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General Discussions

How can you guys even play killer now with the sweaty players? Game used to be fun for casuals.

Member Posts: 2,188
edited October 2021 in General Discussions

You would think that taking a long. Break would not get me frustrated with the game again. BUT it did 5 games in a roll with sweaty as hell players looping leading me on chases and body blocking.

I just hate how this game became a sweaty competition now. I hardy face players of my level now.

Game used to be fun and not frustrating as both survivor and killer cause it started out as a casual game.

Now with mmr it's not fun at all. All it does now is give me frustration after frustration were I used to have fun:( Now I don't even have fun now.

Now if I just play killer I just play for fun and I don't even care now if I lose. As in if I get the chance I just camp a survivor now sad huh. But ah well. Camping It is then

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  • Member Posts: 2,885

    Yea MMR is causing problems everywhere but if you keep playing you should have a few games that will be fine......

  • Member Posts: 2,096

    I just went back to playing doc

  • Member Posts: 3,255

    I play using rancor,Stbfl , Pwyf and ruin on every killers. That how bored I am of the game.

  • Member Posts: 538

    Sucks for you. I've barely noticed a difference and still having loads of fun stomping survivors

  • Member Posts: 462
    edited October 2021

    Honestly, I don't see any difference. The matchmaking is as inconsistent as it was before.

    One game I am playing against sweaty players, and very dirty, but I win. Next game I expect even more sweat... but I am getting cute casual survivors next 5 games. I even go for 12 hooks during those matches. After that -- one more sweaty game.

    I think the things that make difference are: either I am playing against SWFs or not; also map makes the difference. That's it.

    Most survivors now pre-drop pallets, hold W, and rushing gens. The same thing over and over again, so I run Thana, Bamboozle, Brutal and Corrupt on Plague. Works well on Plague.

    Unfortunately, the only thing MMR did to the game -- it just somehow removed the fun. I don't remember when I really enjoyed the match last time or rather when I really needed to think or mind game last time. Everything now is straightforward: majority runs meta, dead hards, tried to hold M1

  • Member Posts: 1,118

    Not every match should be a hard loss or sweat fest either. If a player comes in to casually play (I.E bringing niche builds, non-meta, no slowdown perks, etc.), and gets repeatedly stomped by teams who are all running the stereotypical meta load outs and capping gens in under 5 minutes, there's a problem. That's not fun for anyone. If you enjoy playing hard, cool that's you. But not everyone wants to come home and tear their hair out after being on a losing streak. Especially when you go against toxic players.

    That's why most games that are competitive have a quickplay (Non-Ranked) game and a competitive (Ranked) game. To separate the casual players from the players who take it seriously.

  • Member Posts: 1,443

    The game used to be free wins for me before MMR. Now that we have MMR it's a bit more balanced except for the fact the game isn't balanced.

  • Member Posts: 8,314

    That's a balance problem, not an MMR problem, and it was the case before the MMR introduction too. You may see slightly fewer people goofing off in your games now, but the risk of bringing fun niche builds and getting stomped was always extremely real and this genuinely hasn't changed that beyond slightly adjusting the percent-chance of being ######### over.

    This game doesn't need a casual mode because it's not the kind of game that works like a ranked mode either. This system doesn't need changing or reverting- the game just needs to be balanced so the meta isn't so overwhelmingly strong on both sides.

  • Member Posts: 1,118
    edited October 2021

    If it's a balancing problem, then it's an MMR problem since that's the whole design of MMR. To balance players skill levels against each other so that you're in the same bracket. Also, negative to your claim. Before they kicked out the ranked system, I was doing niche builds on Rank 1 and my matches against Survivors were a lot more casual than they are now. That's not to say it was balanced before. I will admit that there were times I went against SWF death squads that absolutely destroyed me when I had my best on and times that I gone against absolute potatoes. BUT, the majority of my games were relatively even in skill level. Any mistake I made on my part, I suffered for but the game didn't end immediately by it depending on when it was made.

    Now? I rarely get any casual plays. It's always against meta running groups where a majority of them appear to run comms based on how they move and play. And by your logic, it does need a casual mode. You said so yourself that this is a COMPetitive game. A lot of people want to do PvP and enjoy it without having to go balls to the wall just to secure 1-2 Kills if you're lucky. If every other PvP game is able to do it, then DBD can as well. This would probably solve the big queue issue right now too that a lot of people are experiencing since this MMR release.

  • Member Posts: 590

    I honestly don't know anymore, every killer I have has hit the threshold where I face the same survivors I go against as Nurse and honestly I am a little bit bored during my matches because it's always the same builds and fast generators, at this point I want to run slow down and I want to run noed because at least those will work, my unique build doesn't work half the time.. and don't even get me started on how stealth killers just feel so unrewarding to play as, especially when you go against swf.

  • Member Posts: 1,069

    Admit it u just get used to stomp noobs and think how good u are. And now when mmr revealed that killer actually needs to be good to win u want it back.

    If u want fun and chill, then bring meme builds and stop bothering about your results. If u keep thinking 4k=fun u will burn out. If you want win, then welcome to *sweat*. It's how every PvP game works.

  • Member Posts: 8,314

    Addressing the most important but also the simplest point first: "competitive" =/= "serious ranked-mode tryhard". Competitive just means you're competing against other players, even if it's a casual competitive game. That's why you shouldn't put too much stock in a loss- do you give half a damn when you lose in Mario Kart or Smash Bros? It's not that serious.

    Anyway: I'm not saying that the balancing problem is completely independent of the MMR system, I'm saying that the fix for this issue doesn't involve changing the MMR system in any way - though I would like to see some improvements to that system where possible, those improvements not being in place aren't causing the problem, the game's balance problem areas at higher ranks is what's causing the problem.

  • Member Posts: 968

    If I start feeling really irritated I'll just switch to clown and play my face camping build of starstruck, no way out, NOED, and sloppy butcher. Sloppy butcher to make pick up slower, NOED/NWO for obvious reasons, with starstruck performing the pivotal role of engineering the 'game throw' in the situation where you have someone on hook, down a 2nd trying to unhook, and 3rd/4th rush to unhook when you pick up.

    The stupidity of being able to 3-4k every match while doing barely anything relieves the irritation by reminding you that you don't need huge, grand schemes for things to work out.

  • Member Posts: 6,987

    I am playing against casuals every game at low mmr. Lots of fun.

  • Member Posts: 5,279

    I just play for challenges, dailies, and BBQ stacks, kills dont matter to me at all.

    You can always just listen to music, drink beer or smoke a joint while playing to not taking it too seriously.

    Killer gameplay feels like work and not a game when taking it too seriously anyway

  • Member Posts: 4,759

    If you were winning pre mmr then you were not playing casual. If you are playing casually then you shouldn't care if you lose in 4 minutes.

  • Member Posts: 778

    What do you mean by sweaty though? Do you mean players that use strategy? Players that try to win? Players that ramp up their efforts if they see the match is not going in their favor? Meta builds?

    I mean, it seems you like to win a lil bit considering you are not happy playing against people who try to win against you, so what do you mean by casual players? Clearly, you don't mean players who don't try to win at all, so do you mean players that just sort of, move forward and maybe occasionally try to do things in the game? It sounds like I'm being snarky, but I am genuinely confused by what you mean when you classify players as either "sweaty" or "casual".

    Now, I will agree with you that MMR has pretty much sucked all the fun out of the game. This game is not balanced around teams (killer team vs survivor team) of similar skill levels. It's balanced around survivors not knowing what they're doing, and it gives both teams very frustrating mechanics to deal with to patch up a shoddily designed foundation. We're on the same page there, I'm just not sure what you mean with your premise.

    Brainless looping, meta/second-chance perks, holding W, bodyblocking, gen rushing, stacking up on gen regression, tunneling and facecamping, are all things that are literally there to appeal to casual players who like to get safeguarded by the game's systems instead of investing time and effort learning how to deal with complicated gameplay, and they're the reason the game breaks at higher level.

  • Member Posts: 139

    I understand you. Most of my games are incredible hard and no fun at all. Dont get me wrong i dont want an easy 4k but it would be nice to meet survivors on my level. Sometimes i meet survivors that could literaly loop me for 5 gens and its just frustrating. I only play low tier killers and thats makes it even harder to win. I lose a lot of matches since the introduction of mmr

  • Member Posts: 131

    For me it's simple, i chose 2/3 killer on which i will never try to win or sweat and only do meme build or dumb playstyle. That way my MMR for those killer are tailored for meme gameplay and i very rarely go against sweaty team. And if there is an instance when the gens get done and there is 2 survivor left, i make "mistake" on purpose to let them go, so that my MMR barely move and i know that i have those 2/3 killer for when i want chill, fun game.

  • Member Posts: 14,890

    It wasn’t better before MMR for me though. Actually the worst games I had during Emblem based matchmaking. Now it is more consistent and you directly feel that the game is balanced in favor for survivors when everyone plays at least decently. But not by much (not talking about highest MMR/top 5%, as most people do not actually experience that)

    MMR hopefully shows the devs where they have to focus on when balancing.

  • Member Posts: 1,147

    Game isn't balanced, simple as. Survivors at high levels are too strong and have too many good things going for them.

  • Member Posts: 220

    not true at all, you're just lucky, i never use sweaty builds(i can't, i have all the killers but i miss a lot of perks) yet i find sweaty tryhard squads almost always, i took a break from the game(3 weeks), now i'm back and it's even worse than before...

  • Member Posts: 2,197

    Sweaty players have always been a thing. Just use their altruism against them. Most SWFs don't play optimally.

    Alternatively you could play in a way to not increase your MMR. I typically, and have before SBMM, released the last survivor. I down them and carry them to the hatch/door. I've already won and always try to be nice. The escape points are worth more to them than the unhook points for me. MMR just makes that more rewarding for me now too

  • Member Posts: 1,069

    Survivors of your level will beat u. U won't get 4K if 4 equal skill survivors will be against u. At best 2K. If u make decent mistakes all 4 escape.

  • Posts: 2,039
    edited October 2021

    I consider myself a casual player and i think rank was so much worse. You either got people WAY out of your league, or rainbow ranks. With sbmm it doesn't feel like that happens anymore, i feel like i play with casuals too instead of twitch streamers and swfs.

  • Member Posts: 2,197

    I have to agree with this. That and the rank resets meaning skilled players were paired with new players were horrible. At least now your MMR wont reset and seems to be fairer overall...

  • Member Posts: 2,188

    I probably would be fine if that's the case. But like you said it's not balanced.

  • Member Posts: 2,188

    At least someone is agreeing that it's worse then before.

  • Member Posts: 6

    10x worse than before MMR.

    OK it's not every game, but I would say 95% of games now are just against sweaty, gen-rush, flash light abusing survivors who then feel the need to taunt you about it.

    But I've decided to now just have fun and not play the game 'seriously' (and to not play their game); I don't camp and no point chasing them so once I see the team is like this I just go stand somewhere or run around randomly, and don't bother giving them the attention. Maybe even lead them to some gens. I end up having fun (and it spoils their game as they get less BP and less fun from being toxic trolls because I'm not chasing them). Then just LOL when you get the occasional sad acts who still Tea bag you after that even though you are clearly no longer playing the game as its meant to be played.

    PLUS, you even get the odd friendly survivors who appreciate what you're doing and you end up having a good time :)

  • Member Posts: 123

    The worst thing about it too is that the majority of those sweats aren't even good. They just sit on gens and hold W.

  • Member Posts: 1,599

    I can't play with the Hackers. Didn't mind playing with the sweaty players

  • Member Posts: 618

    not true, I took off most of the strong slowdowns quite a while ago and yet i still verse the same teams: dead hard, unbreakable, iron will + medkit

  • Member Posts: 767

    Having a bunch of perks doesn't mean they're sweaty. If by chill you mean rank 20 bill crouching in corner with urban evasion then yeah though luck

  • Member Posts: 353

    It’s tough coming back after a long break. I’m going up against survivors who are clearly veterans and keep stomping me lol. I’m just taking it in stride, practicing until I master techniques and finding good builds to counter the good survivors.

  • Member Posts: 2,188
  • Member Posts: 3,130

    If survivors aren't genrushing, killers are killrushing. Slowing the game simply makes killer easier.

    MMR has caused way too much sweat so there's no time ever to waste. Killers still win way too much because survivors have to be too good to finally pull off a win.

    Casuals can't manage to get gens done with how fast killers can down, usually.

  • Member Posts: 508

    Wrong, Wrong, Wrong. Simply by not sucking, you will face the sweaty builds almost nonstop.

  • Member Posts: 618

    this specific combination is in 99% scenarios used by players that end the game in 5 minutes

  • Member Posts: 11

    I honestly think MMR feels a lot better. I notice it primarily while learning killers, something I never used to do before (I learned a couple of killers up front but then never played anything else because of how killer rank used to work). Since the MMR change, I will play a new killer and it seems to always follow the same pattern: I lose two matches to competent survivors, then 4k around 5 matches against terrible survivors as I'm learning the killer, and then they gradually get better and more challenging up until I finally get stomped and have to start queue dodging SWFs with 3 flashlights and a key.

    I honestly feel like we must have different ideas of what "sweaty" means, because for me I don't start feeling like the team is sweaty until they're trying for flashlight stuns on every pickup and 3-man body blocking late hooks. And honestly, even on the killers I'm good at (which I think I play at medium-high MMR) I'm only getting those players once every two or three games, especially if I watch for patterns in rooms I get into for SWFs. Meta perks and genrushing aren't sweaty, they're just how you're supposed to play if you want to escape.

    What the game really needs (and has always needed) is an unranked mode. It seems like half the community prefers casual, low-stress play, and a "normal game" queue would really help. No idea why this still isn't a thing.

  • Member Posts: 2,197

    I just meant that's how I had always played. I apologise if I implied that would directly effect MMR. Gate escapes do effect MMR. You can close the hatch and then let them leave that way. Or if you down the last while second last is on hook, bring them to hook for save. Again, I've already won at that stage. I don't really care what way the round wraps up. It doesn't matter to me. It does, however, matter to the survivors I show kindness to...

    (Note: Does not include Bills. They will say "ggez get rekt" after you close the hatch and carry them to the exit to leave. Terms and conditions do not apply)

  • Member Posts: 4,125
    edited October 2021

    I would consider myself as a tryhard killer main but I stopped playing this game for long periodes of time. I switched over to other games and play dbd maybe 2-4 hours in a week, just a few games on a day or two.

    Not mainly because of balancing issues but purely of lack of interest. Since this game has been the same for 5 years I just lost interest to "really" play it more. Now it is one of many smaller games I have in the library of steam and play it occasionally.

  • Member Posts: 1,893

    Not true. All it takes is 1 or 2 kills per game and your MMR will keep skyrocketing. This includes people killing themselves on hook, and noED kills.

  • Member Posts: 3,302

    I used to like playing semi competitively. I was rank 12 so had a good balanced game more often than not. I didn't mind sweat or bully squads once in a while, but since this the mmr I now can't play casually at all. Im being given the run around every game. Maybe it'll make me a better player, but its certainly made me a more angry one 😅

  • Member Posts: 3,302
    edited October 2021

    Yeah. I even played really well as Oni and still only got 1k. I just laughed as I had literally no regrets, they just had 16 perks to my 4 😑

  • Member Posts: 220

    yep, before the MM was more "constant", now it's like:

    1st game: ,you get normal players that are quite appropriate for you level, usually 2 kills 2 escapes( or 1 kill and many hook, 3 escapes etc etc)

    next game: sweaty SFW fullsquad 0 kills 4 escapes

    the game after: extreme tryhard not SWF (maybe 2 friend and other 2 friends/randoms), few hooks 0 kills

    4th game: yet again sweaty player that clearly aren't at your level and can easily outclass you(maybe one kill but just because they felt pity of you)

    5th: you get matched against people that barely started playign the game or are so bad, that they somewhat manage to hook themselfves(it's a joke).

    this i what heppened to me TODAY!, the MM is completely random and inconsistent, you rather get pro players that bullies you most of the times, or you get dumb survivors that run in circle, and sometimes, maybe you get matched with noamal players and you have a normal game (2 kills 2 escapes)

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