What can you do against Brand New Part ?

Three games in a row, BNP every game, SWF very coordinate on generators.
End chases quick is not enough, camping/tunnel/slug all I try is useless against this addon in the right hands.
Against a real genrush, what can you do ?
Im still learning as killer, but my mmr grow too fast, the games are too hard for me. Sometimes I can get 1 or 2K but against BNP its always 0K.
I prefer loosing because survivors are too good at looping. Loosing against genrusher its so frustrating I dont know what to do.
Im a survivor main and when I tried BNP with friends it was a 4 escape almost every game.
I think generator speed need a nerf or BNP should just be deleted from the game.
Any advice for me ? What do you think of BNP ?
Corrupt Intervention to stop them from using BNP on the first gens they see, Hex: Ruin to force them off gens and regress any progress the BNPs make. May need Hex: Undying to protect the Ruin.
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The only real way you can counter BNP is if you find a survivor before they had a chance to use it (which require corrupt) and hitting the toolbox out of their hands with Franklin's Demise and letting the toolbox lose charges so they can't use it to repair the gen.
Outside of that Ruin and Pop can regress the progress on a gen that was BNP'd, but that's not really countering it.
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I dont have these perks on the killer im currently practicing 😅
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You can't really counter BNP without regression perks or CI, so good luck I guess.
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Thats what I was thinking we cant counter BNP without gen regression perks, its boring...
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Nothing, next question.
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You can look at it from the other perspective too, other than BNP and prove thyself, not much you can do against pop.
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Actually you can, by blocking the generator with one of Cheryl perk "repressed alliance". Also this perk will receive a buff in next patch.
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And it’s still mediocre.
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I don't think so 45 secs to trigger it its a decent buff, its half gen time.
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Stopping Ruin and Pop is mediocre? What?
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It doesn’t stop them, it prevents them being used on one gen after a significant time investment. Most matches you will get next to no use out of it.
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Preventing 𝘪𝘴 stopping lol. One gen is all you need when the killer can only pressure one gen at a time.
I do agree the current 60 secs is a bit much, although you don't need to use the perk multiple times a game to get good value from it.
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Blast Mine, Repressed Alliance, Built to Last, Resilience
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And that leaves you without an exhaustion or anti-tunnel perk, gl.
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I didnt say it is a build, just perks you can use against pop which are good
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Run and predrop pallets seems to be effective🤑
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Honetsly its really simple you cant counter bnp you take the gen lost and play for a 3 gen and hope you can defend it
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Play Basement Bubba or Trapper.
Tunnel from the start. It's no different from survivors doing their objective asap, even though many players will whine about it because they can't handle losing.
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Play booba.
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I like the Pretty Lady skin, my favorite outfit from the movie, I could consider playing basement Bubba sometimes 🤔
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What do you do against brand new parts? Well you just have to suffer
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You can't do anything against it.