Altruism point cap adds toxicity

Here is what I witnessed today. One player stops unhooking during end game and just walks around map opening boxes. I asked in end chat:
-Why did you walked by people and didn't unhook them?
-I maxed out my Altruism points.
Well, can't argue with that. So, why not give players like that incentive to continue unhooking by removing the cap?
Honestly, I've never seen anyone say or do something like that in all of my hundreds of Solo Queue games. That's very weird and I can assure you that most players probably don't think like that...
However, I'm all for raising the point cap so everyone can earn more points in general. And increase point gain from actions like healing, generator repair and other altruistic actions. And make it easier to earn Survival points besides escaping the trial.
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That would defeat the purpose of the category, IMO. It's altruism, not moral dessert-ism.
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I've never seen anything like that before either. People act differently with MMR. Just a personal feeling. More selfish. Maybe others are more lucky.
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That's the theory. In practice, it's just another category for earning BPs.
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yea I have seen this tons people deciding "no more gens because I am maxed out" " no more heals or saves because well I am maxed out on points i get nothing for it."
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Yeah, I even heard twitch streamers say that. It's sad that game is practically designed to limit people who want to do certain role.
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You'd think helping yourself escape would be a big enough incentive. That's 5k BP they're potentially pissing away for no reason.
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there is other things they can work on to progress the game and earn points as well. is what I have heard them say when asked why.
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When you can AFK in basement for an entire trial and get double that, plus whatever you did for participating to fill up the other categories, remind me why 5k matters?
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You can't, though, due to stillness crows. At best, you can constantly hop between lockers, which is about as engaging as watching paint dry. Even then, the points you get from being in the basement are very low. It's 5 BP/s, so you'd need to spend 2000 seconds (33 minutes and 20 seconds) constantly hopping between lockers to get 10k.
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yea you cant earn much doing that.
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Then I'd be up against an AFK killer, in which case I'd cleanse totems (a good source of BP and also counters "AFK" killers with NOED) and GTFO.
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Tell that to my Basement Bubba/Myers even when no one pops in to say hi. Survivors are always strapped for points in low-mid, but an absent killer game can shore up that 5k easily - the pretense that no one has the option of switching roles is asinine.
Plus, performing actions in the basement gives even more - those lockers while in a terror radius give more than that, as is the basement chest, et al.
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Tell that to my Basement Bubba/Myers even when no one pops in to say hi. Survivors are always strapped for points in low-mid, but an absent killer game can shore up that 5k easily - the pretense that no one has the option of switching roles is asinine.
We're talking about survivors' points, though. It's literally in the title: altruism cap. Killers do not have an altruism score category, so why are you bringing them up?
Plus, performing actions in the basement gives even more - those lockers while in a terror radius give more than that, as is the basement chest, et al.
The locker-hopping while in TR is capped at 250 BP, and opening chests doesn't give any boldness points whatsoever (it's also capped at 250 BP). You'd still need to spend a long time in the basement to get your 10k BP.
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I'm bringing up killer games because you brought up BP - whether you like it or not, offering an alternate, easy route to BP is an easy counter to any claim that lazy/selfish players would inherently covet a mere 5k. Even if the cap were changed, survivors who're behaving like OP says are still going to seek the low road.
The survivor experience is one where options abound, the killer experience is one where you're frequently awarded BP regardless.
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Except we're talking about survivor scoring within the same trial and how some players are reacting to the scoring caps, not survivor scoring in general. Your implication that they would/should just play killer if they wanted that 5k would only be meaningful if they could swap roles during the trial, which they can't.
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We're talking about survivor scoring within a trial, sure. Your initial response about 'moral dessertism' is one I agree with, by the way - real altruism 'scoring' would give other people BP :P
Your next comment, though, the one that brought me in: "You'd think helping yourself escape would be a big enough incentive. That's 5k BP they're potentially pissing away for no reason."
They're already the type to piss away 5k. I'm of the opinion that someone like that isn't overly concerned about whether they get out or get that 5k in the first place, just trying for grade or BP - a lot of people view MMR as a punishment since the reveal, so I disagree that someone. While the trial might not net them that 5k, any other time in a play session will. A deliberate misinterpretation doesn't change what I'm saying.