit every round that ends in a 4K are exaggerating the reality of the situation -- or they're living on a Bizarro World that I'm thankfully not getting a chance to be a part of, I guess. Again, take all that for what it is -- my experiences with it.
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I've pretty much become a survivor main now. The matches are just unfun ad a killer.
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K’s need a buff in general. Bring the fun back. Even as a survivor I appreciate and have fun with a powerful K
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Yes and no
If you have an average of 2k 2 esc every match with your main killer with the best perk and addon and you need to play hard every match for that mean that the second you dont have those addon or change your perk for something else you are going to get destroy.
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me 🙋♂️
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I became a survivor main long before the new MMR. I didn’t like the stress of killer gameplay along with how it felt like everything in the game was against me and how toxic players were. I doubt much has changed. I will try buffed Trappi Boi a little but probably go back to my Bush.
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I have completely stopped to play as a killer.
As a survivor, most games are now camp & tunnel the first hooked survivor so i'm about to totally uninstall the game.
If we massively stop to play, maybe the devs will understand that now we have enough.
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Guys...guys... you do not understand it all... the devs long time goal is to make everyone a survivor main. They just prefer survivors to killers, so they want to share the joy of being a survivor main to every player. If you finally leave killer gameplay and become survivor main they will stop nerfing killers and making survivor sided choices. Why do you so obsessed of being a killer main? Just stop playing killer because the devs will never be happy other way!
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I still enjoy killer. I’m going to try to not let MMR get to me when I play.
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Also this. Including but not limited to the FF remasters. I still have an active sub to FF14 but I haven't logged in, in a while. FF4 is one of my fave games of all time and replaying it has been great.
SBMM has made the game unfun. Completely. And even streamers are getting tired of it. Dowsey has had to take a break because of it. I don't blame him.
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The true test will be this event. If killers actually care, they wouldn't be playing with mmr and boon totems with longer queues. But if they do, it kind of proves they are just blowing smoke.
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MMR was just the beginning of the misery wait till you see these boon totems.
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They wont be as bad as they were in the PTB....they shrank the radius of them and they cant stack with each other anymore
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I've been playing this game for 4+ years and as much as I hate to do it, I'm thinking about uninstalling the game indefinitely. SBMM has killed any fun I used to have playing killer. The game is so unbalanced for this system to work and survivors now dictate a match which should NEVER be a thing. I didn't play this game for as long as I have and dumped as much money into it, to be a competitive sweatlord. It just feels bad.
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I still play killer but it's a lot harder to want to when I literally see just swf's with items. I don't like slugging nor camping but it feels super necessary to win at high mmr.
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Killer main for 3 years, I no longer play killer these days.
Now I prefer the fun role which is survivor.
Thank you MMR, I still hate this system.
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Then there game will die
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If anything - i don't wanna play survivor with the new MMR!
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I stopped playing my favorite killer. I just couldn’t do anything with trapper anymore. So I pretty much just play w few games a week now. I’m in the fence overall
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I can't stand playing killer now. Match making sucks sweats nothing but sweaty players everytime.
I never had a game that gave me so much anger. This game is the first. Devs listen to your casuals or you will lose them.
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My games are ending in under 4-5 minutes because I'm matched with survivors that have 64 hours, I'm not even kidding.