Why do you want to be among high MMR players?

I apologize that my post is probably one of the thousands on the subject but lately i don't understand what some of the players actually want.
The new MMR is giving us new experience whether good or bad, does not encourage "victories" and is not built for the competition of who will "win".
Yet everyone is trying their best to "win", complaining about survivors and killers and they want to reach the top even tho they are having bad time, not having fun and always sour about what is coming next.
I didn't manage to survive today, only 2 manage to escape and one of them probably wanted to insult me or the killer for the way we played and they said "uninstall the game".
They escaped just like they wanted, so why they got upset?
I have never found players satisfied or not taking the game so seriously.
I'll tell you the truth, i only played 3 games and i didn't care about anything, i played for my fun and the game felt okay and not stressful or annoying in any way.
So why players don't play the same way but prefer to reach the high MMR and suffer?
I would like to chill as a survivor sometimes but nowdays I don't feel like I can because I will let down my teammates by not being super sweaty every game.
I am not concerned about being messaged it is just I can't relax if everyone else is sweating because of the sbmm. I don't want to bring down everyone with me.
Then you have a killer side where you can relax I guess if you give up on winning and no one else is going to "lose" because of it.
But I want to play both roles when I feel like it.
Sbmm either made this game less appealing to me or I am burned out and need a very long break. I can't figure it out. It could also be my health issues where I feel like doing things at slower pace and I can't keep up with everyone because it is exhausting since the sbmm.
But I love dbd so I watch a lot of streams lately at least.
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It isn't fun to lose in any game, but DBD kinda ramps that up.
If you lose, you'll likely be taunted in-game or post-game (like in your case).
This is humiliating and drives players to win absolutely at any cost. It's partly why Killer slug for the 4K. Nobody can taunt you in-game or shittalk you post-game if they all died.
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Why do people play on high school sports teams? Why are people driven to get into good schools or find high paying jobs? I'm sure people have different reasons, but some are motivated by the perceived power or influence it could bring. Some want recognition. Some may feel a need to prove to themselves that they are better than others. Some probably just are motivated by a desire to challenge themselves, get better, and be the best they can be.
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I really don't want to be at high MMR, at least on PC... not if that means I run into more cheaters
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It's not that I want to be "high mmr" it's that I want teammates that work as a team and feel like we're pretty evenly skilled. Only basing it on death/escape I'm not getting that experience.
Before if I died in a match the next match I would, most times, be matched with other players that were pretty evenly skilled with me. Sure I'd get potatos some matches but for the most part players cared about pips and would be fairly useful to get a pip, especially at the higher ranks. Just the simple do couple gens, get in couple chases, have couple unhooks went a long way in having a decent match. The emblem/pip system made players focus more on the match than whether they lived or died. Randoms made riskier plays for a teammate during end game.
Now matches feel bad. I get stuck in deathloops that aren't fun. The match itself it feels like my swf teammate and I are the only ones trying while the randoms wait for us to either finish gens for them or for us to die so they can get hatch. My swf teammate and I are getting left on hook pretty much every match while nothing gets done by the randoms. It feels like most matches are 2v1 with the killer not 4v1. We occasionally get randoms that actually play as a team with us but that doesn't happen too often. We are stuck in the deathloops until we either finally get decent teammates or get a killer that shouldn't be matched against us and really isn't fair to them.
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I dont want to be on high mmr, but I dont know why the system took me there.
Im speaking about killer side, im survivor main and a chill killer who like memeing, but I im against very good survivors (I know that because im survivor main)
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I don't want to be high mmr i just want to get as many kills as i can because that's what the killers objective is.
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If you get 2 kills on average you can still raise your mmr depending on the mmr of the survivors you killed.
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A lot of the fun in survivor gameplay for me is optimizing it. I enjoy the sub-5 minute "gen rush" games or games against really good killers where 4 survivors all have to play really well to escape. Give me a good 4 slowdown Nurse and good teammates all day. I'm bored and frustrated when I die to a bad killer that I ran forever and still died to because my teammates were braindead, didn't do gens, and were ridiculously out of position. That's why I push for high MMR. It at least gives me a chance at a game I'll enjoy.
The downsides are plenty though. Matchmaking seems to think two high MMR 3000+ hr survivors will make up for two 100 hr players. The game is often miserable when matchmaking does that. And you run into hackers A LOT when your MMR is high. Like every 4 or 5 games.
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No one wants to be high mmr. It sucks. But losing also sucks. I don't play games I bought so I can lose on purpose and entertain someone else.
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I think only 3K should raise mmr, I dont understand the logic of the system, I raise mmr too fast Im not on that level
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For survivor, no matter youre good or not, sweat or not. You will have eacape 50%. Which is winning.
For killer, 2k every match doesnt feel like a win. And if you 4k one match, means next match you may get stomped to 0k. It makes killer the feel to keep trying harder.
There is a problem that even with 2k, killer mmr still slightly increased. This may 'fair' for those killer to tunnel/camp 1 then Noed 1 for effortless 2k. But no way its fair for killers to 2k with 10 hooks
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It takes into account the mmr of survivors you faced and adds or takes from your mmr.
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To be fair middle of the road ranks to above average and beyond are the only way to enjoy survivor noob ranks are impossible to play
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I think it's more killers want games where they don't steam roll or get steam rolled. Survivors want basically the same. In other words they want fairly evenly matched opponents.
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You just asked everyone why they don't lose on purpose.
Why the hell would you play a game just to lose every game for no reason if you would win?
Where is the fun in getting everyone to death hook and then just going afk while they do the last gens because you don't want to rank up?
Where is the fun in doing every gen just to afk at a hook so you don't rank up?
There is no fun beating people who are clearly new or not at your level...
People want the game to be balanced so you can go for 12 individual hooks and have a close game doing so where it comes down to the last gen.
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Girls like high MMR players 😁
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The problem is that we're being put in high mmr when we don't belong there and don't want to be there. Most of us aren't trying to get high mmr, we're trying to play for fun and to win. Good for you that you don't care about the outcome of your matches but I don't find losing every single match fun.
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Lol... If you want a "close" game where you 12 hook, it almost certainly explains why you are stuck at high mmr despite being "casual tee hee."
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Here's what it is for me. I couldn't give a rat's fart about my score, or my mmr or rank or what have you. However, in a game where I go against an opponent, I try to win. Now, winning isn't my only goal, I also like interacting with my opponent and either outplay them or seeing if they outplay me and how.
DBD is somehow a game that fails miserably since it's balance is completely ######### up, and also it is a game so weirdly designed that there are many circumstances where one side does not really have to outplay the other, I think this is more evident in the survivor side.
The problem with MMR, is that it just exacerbates this for anyone who is mildly decent at the game.
The complains people are having, are the exact same complaints that were true before MMR was a thing. Gens being too fast, the endless torrent of second chance perks, the fact survivor is so much more relaxed than killer cuz it's a role with productive downtime, the absurd excess of resources survivors have compared to what they have to do, the ridiculous imbalance in so many tiles that spawn, how utterly broken swf can be, camping and tunneling, etc. This has always been in the game, but without MMR, you could at least go a few matches without having to encounter this garbage. It was there but it wasn't constant. With MMR, if you're even mildly decent at the game you will encounter this every single match you play, plus the 5 to 10 minute queues, plus the absurd amount of hackers at higher MMR.
Now, Im happy for you that you're able to play the game not caring or wanting anything, but to me that's like if I were to engage with one of those pointless playsets some kids have to play with. I can't have fun just looking at the pretty colors and looking at what the thing does, especially not on a Team vs Team game. I have fun trying to win by outplaying my opponent and engaging in this back and forth with my opponent.
I don't begrudge anyone for wanting to win either, and I don't even necessarily begrudge them for being efficient about it, even if I do get irritated at how petty it can get at times. I am, however, very irritated that the game is so unbalanced that you can't have a good experience when you have two teams that want to win, it's just an endless stream of bullshit and a race to see who can out-bullshit the other the most.
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I reached low MMR on purpose, not worth to lose my mind vs sweats, I'm playing my games as i normally do and die at the end or get hatch since it doesn't give me MMR
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Well I'm naturally very good at the game, so versing a killer that is also good makes for more interesting chases.
Honestly my whole hope for mmr was it was going to be skill based so we could see what needs changes etc. But now we're based on escapes and kills which to me is the worst representation of skill, like I see really good survivors just dying to EGC on purpose to lose mmr.
I want games to be fun, interactive and somewhat challenging on either side. But no matter what role I play I should have a chance to win and feel like I'm doing well, sadly all it takes is good survivors to mess that up for most killers or even a map like the game as a basic attack killer or be matched with survivors not your skill against a good killer and it's a loss.
I want long, lengthy but challenging games
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No idea what you mean by this. I started tanking my mmr the moment they announced they were collecting it behind the scenes. Only now starting to get to the annoying ranks where i need to equip gen defence but i can't be bothered.
I seem to get 3 easy games where i win and then one blowout with a 4 stack that do the gens in 3 minutes so i am happy to stay here :)
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How did you tank your mmr going for 12 hooks? That is a 4k, fam.
But yeah, I play at low mmr too. I feel bad for all these killer mains experiencing the true DBD experience. Rip to them, but I am different.
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I think SBMM is terrible.
That said since my rating has tanked, and I achieved that by eating a continuous run of 0K losses. Games finally feel a lil more casual and only half as salty endgame toxic.
You still get a few tantrums but nothing like the higher ranks where if folks lose (and sometimes even when they win) its like the greatest afront to their sensibilities ever.
Now I play a few games as I normally would then I BBQ farm a bunch of 0ks at the end to balance it out. Its crummy you have to do it that way but its just unplesant to play with the more competitive elements of this community and I'd rather not.
SBMM seems to have exacerbated the negatively competitive experience at higher levels.
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part of the issue probably stems from the fact the game doesnt allow for you to have much in the way of fun when you take the game chill. Especially as a killer. If you're at high mmr, and want to just chill as a killer, you'll get 1 or maybe 2 hooks before the exit gates are open. It doesn't matter who you are, but thats just not enjoyable. I don't mind lowing at all, but when survivors are sweating it out when I'm just chilling and I literally dont even get to play the match I don't have fun. It feels almost mandatory that you need to tryhard to get enjoyment.
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In the recent survey they asked how we would feel about a casual game mode, they are aware of our frustration imo(even for the Incredible amount of complaints on the forum since it came out).
I hope they are doing something about it like improving the system in some way or add the casual mode for real, but they are so slow at making changes that the best thing they should do atm is bring back the old MMR
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zero gen defence and getting 8 hooks then messing with survivors until they walk out the exit.
The best way to stay at tolerable ranks is avoid gen defence and play for hooks over kills. Quick q times and it still presents a challenge. The game eventually throws a depip squad at you and it seems to set you back 3 games before it does it again.
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Because I dont want useless team mates or easy games.
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Because people take the game way to seriously instead of trying new ######### and enjoying themselves. For example, im running a sabo build that basically gets me tunneled each game. Do i care i die? No because im having fun.
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Not particularly. I do not enjoy sweaty players, no matter if i am killer or survivor. I hate sweaty killers and i hate sweaty survivors globally.
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I don't want to be at a high MMR. I literally let the killer kill me to lower my MMR xd
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Well, the way you have fun can be different from how someone else has fun. I don't understand the "competitive" vs. "fun". Being competitive doesn't mean you don't have fun. Fun is subjective, depending your goal.
I have fun if I had interactions with the Killer, with my teammates. I don't care if I die, but I'm trying to improve each game. Improving and facing stronger and stronger players is fun to me.
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I don't. I have no clue why this game thinks I'm some kind of god and is putting me in high MMR after only a few games. I don't want to meme around, but I also don't want to flood the world with my sweat. I used to really enjoy this game but this pathetic excuse for an MMR system is really hurting it. I come back after a few months away only to find that my favorite Killers are all trapped in high MMR for some reason (like I said before, I'm not the god this game thinks I am) and it wants to add Deathslinger to that pile even though most of my games have been 2k or less with him (I just wanted to finish his trophies). BHVR should really go back to the drawing board with it and get some help from other developers who have a successful MMR system.