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Your favorite and least favorite map?

Which map do you guys like the best? My favorite is Haddonfield. I love the suburban neighborhood setting. Its very unique compared to the other maps. Being a Halloween movie fan, its an added bonus being able to traverse Haddonfield and step into the Myers house.

My least favorite map is Autohaven. Ugly map with piles of junked cars. Never liked it. Shelter Forest is another map I don't care much for. Not a bad map, just very boring. Nothing distinguishable about it. Just one big layout of rocks and trees.


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  • Member Posts: 335

    Favorite: Coldwind Farm. Hard to say why, except I just always seem happier when I see this than the others.

    Least Favorite: Blackwater Swamp. I hate this place as both sides.

  • Member Posts: 3,293

    I hate the farm maps with a passion. Those walls make it impossible to trick the survivors.

    Favorites are The Game and Badham.

  • Member Posts: 2,047

    Haddonfield will always be special for me.
    Can't stand The Pale Rose. I don't mind the Grim Pantry, but I always groan if I see a Swamp offering because I know it's a 50/50 of ending up on a terrible map. The Game is quickly rising to challenge Pale Rose though, because the upstairs gen spawns can be virtually unwinnable against any competent killer. Three gens within spitting distance of each other, woo.

  • Member Posts: 33


    As Killer, Shelter Woods easily. There is no "sweet spot" like all other maps in the early realms. Sure, pallets can be a pain but I have the least trouble with this map. Always glad to see it pop up.

    As Survivor, Haddonfield. It's just my favorite map in the game in general.

    Least Favorites;

    As Killer, both Swamp maps. They're way too large and the tall grass doesn't help. When this map shows up, I generally want to just quit the match.

    As Survivor, Gideon Meat Plant, three words, "where's the gens!?".

  • Member Posts: 91
    edited May 2018


    Lery's is my favorite map. I also like Azarov's and suffocation pit for their "split in two" concept and The Game.

    Least Favorites:

    Everything else. Really, all the other maps are garbage for most killers. If I had to choose my absolute least favorite map, Grim Pantry without a doubt. I also absolutely despise Preschool, Haddonfield and ALL the Coldwind Farm maps.

  • Member Posts: 606

    I hate every single coldwin map and lery's. My favorite map's are Autohaven and Badham

  • Member Posts: 2,047

    @Valkari said:

    As Killer, both Swamp maps. They're way too large and the tall grass doesn't help. When this map shows up, I generally want to just quit the match.

    Whenever I roll Pale Rose, I secretly hope the killer's going to leave.

  • Member Posts: 2,258

    Favourite? The Game

    Least favourite? Swamp maps, or Farm maps

  • Member Posts: 56

    I love the game, i hate the hospital.

  • Member Posts: 29

    Hmm I would have to say my favourite would be between the MacMillian Estate maps and maybe Auto Haven Wreckers.
    My least favourite would be “The Game” I don’t know why but there’s just something about it that makes me dislike it. :/

  • Member Posts: 7,164

    A lot of hate for the swamp maps. Is this from killer mains? Because as a survivor main I love those maps.

  • Member Posts: 13

    My favourite map is Haddonfield.
    And Lery's the worst for me! >:(
    Windows, Windows and more Windows!

  • Member Posts: 10

    Favorite Map: Autohaven Wreckers - Azarovs Resting Place
    Disliked Map: The Game

  • Member Posts: 742
    Preschool is my most hated one but McMillan maps I like 
  • Member Posts: 2,428
    Favourite: The Game (so many references and small details, it is also really different to all others giving great chances for new strategies) and Hospital (because sexy Doctor and sneaky map).

    Least Favourite: Asylum. I hate the middle building and the open area surrounding it. I would say Swamp too, but the honk from the boat...

    Honorable mention for best map to Red Forest, which I dont oftenly get. I like the rain and the good balance between hiding spots and plain sight. 
  • Member Posts: 850
    Least favorite : Tie between Pale Rose and Grim Pantry (seriously Swamp just needs to go)

    Favorite : Crotus Prenn Asylum. It's fun to play as both sides imo, and seems pretty well balanced (compared to some maps that are more killer or survivor sided)
  • Member Posts: 405

    Least favorite: Coldwind by far. The jungle gyms are see through, corn is everywhere, the cow tree spawns as well as the shack, extremely safe pallets. I sigh the second I see a coldwind map.

    Favorite map: This one is a lot more difficult, as long as the gigantic loop does not spawn I think red forest is the best map. I like the rain, the map seems like it had some thought put into it. The big house loop just takes a lot from it when it spawns.

  • Member Posts: 20

    I hate hate hate the backwater swamp - specifically the grim pantry variant. It's too big and too many buildings. both survivor and killer games I always want to leave as soon as possible.

    I LOVE the Asylum - losing the killer is freakin' easy in the building itself and the scenery is actually lovely.

  • Member Posts: 94

    Favorites are MacMillan and Coldwind tied. My least favorite currently is the Gideon Meat Plant. But only because since it came out I have played it at most 10 times. I still need to learn it.

  • Dev Posts: 7,555

    Favourite has to be either (don't hate me) the Swamp or the Red Forest. They both look amazing and have such a unique feel to them. I know the swamp gets a lot of hate for being big, but I honestly never have any problems on them on either side. It was horrible when it came out and way too big, but the size was reduced and the generators were pulled closer to the middle. The entire outer edge tiles (one or two tiles deep) is basically a massive deadzone that nobody goes to, and once you take those out, it's not much bigger. + Honourable mention to the sloped tiles, I can see people on those from half way across the map.

    Least favourite is probably either Shelter Woods or Haddonfield. Haddonfield has too many spots that either waste loads of time, or if generated the right way, are literally infinites. It's unique, I'll give it that, but it's never been my cup of tea.

  • Member Posts: 94

    @Peanits said:
    Favourite has to be either (don't hate me) the Swamp or the Red Forest. They both look amazing and have such a unique feel to them. I know the swamp gets a lot of hate for being big, but I honestly never have any problems on them on either side. It was horrible when it came out and way too big, but the size was reduced and the generators were pulled closer to the middle. The entire outer edge tiles (one or two tiles deep) is basically a massive deadzone that nobody goes to, and once you take those out, it's not much bigger. + Honourable mention to the sloped tiles, I can see people on those from half way across the map.

    Least favourite is probably either Shelter Woods or Haddonfield. Haddonfield has too many spots that either waste loads of time, or if generated the right way, are literally infinites. It's unique, I'll give it that, but it's never been my cup of tea.

    Swamp and Forest are my next best maps. The new Grim pantry has some surprises, ans I always like spawning into Red forest.

  • Member Posts: 86

    Léry and The Game. I hate the swamp and farm maps, they just awful to me, especially the farm maps, they're just so bland compared to newer ones.

  • Member Posts: 20

    @ObscuredbyFog said:
    Favorites are MacMillan and Coldwind tied. My least favorite currently is the Gideon Meat Plant. But only because since it came out I have played it at most 10 times. I still need to learn it.

    once you learn where the generators spawn it's A LOT easier. Just look for closed steel doors and take a gander.

  • Member Posts: 94

    Yea i get the steel doors theme... i still get turned around tho. Just need more time playing it.

  • Member Posts: 121

    I love Autohaven Wreckers Pallet heaven and i can't stand The Game because it's literally a huge labyrinth where i can't find any generators...

  • Member Posts: 67

    Fav map as killer and survivor: Red Forest
    I hate all corn maps with a passion as killer and vivor.

  • Member Posts: 2,095

    Favorite : Azarov.
    Least Favorite : Haddonfield

  • Member Posts: 624

    favorite - rotten fields....

    least favorite - anything swamp-related....

  • Member Posts: 26
    My favourite map (keep in mind i’m a killer main) is Gas Heaven, i just love the layout and feel of the overall map.

  • Member Posts: 57

    Love Suffocation Pit for whatever reason (Killer main)
    Hate Swamp and Blood Lodge

  • Member Posts: 6
    My least favourite maps are The game, rotten fields and Auto haven. 

    The game because it's impossible to tell where the killer is. Are they above me?beside me? I can constantly hear a heart beat regardless where I am. I also dislike the lack of windows and How many dead ends there are. It also sucks when someone's uses all the pallets upstairs or downstairs so you are stuck with nowhere to go. I love the concept of the map, just think it need some work.

    Rotten Feilds is just too open and I think it lacks substance. It's just a big square with corn and the Killer shack slapped in the middle. I find it boring. 

    Auto Haven is a map that I frequently end up at so I guess the main reason why I dislike it is because I've grown tired of seeing it every others match. 

    Maps that I enjoy are Haddonfield, Red forest, and unpopular opinion but I like the swamp!

    Haddonfiels is unique, I also love the Halloween movies, and Michael is my homeboy. Using lithe +quick and quiet on that map is also a life saver, I must add. So many sneaky plays. 

    Red forest is the most detailed in my opinion. I love the rain sounds and the overall layout of the map. For some reason I find it a comforting map to play on. 

    And the swamp, both of the maps. I'm sure a lot of people will think I'm crazy for saying I like it, but I do. I think it's great for being stealthy. It holds a special place in my heart, since the first match I ever played was at the pale rose. 

    Sorry, for the long post! 
  • Member Posts: 568
    I like most of the MacMillan maps. The Asylum is good, the Autohaven maps are iffy (Gas Heaven is probably the worst of those). Red Forest is decent, though a bit big for most killers. Springfield and Haddonfield are ok.

    The two indoor maps though...

    No matter how many times I play them, I always have trouble finding gens in Lery's and The Game. I know about the sliding door thing, I still end up running around like an idiot.

    And 90% of the time when I see a puzzle piece offering it's a Doctor with Distressing and Unnerving.
  • Member Posts: 40

    Favorite: Coldwind Farm, specifically Thompson House. Fair amount of pallets and neat house design.

    Least favorite: Mother's Dwelling and both Backwater Swamp variations. They're both too big, if you're not playing Hillbilly on those maps, you lose. They're just too big.

  • Member Posts: 118
    edited May 2018

    As survivor I dont really care about which map I appear in. As killer, it depends on which killer Im using, but my absolute favorite is the hospital. I just take a detour and appear right next to the survivor.

  • Member Posts: 1,784

    Favourite: Idk, a MacMillan map probably.

    Least Favourite: Both Swamps and Badham. May they burn in hell.

  • Member Posts: 157

    @Dwight_Fairfield said:
    Which map do you guys like the best?

    Any Coldwind Farm map. I like the visuals and the coloring of those maps.
    I like the design (color and visuals, that is, not pallet placement and obstacle bonanza) of most maps, but Coldwind Farm just looks _right _to me. I can't explain why, exactly, but that's what I'm seeing in my head when I think "DBD".

  • Member Posts: 46

    I don't really like any of the farm maps they appear too often and feel a bit stale these days I like pale rose for both killer and survivor i like preschool for survivor and the game for killer as well

  • Member Posts: 7,164

    For those who have played it, has the new map made it to your favorite or least favorite list?

  • Member Posts: 19

    Favorite Map is definitely The Crotus Prenn Asylum maps. Least favorite is for sure Haddonfield or The Badham Preschool.

  • Member Posts: 7,164

    @GhostRoaster29 said:
    Favorite Map is definitely The Crotus Prenn Asylum maps. Least favorite is for sure Haddonfield or The Badham Preschool.

    Damn. Haddonfield and Badham are like my top two favorite maps.

  • Member Posts: 2,055

    Favorite - Rotten Field (Billy rules this map)

    Least Favorite - Bad Ham, just bad for killers in general (Trapper is pretty good on it though :chuffed: )

  • Member Posts: 301
    I despise Mother's dwelling cause it's big and dark at the same time , and more over my frames drop drastically due to rain (I wish it had option to be disabled) . I don't mind any other map at all .
  • Member Posts: 143

    I love Haddonfield a lot and I'm really like Father Campbell's Chapel a lot, too.
    I do not like Mother's Dwelling at all and The Pale Rose at all.

  • Member Posts: 1,273
    edited June 2018
    Favourite map is Mother’s Dwelling. It doesn’t not matter if I play Survivor or Killer, I ALWAYS do well on that map. No matter the Killer I play either. It’s my “Lucky Map”. I don’t know why, but, I just never have a bad game when I play that map. 

    Most hated is Lery’s Memorial Hospital. I ######### DETEST that map. I’m permanently lost, both as Killer and Survivor. I have no idea where I am, where the ######### the hooks or generators are, how the ######### to get to either, and where the hell are the exits again?! If you have me as Killer on that map, and I manage to hook you, please don’t think I’m camping because I’m “staying close.” I’m literally running into dead ends and have no ######### clue how to get to Point B from Point A. I go one way, oh wait, no, I have to go around that way... double back and go around... uhhh where the ######### am I again? 

    As Survivor, I’m sorry team. I’m going to spend most of the match running around utterly clueless where the ######### I am. I have NO IDEA where the hell the gens are. NO IDEA where that gen I was working on 30 seconds ago was after I took off running when the Killer got close. I have no idea how the hell to get to an exit to open it. Lastly, if you got hooked for a second time... PLEASE don’t be mad if I don’t make it to you before you die. I have NO CLUE how to get to you. 

    Lery’s defiantly hit the nail on the head for the “Spark Of Madness” theme... cause that map drives me up the ######### wall and I’m bat ######### crazy by the time I finish playing on that map. 
    Post edited by SovererignKing on
  • Member Posts: 474

    As a killer? When I play Myers, probably Lerys. Otherwise I don't really have a favourite map. My least favourite map would be Badham Preschool or any of the Swamp maps, but especially Grim Pantry. That map should never have been made, the devs knew no one liked Pale Rose. As a survivor, my favourite map is by far Rotten Fields. Almost nothing but corn. Lots of room to hide, and Lithe is good here because you can jump a window and run into the corn and then Urban Evade away. After that, probably the Asylum. My least favourite map? I'm not sure. Maybe Mother's Dwelling, because I don't understand how to loop on it and most of the generators are exposed.

  • Member Posts: 615

    I hate Haddonfield with a passion. When chasing a surv and deciding to try and mindgame only to find out that the fence or hedge you were tryin to go around is neverending and causes you to lose the surv.

    I also hate the swamp maps. Why are the gens placed at the edge of the docks while the only way to get up there is by going all the way around or the ramp is literally forcing you to have to take a detour and go to the other side and around to get there?

    I also hate the farm maps because of the hanging cow tree. It's such a bad design. It should either have a window vault OR a pallet. Not both. I can abuse that thing so easily and survs abuse it when I chase them.

    My favorite maps include Lery's, Crotus Prenn, Mother's Dwelling, and believe it or not, but the Preschool too. The layout for the Preschool (especially in the PTB witht he reduced crutch pallets) is something I can work with.

  • Member Posts: 187

    I love all the Coldwind Farm and all the Autohaven Wrecker maps (except for Gas Haven). But I hate the Swamps with a passion. Everytime I'm put on this map I just want to hardcore insta-DC. Atrocious maps, imo.

  • Member Posts: 106

    my favorite maps are The Red Forest and The Game and the Asylum... least favorite is the preschool. i don’t feel either way about the others one.

  • Member Posts: 1,142

    Favorite maps are easily the Farm and Haddonfield.

    I truly hate the Game, not really sure why

  • Member Posts: 36

    The map i hate most is Pale Rose at The Backwater swamp. And for me, Ironworks of Misery is the best (best window loop xD)

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